Forced Displacement and Afghanistan, MU Sanctuary Lecture 2022

Wednesday, January 19, 2022 - 16:00 to 17:30
via Zoom -see registration link below

We would like to invite you to the MU Sanctuary Lecture 2022, which addresses the theme of "Forced Displacement and Afghanistan".

The lecture will be delivered by Gulwali Passarlay, author of "The Lightless Sky: My Journey to Safety as a Child Refugee" (Atlantic Books, 2019) and prominent advocate for refugee rights.

It will be followed by a panel discussion relating to the themes of the lecture.

This lecture is very timely as MU is partnering with Scholars at Risk to host a Scholar fleeing their home country. 
This event is free and is open to all - registration link.

For any queries please contact the MU Sanctuary Committee: [email protected]