Maynooth University International Office
ToggleQ1: My host university offers online teaching in the first semester. Will this be accepted by Maynooth University?
Yes, but you must still travel abroad, live in your host country, register at the host university and earn the required number of credits.
Q2: If the host university delivers the full year online (which may only be known at a later date), will Maynooth University accept this as meeting the requirements of the year abroad?
Yes, but only if you are a resident in your host country and earning credits. (See Q1)
Q3: If I choose to defer my Erasmus/Study Abroad year to 2021/22 academic year (Option A), will I be guaranteed the place I currently hold?
No, you will have to reapply for Erasmus/Study Abroad next year. Unfortunately, due to the unprecedented situation, we cannot guarantee your current place if you choose to defer your year abroad.
Q4: If I choose to defer my Erasmus/Study Abroad year to 2021/22 academic year (Option A), can I apply to a different university next year?
Yes, you will have to reapply for Erasmus/Study Abroad next year and so you will be able to change your choices.
Q5: Can I defer my studies for a year, go on Erasmus/Study Abroad in 2021/22 and then go into my final year in 2022/23?
Yes, but you will need to reapply for Erasmus/Study Abroad for 2021/22 academic year.
Please note if you wish to defer your year at MU, you must request this through Records & Registration Office. Please see their website for more information.
Q6: Under what conditions would Erasmus/Study Abroad for 2020/21 be suspended by Maynooth University?
There are several factors outside our control which may prevent Erasmus/Study Abroad for the coming year:
- At present (as of 15th June 2020), there is government advice not to travel. If this remains in place, we will not send any students abroad.
- We have contacted our partner universities, and a minority have cancelled mobility, but most are not yet clear what will be possible next year. At any time, a partner university might decide to cancel inward exchanges.
- We have contacted our insurance providers, and they have told us that they will change the terms of our insurance for student travel, but they will not be able to confirm what the changes will be until sometime in July 2020.
Q7: Is the decision I put down in the survey final?
If you choose to defer your year abroad (Option A) or revert to your original degree (Option B), we will take it as your final decision.
Q8: If I choose not to go abroad anymore (Option B), but later change my mind, can I still apply to go abroad in 2021/22 academic year?
No, this is not permitted. See Q7.
Q9: If I defer my year abroad (Option A), can I change my mind later and withdraw my application?
Yes, you can withdraw from the programme at any stage
Q10: Do I let my host university know of my decision?
No, the International Office will inform the host university of your decision.
Q11: I may have some repeat exams in August. How will this work if I am expected to go abroad before my final results are released (11th September 2020)?
Please see Policy Document on our website.
Q12: I am a language student and I am worried about going into final year without having the experience of a year abroad. What kind of supports will there be available to me?
You will need to talk to your academic department about supports available to you next year.