The ALL Institute is delighted to announce that Kevin Marshall has been appointed as Adjunct Professor with the ALL Institute, Maynooth University. Kevin is the Head of Education, Microsoft Ireland. He has a BA (Hons) Psychology, University College Dublin, an MSc Occupational Psychology, University of Hull and a Ph.D., Educational Measurement & Research, Boston College.
Kevin has been a great support to and ally of the ALL Institute and has collaborated in a number of projects. He has been a co-applicant on successful funding applications to external agencies. The projects with which Kevin has been involved in with the ALL Institute so far include:
- DreamSpace 2019
- DreamSpace 2020
- Assistive Technology module- to develop accredited AT module for teachers in Maynooth University: a partnership between ALL Institute, Maynooth, Microsoft and Enable Ireland
- SFI COVID19 Rapid response Grant - DreamSpace: Bringing STE(A)M Education to homes across Ireland. Led by Dr Kevin Marshall, Microsoft Ireland with Dr Katriona O’Sullivan Maynooth University
- AI Academy for Good – Community empowerment fund- Maynooth (Psychology, Computer Science, and access office) and Microsoft deliver mentoring and computer science module to 40 early school leavers as a pathway to university study
Dr Marshall is also enthusiastic to contribute to teaching in the Department of Psychology and in the ALL Institute, drawing on his industry/organisational/educational experience.
From everyone here at the ALL Institute, we wish to welcome Kevin Marshall and look forward to working with him.