Dr Qian Xiao

Qian holds a BSc degree in Computer Science from Beijing Normal University and a Ph.D. from National University of Singapore (NUS). She was a recipient of the NGS Scholarship from the NUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences & Engineering. She also holds a Postgraduate Certificate in Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Innovation Pathways for Researchers from Tangent, Trinity College Dublin.
Qian's research interests are centered on machine learning and data mining, particularly in applications for data privacy, educational data analytics, urban data modeling, and climate change AI. Her recent work focuses on self-supervised deep learning models for tabular data modeling.
Qian is a funded researcher under the SFI Future Digital Challenge programme for addressing data quality issues in urban building energy efficiency assessment. She is also a translational researcher in the SFI ARC Hub Programme, working on AI solutions for educational assessment. Before joining Maynooth University, she was awarded the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Fellowship to work on Educational AI through the HUMAN+ Programme at Trinity College Dublin.