Exploring the bioethical implications posed by patents - and how they are used - on technologies related to the human body.
Project Description:
Patents are a type of intellectual property right which give the rightsholder(s), the right to stop others using the patented technology for the duration of the patent – this is usually 20 years. Currently, under the European patent system, the human body itself is not patentable. However, technologies that relate to the human body are patentable: for example, patents are available on technologies that treat the body such as medicines or elements of a vaccine; on isolated elements of the body including, isolated human genes which are patentable in Europe, and on elements of technologies such as medical devices that can be integrated with the body. Patents over such technologies can pose significant bioethical implications, as the extent to which such technologies are patented, and if patented, how such patent rights are used, can potentially affect how we can treat, use and modify our human bodies.
Twitter: @PatentsInHumans