Postgraduate PhD and Research Masters (MLitt)

Whilst all PhD and MLitt students are registered to academic departments, MUSSI funds, houses, supervises, and provides training for research students from across the Faculty of Social Sciences.  The PhD degree is both structured and research intensive over a four year period while the MLitt degree requires a minimum of two years of study. Applicants are generally expected to hold a good upper second or first class undergraduate honours degree AND a masters degree in a social science discipline or a cognate subject.  MUSSI is actively involved in providing research students with advanced graduate level training modules (in the philosophy of the social sciences, research methods, thematic topics, ethics, and professional development).  MUSSI is a founding member of the Irish Social Sciences Platform (ISSP) and offers research students from ISSP member institutions the opportunity of taking advanced training modules at Maynooth University and Maynooth University research students the opportunity of taking training modules in Higher Education Institutions across the state.
Further Information
Further information on all postgraduate courses can be obtained by contacting:
MUSSI, Maynooth University,
Co. Kildare,
Tel: + 353 1 7083756
Email: [email protected]