The Project “Protecting the Right to Culture of Persons with Disabilities and Enhancing Cultural Diversity through European Union Law: Exploring New Paths” (DANCING), led by Prof. Delia Ferri and funded by the European Research Council with a Consolidator Grant of 2 million Euro has engaged in a series of dissemination activities to mark the MU Social Justice Week. It has co-hosted with the MU Sexualities and Genders Network the event ‘A conversation with Dr Rosaleen McDonagh, author of Unsettled’ (Skein Press, 2021). It has published a new infographic “Where is the Paradigm Shift?”, which summarises in an accessible manner the findings of a forthcoming academic article, which will be published in ALTER- European Journal of Disability Research. Lea Urzel, PhD candidate within DANCING, has published on the Blog ‘Ideas in ALL’ the a post reflecting on the contribution that DANCING aims to give to the promotion of social justice and the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals.
More generally, the project is now hitting month 18, and celebrating a few milestones. The first academic output of the project, the article Barriers and Facilitators to Participation by People with Disabilities in Culture: A Narrative Literature Review, authored by Dr. Ann Leahy, post-doctoral researcher and Prof. Delia Ferri, was recently published in the Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, a leading international peer-reviewed journal in the field of social research on disability. The team has also been working on several research activities that support the achievement of the key goals of the project, and conducted interviews with national DPOs across Europe. To make sure that project activity are accessible to a wider audience we have published a Project timeline, an Infographic explaining why we are doing the project), a gif explaining the goal of the project, a cartoon showing what we have achieved in our first year. In the past months, Prof. Ferri in conjunction with her team has also engaged with policy work, by means of four submissions to Irish national consultation processes on disability and on culture. All the team members have contributed to dissemination by publishing several blog posts on current issues of disability law.
A series of publications are forthcoming and the project team is also organising an event in collaboration with ‘ReCreating Europe’. Stay tuned and follow them on Twitter at @DancingErc!