These awards are now truly global in scope with students from many of the world’s leading universities participating. Maynooth University has a distinguished record in many of the academic disciplines within the competition, including politics, international relations and European Studies where our students’ work has been highly commended by the judging panels. These awards offer the opportunity to burnish your CV (being cited as a ‘Highly Commended’ entry) and to network with other students and professionals from a wide range of global institutions. We would encourage all students, particularly final year students, who have received a very high mark (68+) in an essay or final yea project to submit such work for consideration. This is a great opportunity to demonstrate your excellent research skills and enable you to stand out as a prominent candidate for future scholarships and postgraduate programmes.
Please take the opportunity to visit the UA website and learn more about the submission process: http://www.undergraduateawards.com/
Students who are considering entering the competition should seek advice from individual faculty members in the disciplinary area the coursework was written for or from Professor John O’Brennan ([email protected]) If you are considering entering the completion for the European Studies essay prize (see separate entry) it would be sensible to ‘double up’, i.e to enter your essay or project in both competitions.
Good Luck!