The Library will be running three Thesis Support Workshops for Master's students, from Tuesday 29th June to Thursday 1st July 2021 from 10.30am to 11.30am each day.
Topics covered are:
Session 1: Moving from your thesis proposal to research and writing your thesis: find out how start the literature review process, understand sources of information, and search effectively (Tuesday,29th.)
Session 2: Searching for Information for your Thesis: you'll learn about sources of information, improving your searching skills, evaluating information and how to write effectively (Wednesday,30th.)
Session 3: Successful Reference Management and Tools for Thesis Writing: discover how to manage your references when writing your thesis, and how to use a range of tools, including Endnote, to manage your references easily and create citations and bibliographies easily (Thursday, 1st. July)
Further information on Library Supports for students