On 30/31 October 2025 the Centre for Military History and Strategic Studies, in partnership with the Brazilian Naval War College, will hold a conference at Maynooth University to explore the topic of maritime strategy and policy 'beyond the Anglosphere'.
The aim of this conference is to develop a deeper understanding of maritime strategy and policy by exploring theory and practice beyond the dominant narrative that is most commonly explored and expressed through the English language. We aim to share viewpoints and insights from multiple countries and regions ‘beyond the Anglosphere’, addressing these within their own right rather than interpreting them through the lens provided by a traditional ‘Anglo-centric’ approach. Through this project we will promote understanding of the true complexity of global theory and practice, grounded in non-English language debates and sources, and foster engagement with a topic that is richer and more complex than one might suspect from a mono-lingual perspective.
At this stage we invite proposals for papers of c.15 minutes, accompanied by a CV, to be sent to Professor Ian Speller ([email protected]) no later than 30 November 2024.
Full details in
History - CFP Beyond the Anglosphere Conference