Education in Prison Seminar: Perspectives from Ireland, Europe and the United States

Friday, April 4, 2025 - 12:00 to 15:00
MUSSI seminar room, Floor 2 of the Iontas Building

Light refreshments at 12pm with seminar from 12:30-3pm

Education in prison has a long history but the ways in which education is understood, justified, and valued in prison contexts are highly variable. This seminar addresses the question of education in prison, reflecting on the kind of education that ought to be offered in prison, the values and principles that ought to underpin this, and its relation to education in wider society.   The seminar will bring together scholars and policymakers from the United States, Ireland and Scotland.

The speakers will situate these debates in the wider policy landscapes, in particular the revisions of the Council of Europe (1990) document Education in Prison. With a wealth of knowledge from both practitioner and policy perspectives, this seminar will be of interest to professionals, academics and policymakers involved in Education and in Criminology. It will be an opportunity to learn from experiences in different jurisdictions, consider common concerns, and provide a space for a fruitful dialogue on charting a way forward for education in prison.

Speakers are Jim King and Anne Costelloe, Kevin Warner, Anne Durst and Cormac Behan.

This event is in person only. Please indicate your dietary needs on the MS Forms link