The 2024 BOC Award was presented to Mr. Darren Beirne. Pictured are Dr Diego Montagner, Mr. Kieran Hennessy (BOC), Mr. Darren Beirne (BOC award recipient 2024), Dr. Trinidad Velasco-Torrijos, Prof. John Stephens.
Wednesday, October 2, 2024 - 09:00
The Department of Chemistry is dlighted to congratulate four of our postgraduate students on their recent awards. The awards consisted of the annual BOC award which is presented to a 3rd or 4th year PhD student who has demonstrated excellence during their PhD studies. In addition postgraduate awards were were presented to recognise the important contributions that the postgraduate students make to the department. These include the following:
Chemistry Postgraduate Research Award
Chemistry Postgraduate Teaching Award
Chemistry Postgraduate Poster Presentation

Congratulations to all.