AT 2030
The ALL Institute is delighted to announce that it is a member of a consortium led by the Global Disability Innovation Hub (Link) that has received €12m from UK Aid - Britain’s Department of International Development.
Beginning in September 2018, the programme is being delivered by a global partnership including; WHO, the Clinton Health Access Initiative, UNICEF and some of the world’s best AT innovators, universities and disability NGOs and DPOs. It aims to transform access to life-changing assistive technology (AT) such as wheelchairs, prosthetics, hearing aids and glasses by creating partnerships with the private sector to build and shape markets.
AT:2030 will:
• reach at least 3 million people;
• catalyse at least 10 new disruptive technologies with potential for life changing impact;
• develop at least 6 innovative service delivery models;
• spark 30-50 new start-ups;
• develop and test new methodologies for market shaping on assistive technologies;
• establish an East Africa AT Innovation Hub;
• double DFID’s initial investment through partner backing;
• and use all of this to leverage resources from other stakeholders.
Click here for project website
Click here for 2 page summary