Maynooth University launches first Virtual Open Day for Leaving Cert students on range of third-level courses and opportunities

Wednesday, April 22, 2020 - 09:30
Maynooth University has adapted its annual Spring Open Day for prospective students to a truly virtual experience student life and third-level courses at Ireland’s fastest growing university. 
Traditionally the Open Day, which attracts in excess of 5,000 visitors to the historic campus, gives potential students the opportunity to meet academics, university students and support staff, and provides a valuable insight to the various undergraduate programmes at the university. 
Maynooth University’s first Virtual Open Day, on Saturday 25 April, will assist students in making key decisions about their undergraduate studies in these unprecedented times.  
Some 100 university lecturers and staff from across the university will be on hand for live Q&A discussions, to answer any questions that prospective students and their parents might have. The day’s events which run from 10.30am to 3pm will also feature more than 60 academic and student support presentations through video and other digital platforms, along with social media engagement and student polls. 
Speaking about the Virtual Open Day, Dr John McGinnity, Admissions Officer and Assistant Registrar, said: “The online event enables visitors access to more than 60 presentations, all delivered online by subject experts. Students will hear about subject and course content and graduate opportunities. 
“Visitors will also be able to ask real time questions of university staff and students on specific course details, scholarships and supports, accommodation and university student life. In addition, students will have the opportunity to see the campus, thanks to our drone technology and footage of our beautiful campus. 
“Although we would love the opportunity to welcome and meet students and their parents in person, this innovative online version will assist students in making key decisions about their undergraduate studies in these unprecedented times.  
“Our unique Maynooth ‘coursefinder’ platform online provides visitors the opportunity to drill down into the course structures in each year of the programme, module by module and semester by semester. Important details such as entry requirements, study abroad locations, careers, modes of assessment and indicative timetables are all within easy reach. 
“We are very proud of our colleagues across the university, who have worked hard to ensure the content on the Virtual Open Day will meet the questions students have about undergraduate life at Maynooth University.” 
Dr McGinnity concluded: “Is a Virtual Open Day the same as an Open Day? I don’t think so … but perhaps the next best thing!” 
The Maynooth University Virtual Open Day takes place on Saturday at 10.30am, with the live questions and answers session open from 10.30am to 3pm.
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