4th International Narrative Inquiry Conference
Narrating Neo-Liberalism in an Irish Context
Centre for Research in the Social Professions [CRiSP]
Institute of Technology, Sligo
April 19th / 20th 2018
Hosted by Institute of Technology, Sligo, the conference is co-organised and supported by Maynooth University and the National University of Ireland Galway. The conference will bring together a wide range of Irish and international scholars to showcase recent developments in narrative inquiry.
The overall theme of the conference is on narrating neo-liberalism in an Irish context. Local, national and global stories and narratives tell of the impacts of austerity; of the historical silence on institutional sexism, racism, disablism, social class and homophobia; of the fluidity of storytelling and what is considered ‘fact’ or ‘fiction’. In this context, contributions will address the ‘social role of stories’: the ways they are produced, the ways they are read, the work they perform in the wider social order, how they change, and their role in the political process.
Keynote Speaker: Professor Brett Smith. We are delighted to welcome Professor Smith to IT Sligo to keynote the conference. Professor Smith is the Head of Research in the School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences at the University of Birmingham. His research interests include disability, physical activity, health, and well-being; the development of qualitative research and narrative inquiry. He is the founder and former editor of the international journal ‘Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise, & Health’. He has published extensively on narrative inquiry and sits on the editorial boards of many international journals.
Click here to register via Eventbrite
Programme Outline:
Thursday 19th April 2018
5.30-6.30 p.m.: Arrival and Registration Tea/Coffee on arrival
6. 30 p.m. - 7 p.m. : Welcome
7-8 p.m.: Keynote: Professor Brett Smith
Friday 20th April 2018
9 a.m: Arrival
9.30 a.m. - 11 a.m. : Paper Panels X 2
11 a.m. - 11.30 a.m. : Tea/Coffee
11.30 a.m. -1 p.m. : Paper Panels x 3
1 p.m. - 2 p.m. : Lunch
2 p. m. -3.30 p.m. : Paper Panels x 3
3.30 p.m. – 4 p.m. : Tea/ Coffee
4 p.m. – 5. 30 p.m. : Paper Panels x 2
5.30 p.m. – 6 p.m. : Close
Full Programme Available Soon
The conference hotel is The Clayton hotel which is opposite IT Sligo: https://www.claytonhotelsligo.com/
There is a special conference rate of 89 Euro for a double room, bed and breakfast and 79 Euro for a single room, bed and breakfast on Thursday 19th April.
There are a number of other hotels, bed and breakfasts and hostels in Sligo town, details available here: http://www.sligotourism.ie/
All queries to [email protected]