My MU Experience - Bachelor of Arts Degree MH101

Monday, December 2, 2024 - 15:45

My CAO First Preference – Marketing Student Raneem

I began my CAO journey as a clueless teenager who was unsure what to choose. After discovering the Maynooth Arts Degree, I researched its various pathways and it was a great fit for me. I was excited to choose subjects that interested me. I chose Sociology, Critical Skills and Business (Marketing) in my first year, but was still unsure of my future career path.

This uncertainty became a valuable opportunity for me to discover my passions. As the year progressed, I always found myself more interested in Business (Marketing). I really enjoyed my modules and took advantage of the flexible pathways available.

Flexible pathways means there is an option to transfer to the MH404 Business Marketing degree (as I had studied this subject in my 1st year of MH101). Moving into the MH404 degree meant I could apply for a work placement year. This was one of the best decisions I made as I got the chance to study what I am passionate about, and gain invaluable hands-on experience doing my work placement. This has set me on a path that I’d like to pursue.

My undergraduate degree in BBA Business Marketing at Maynooth University has been an experience that opened many doors of opportunities. I am truly grateful to experience studying in a beautiful and vibrant campus filled with great support. It has fostered my personal growth and the desire to always seek knowledge.

My time at Maynooth has been very eventful. My degree has allowed me to balance my studies and extracurriculars. Joining clubs and societies have helped me find my closest friends and enjoy activities that I’ve never done before. I joined Archery, Arts & Crafts and the Business Societies. It has allowed me to build my community and a network of people who share my interests.

Maynooth has provided me with valuable friends along my journey and taught me invaluable lessons that I will cherish for a lifetime. As I end my undergraduate degree, I am confident and ready for my next chapter in life to explore different opportunities and to spread around the joy of studying at Maynooth.

CAO Information Evening - January 14th 2025