Aaron graduated from Maynooth University in 2020 with a First-Class Bachelor of Law (International) degree. In 2020, Aaron was elected by the President of ELSA (European Law Students’ Association) Ireland to the position of National Director for Alumni, as well as being a representative member on the Board of Management for the Association.
Aaron commences his PhD in January 2021, as a successful recipient of the Department of Law sponsored Studentship, tutoring in undergraduate areas of Law including Introduction to Criminal Justice and Evidence Law. His research project 'A Critical Analysis of the Law relating to Witness Protection in Ireland' will examine the measures currently employed by the state concerning witness protection, as well as their associated implications, from the context of three key perspectives: The State, the protected witness and the accused. The study employs a comparative methodology in order to gain insight into the approaches of other relevant jurisdictions. Ultimately, the project aims to determine whether the states’ current legal understanding of witness protection ‘lawfully and prudently’ balances all vested parties’ interests, and to make recommendations as appropriate. His PhD supervisor is Dr Louise Kennefick.