The seminar will facilitate critical debates on the experiences of, and the relationship between, resistance and resolution, peace and justice and associated challenges including local capacities and the struggles for political change and just peace beyond security answers. The panel discussions will provide a platform for relevant approaches and cases studies from Kosovo, Korea, Peru, Colombia, Palestine and Northern Ireland. Each panel will be followed by questions and discussion from the audience.
Speakers include: Yaser Alashqar (Trinity College Dublin), GëzimVisoka (Dublin City University), Fr. Sunghwan Kim (Trinity College Dublin), Lynda Sullivan (human rights activist and writer), Eamon Rafter (Glencree Centre for Peace and Reconciliation), Alejandro Valderrama-Herrera ( National University of Colombia), Iain Atack (Trinity College Dublin), Patty Abozaglo (Maynooth University).
Register now. https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/struggles-for-justice-and-peace-nonviolent-resistance-and-conflict-resolution-tickets-33392333368