Sabina Higgins backs campaign for teaching philosophy in schools
Tuesday, September 6, 2016 - 15:45
New organisation set up to support teachers who wish to offer Junior Cycle short course
Professor Aislinn O'Donnell and PhD candidate Katy Fitzpatrick are members of the founding group of Philosophy Ireland and were co-organisers with Charlotte Blease and Sabrina Keenan of the Philosophy Ireland launch. This the exciting new grassroots network aims to promote philosophy in Ireland, both North and South, and to build communities of philosophical enquiry in schools and in communities. At the launch, Aislinn spoke about her work teaching philosophy in prison and Katy and Aislinn offered an art and philosophy workshop, modelling ideas and exercises from their ongoing collaboration "Art and Philosophy in the Classroom". PhD candidate Sean Henry participated in a panel on philosophy in schools. Maynooth University Department of Education Department was one of the sponsors of this event.