Prof Aphra Kerr

Professor Aphra Kerr is an adjunct Professor at the Department of Sociology at Maynooth University. From August 2024 she has moved to take up a full time position as a Professor of Information and Commununication Studies at University College Dublin.
She is a co-Principal Investigator with the SFI ADAPT Centre for Digital Content Technology, phase 2 (2021-2026), a multi-institutional national research centre in Ireland ( In ADAPT her research is focusing on AI Governance and Ethics as well as public engagement methodologies. She has a number of leadership roles in ADAPT including Science Lead of the TDG strand, challenge lead of A&R and Maynooth institutional lead. She is PI on two collaborative projects involving ADAPT and Dublin City Council/Smart Dublin (2022-2025): Smart D8 and Digital Twins.
Aphra is also a co-PI on the HEA/ Shared Island funded research project YouGAMSI (with Prof. John O'Brennan, MU and Dr. Paul Kitchin, UU) 2022-2024. This project is examining gambling marketing through live sport on the island of Ireland.
Aphra is co-PI on the Algowatch project funded by Creative Europe, 2023-2025. This project is examining how to extend media and information literacy to take account of emerging algorithmic and AI literacies.
Aphra is a co-PI on the Global Media and Internet Concentration Project funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council in Canada (2021-2026) and lead by Prof. D. Winseck of Carleton University, Canada, which is examining media and internet concentration data across 40 countries.
She is also on the management committee for Ireland of the GRADE Cost action - Grassroots of Digital Europe: from Historic to Contemporary Histories of Creative Computing (2022-2026).
Across these projects her research focuses on the design, governance and impact of digital media and technology in everyday life. Media technologies, and technologies as media, pervade every aspect of contemporary life in advanced societies, and play an increasingly important role in governing social and individual behaviour. It is critically important that we question the values that inform technological innovations, mitigate harms and improve their governance. Social scientists need to work in interdisciplinary teams to understand, educate and inform the design and use of next generation technologies.
Aphra is the author of two monographs on digital games published by Sage and Routledge respectively (2006 and 2017), was associate editor of the Digital Communication and Society three volume encyclopaedia (2015), and has published over 70 peer reviewed publications. Her journal articles have appeared in Big Data & Society, Critical Studies in Media Communication, Internet Policy Review, Information, Communication and Society, Media, Culture and Society, New Media and Society, Convergence, Surveillance and Society, International Journal of Cultural Policy, International Journal of Cultural Studies, European Planning Studies and Ethics and Information Technology.
Prior to coming to Maynooth in 2005, she worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at the Centre for Media Research at the University of Ulster in Northern Ireland (2004-05), and at the Society, Technology and Media research centre at Dublin City University in Ireland working on projects relating to public service broadcasting policy, media literacy and digital inclusion (2001-2004).
Prior to coming to Maynooth in 2005, she worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at the Centre for Media Research at the University of Ulster in Northern Ireland (2004-05), and at the Society, Technology and Media research centre at Dublin City University in Ireland working on projects relating to public service broadcasting policy, media literacy and digital inclusion (2001-2004).
From 2001-2003 she was a Government of Ireland post-doctoral fellow (IRCHSS) working on the project Contemporary Digital Media: The Emergence of Digital Games.
Her PhD (DCU, 2000) examined Ireland in the Global Information Economy: Innovation and Multimedia Content Industries with a focus on the barriers to innovation in global and local multimedia content services. During her PhD she spent six months as a European fellow at UNU/INTECH in Maastricht, the Netherlands.
See info on publications at Google Scholar and many past publications (2005-2024) are available open access in the university's publication repository MURAL.
She can also be found on Linked In.
Research Interests
*Social expectations, ethics and governance of AI (digital media, smart cities)
*Industry and production studies of digital Games and digital media,
*Social impacts and regulation of the gambling industry
*Media work and media workers - including below the line
*Diversity, inclusion and social justice in media and tech, esp. gender.
*Public/civic Engagement in Science and Technology
*Public/civic Engagement in Science and Technology
*Human/Machine/Nature Relations in society
Research Projects
Book Chapter
Year | Publication | |
2023 | Kerr, Aphra (2023) 'Economy' In: The Routledge Companion to Video Game Studies. New York : Routledge. [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2023 | Kerr, Aphra (2023) 'Decodificando e Recodificando Game Jams e Espaços de Criação de Jogos Independentes para Inclusão' In: Economia da Cultura e Industrias Criativas. São Paulo, Brazil : Itaú Cultural Observatory. [Link] [DOI] | |
2021 | Kerr, Aphra (2021) 'The Circulation Game: shifting production logics and circulation moments in the digital games industry' In: Digital Media Distribution. Portals, Platforms and Pipelines. New York : NYU. [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2021 | Kerr, Aphra (2021) 'Before and After: Towards Inclusive Production Studies, Theories, and Methods' In: Game Prodution Studies. Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press. [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2021 | Kerr, Aphra (2021) 'Ireland' In: Encyclopedia of Video Games: The Culture, Technology, and Art of Gaming. Santa Barbara, CA : Greenwood (ABC-CLIO). [Link] | |
2021 | Kerr, Aphra. (2021) 'Decoding and Recoding Game jams and Independent Game Making Spaces for Inclusion' In: Independent Videogames: Cultures, Networks, Techniques and Politics. London : Routledge. [Full-Text] | |
2021 | Kerr, Aphra (2021) 'Foreword' In: Games and Play in the Creative, Smart and Ecological City. New York : Routledge. [Link] | |
2020 | Kerr A. (2020) 'Decoding and recoding game jams and independent game-Making spaces for diversity and inclusion' In: Independent Videogames: Cultures, Networks, Techniques and Politics. [Full-Text] | |
2005 | Kerr, A. (2005) 'New Media' In: Shaw, H(Eds.). The Irish Media Guide. Dublin : Gill and MacMillan. | |
2004 | Kerr, A. (2004) 'Girls Just Want to Have Fun!' In: Oudshoorn, N., Rommes, Els and Sloten, I(Eds.). Strategies of Inclusion: Gender in the Information Society. Vol III: Surveys of Women’s User Experience. Trondheim : Norwegian University of Science and Technology. | |
2003 | Kerr, A. (2003) 'Súil Eile. An Irish perspective on the mass media, technology and globalisation' In: Samatar, A(Eds.). Prometheus's Bequest: Technology and Change: Proceedings from the Macalester International Roundtable, 2002. Minnesota : Macalester College. [Full-Text] | |
2003 | Kerr, A. (2003) 'Girls/Women Just Want to Have Fun: A Study of Adult Female Players of Digital Games' In: Copier, M, and Raessens, J(Eds.). Level Up: Proceedings from the first international conference of the International Digital Games Research Association. Utrecht [Full-Text] | |
2002 | Kerr, A. (2002) 'Representing users in the design of digital games' In: Mayra, Frans(Eds.). Computer Games and Digital Cultures. Finland : University of Tampere. [Full-Text] | |
2002 | Kerr, A. (2002) 'The business of culture. New media industries in Ireland' In: Peillon, M. and Corcoran, M(Eds.). Ireland Unbound. A Turn of the Century Chronicle. Dublin : Institute of Public Administration. | |
1999 | Kerr, A. Preston, P. (1999) 'The Development of Multimedia in Ireland' In: Williams, R. & Slack, R(Eds.). Europe Appropriates Multimedia. A Study of the National Uptake of Multimedia in Eight European Countries and Japan. Trondheim : Norwegian University of Science and Technology. | |
1998 | Kerr, A. (1998) 'Teaching Photography – A workshop on Thinking about, and Seeing Photographs' In: Banville, E., Mullery, M, Ui Eigeartaigh, A., Kendall, T., Shiel, L. (Eds)(Eds.). Conference Proceedings from Third European conference on Integrating Information and Communications Technology in the Curriculum. Dublin : Dublin City University. | |
2020 | Kerr, Aphra and Savage, Joshua D. (2020) 'Hacking at the techno-feminist frontier – Gendered exclusion and inclusion in technology cultures' In: Producing Knowledge, Reproducing Gender: Power, Production and Practice in Contemporary Ireland. Dublin : UCD Press. [Link] | |
2019 | Kerr, A (2019) 'Game Production Logics at Work: Convergence and Divergence' In: MAKING MEDIA: PRODUCTION, PRACTICES, AND PROFESSIONS. AMSTERDAM 1071 : AMSTERDAM UNIV PRESS. [Full-Text] | |
2016 | Kerr, Aphra (2016) 'Recruitment, Work, and Identity in Community Management: Passion, Precarity, and Play' In: Virtual Workers and the Global Labour Market. UK : Palgrave MacMillan. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Kerr A.; King-O'Riain R.; Titley G. (2013) 'Transnational media networks and the 'migration nation'' In: Migrations: Ireland in a global world. Manchester, UK : Manchester University Press. | |
2015 | Kerr, Aphra and Ivory, J. (2015) 'Online Games' In: Mansell, R., Ang, PH., Kerr, A., Steinfield, C., van der Graaf, S., Ballon, P., Ivory, J. D., Braman, S., Kleine, D., Grimshaw, D. J.(Eds.). The International Encyclopedia of Digital Communication and Society . New Jersey : Wiley-Blackwell. [Full-Text] | |
2014 | van Egeraat, C, O Riain, S., Kerr, A. (2014) 'Social and Spatial Structures of Innovation in the Irish Animation Industry' In: Global and Regional Dynamics in Knowledge Flows and Innovation. London : Routledge. [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Kerr, A; King-O' Riain, R; Titley, G (2013) 'Transnational media networks and the 'migration nation'' In: MIGRATIONS: IRELAND IN A GLOBAL WORLD. MANCHESTER : MANCHESTER UNIV PRESS. [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Kerr, A (2013) 'Space Wars: The Politics of Games Production in Europe' In: Gaming Globally: Production, Play and Place. BASINGSTOKE : PALGRAVE. [Full-Text] | |
2012 | Kerr, Aphra (2012) 'The Irish and UK Videogame Industries' In: Zackariasson, P. Wilson, T(Eds.). The Video Game Industry: Formation, Present State and Future. New York : Routledge. [Full-Text] | |
2011 | Kerr, A., De Paoli, S., Storni, C., (2011) 'Constructing the Role of Users in ICT Design ' In: Pierson, J., Mante-Meijer, E., and Loos, E.(Eds.). New Media Technologies and User Empowerment. Berlin : Peter Lang. | |
2011 | Titley, Gavan, Dr Aphra Kerr (2011) 'Here, there and everywhere: Polish media transnationalism ' In: Fanning, B. and Munck, R(Eds.). Immigration and the Irish Experience of European and Global Transformation. Farnham : Ashgate. | |
2011 | Kerr, Aphra (2011) 'Player production and innovation in online games - Time for new rules?' In: Crawford, G., Light, B. and Gosling, V(Eds.). Online Gaming in Context — The social and cultural significance of online games. Oxon : Routledge. [Full-Text] | |
2011 | Kerr, Aphra (2011) 'The Culture of Gamework' In: Deuze, M(Eds.). Managing Media Work. Thousand Oaks, CA : Sage. [Full-Text] | |
2010 | Botvich, D., McGibney, J., Ostapenko, G., De Paoli, S., Kerr, A. and Keatinge, M. (2010) 'Integrating Players, Reputation and Ranking to Manage Cheating in MMOGs' In: FDG 2010: The 5th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games. California : ACM. [Full-Text] | |
2010 | Kerr, A (2010) 'Beyond billiard balls: transnational flows, cultural diversity and digital games' In: GOVERNANCE OF DIGITAL GAME ENVIRONMENTS AND CULTURAL DIVERSITY: TRANSDISCIPLINARY ENQUIRIES. CHELTENHAM : EDWARD ELGAR PUBLISHING LTD. [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Kerr, A., Brereton, P. and Kücklich, J. (2009) 'New Media: New Pleasures?' In: Gunter, B. Machin, D(Eds.). History of Audience Study. Volume 1. Media Audiences. SAGE Benchmarks in Communication. London : Sage Publications. [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Kerr, A. and Riain, S. (2009) 'Knowledge Economy' In: Kitchin, R. & Thrift, N(Eds.). International Encyclopaedia of Human Geography. Oxford : Elsevier. [Full-Text] | |
2007 | Kerr, A. (2007) 'From Boston to Berlin – Creativity and Digital Media Industries in the Celtic Tiger' In: Lovink, G. and Rossiter, N(Eds.). My Creativity Reader. Amsterdam : Institute of Network Cultures. [Full-Text] | |
2007 | Kerr, A. (2007) 'Locating the Digital Games Industry in the New Media Environment' In: Sreedhar G V S(Eds.). The Gaming Industry - An Introduction. Hyderabad, India : Icfai Books. | |
2007 | Charles, D., McNeill, M, McAlister, M. J. Kücklich, Kerr, A. Black, M. Moore, A. Stringer, K. (2007) 'Player-Centered Game Design: Player Modeling and Adaptive Digital Games' In: de Castell, de S Jenson, J(Eds.). Worlds in Play. International Perspectives on Digital Games Research. . New York : Peter Lang. [Full-Text] | |
2007 | Kerr, A. (2007) 'Transnational flows: media use by Poles in Ireland' In: Horgan, J., O'Connor, B., and Sheehan, H(Eds.). Mapping Irish Media: Critical Explorations. Dublin : UCD Press. [Full-Text] | |
2006 | Kerr, A. (2006) 'The Business of Making Games' In: Rutter, J. & Bryce, J(Eds.). Understanding Digital Games. London : Sage Publications. [Full-Text] | |
2006 | Kerr, A. (2006) 'Spilling Hot coffee. Grand Theft Auto as contested cultural product' In: Garrelts, N(Eds.). A Strategy Guide for Studying the Grand Theft Auto Series. Jefferson : McFarland press. [Full-Text] | |
2006 | Kerr A. (2006) 'The business of making digital games' In: Understanding Digital Games. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2010 | Kerr, Aphra and Sean Ó Riain (2010) 'The Knowledge Economy' In: The Encyclopedia of Human Geography. : Elsevier. |
Peer Reviewed Journal
Year | Publication | |
2023 | Pierson, J.; Kerr, A.; Robinson, S.C.; Fanni, R.; Steinkogler, V.E.; Milan, S.; Zampedri, G. (2023) 'Governing artificial intelligence in the media and communications sector'. Internet Policy Review, 12 . [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2022 | Kerr A.; Iliadis A. (2022) 'Independence: an introduction to the #AoIR2021 special issue'. Information Communication and Society, 25 (6):727-733. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2021 | Hutchinson J.; Kerr A. (2021) 'Life (online): an introduction to the #AoIR2020 special issue'. Information Communication and Society, 24 (6):773-779. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2021 | Vasiliu L.; Cortis K.; McDermott R.; Kerr A.; Peters A.; Hesse M.; Hagemeyer J.; Belpaeme T.; McDonald J.; Villing R.; Mileo A.; Capulto A.; Scriney M.; Griffiths S.; Koumpis A.; Davis B. (2021) 'CASIE - Computing affect and social intelligence for healthcare in an ethical and trustworthy manner'. Paladyn, 12 (1):437-453. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2020 | Kerr Aphra, Barry Marguerite, Kelleher John D. (2020) 'Expectations of artificial intelligence and the performativity of ethics: Implications for communication governance'. BIG DATA AND SOCIETY, 7 (1). [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2020 | Kelleher, JD; Kerr, A (2020) 'Finding Common Ground For Citizen Empowerment in the Smart City'. Etica e Politica, 22 (2):33-61. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2019 | Kerr, Aphra; Musiani, Francesca; Pohle, Julia (2019) 'Communication and internet policy: a critical rights-based history and future'. Internet Policy Review, 8 (1). [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2017 | O'Rourke, Cristin; Kerr, Aphra (2017) 'Privacy Shields for Whom? Key Actors and Privacy Discourses on Twitter and in Newspapers'. Westminster Papers In Communication &Amp; Culture, 12 :21-36. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2015 | Keeffe L.; Kerr A. (2015) 'Reclaiming public space: Sound and mobile media use by teenagers'. International Journal of Communication, 9 (1):3562-3582. [Full-Text] | |
2015 | Kerr, Aphra, Kelleher, J D (2015) 'The Recruitment of Passion and Community in the Service of Capital: Community Managers in the Digital Games Industry'. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 32 :177-192. [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Kerr, Aphra (2014) 'Placing International Media Production'. MEDIA INDUSTRIES JOURNAL, 1 . [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Kerr Aphra, De Paoli Stefano, Keatinge Max. (2014) 'Surveillant assemblages of governance in massively multiplayer online games: A comparative analysis'. Surveillance & Society, 12 (3):320-336. [Full-Text] | |
2013 | van Egeraat, C, O Riain, S., Kerr, A. (2013) 'Social and Spatial Structures of Innovation in the Irish Animation Industry'. European Planning Studies, 21 :1437-1455. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2012 | De Paoli, S. Kerr, Aphra (2012) 'L’agencement de la triche. Aborder la triche dans les MMORPG comme un imbroglio'. LA REVUE RÉSEAUX – COMMUNICATION – TECHNOLOGIE – SOCIÉTÉ, 30 :235-269. [Full-Text] | |
2012 | Kerr, A; Cawley, A (2012) 'The spatialisation of the digital games industry: lessons from Ireland'. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 18 :398-418. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2012 | De Paoli, S; Kerr, A (2012) 'On crimes and punishments in virtual worlds: bots, the failure of punishment and players as moral entrepreneurs'. Ethics and Information Technology, 14 :73-87. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2011 | Kerr, A., Cawley, A. (2011) 'The spatialisation of the digital games industry: Lessons from Ireland '. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 15 . [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2011 | de Paoli S.; Gangadharan G.; Kerr A.; d'Andrea V. (2011) 'Toward trust as result. A transdisciplinary research agenda for the 'Future internet''. TripleC, 9 (2):702-714. [Full-Text] | |
2010 | De Paoli, Stefano Kerr, Aphra (2010) 'We Will Always be One Step Ahead of Them. A Case Study on the Economy of Cheating in MMORPGs'. Journal of Virtual Worlds Research, 2 . [Full-Text] | |
2010 | De Paoli, Stefano Kerr, Aphra (2010) 'The Assemblage of Cheating: How to Study Cheating as Imbroglio in MMORPGs'. THE FIBRECULTURE JOURNAL, . [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Preston, Paschal, Kerr, Aphra, Cawley, Anthony (2009) 'Innovation and Knowledge in the Digital Media Sector. An information economy approach'. Information Communication and Society, 12 :994-1014. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2006 | Kerr Aphra, Kuchlich Julian, Brereton Pat (2006) 'New media - New pleasures?'. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 9 (1):63-82. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2004 | Delaney, D., Kerr, A. and Gallagher, D. (2004) 'Game for it?'. THE ENGINEER'S JOURNAL, 58 :244-249. [Full-Text] | |
2003 | Kerr, Aphra & Flynn, Roderick (2003) 'Revisiting Globalisation through the Movie and Digital Games Industries'. Convergence, 9 . [Full-Text] | |
2003 | Kerr, A. (2003) 'Live Life to the power of PS2. Locating the Games Industry in the New Media Environment'. Irish Communications Review, 9 . [Full-Text] | |
2001 | Preston, P. & Kerr, A. (2001) 'Digital Media, the Nation State and Local Cultures: The development of multimedia content in Ireland'. Media, Culture and Society, 23 :109-131. [Full-Text] | |
2000 | Kerr, Aphra (2000) 'Media Diversity and Cultural Identities. The Development of Multimedia ‘Content’ products in Ireland'. New Media and Society, 3 . [Full-Text] |
Conference Publication
Year | Publication | |
2023 | Cañellas, Naira L; Kerr, Aphra; Vaughan, Brian (2023) Proceeding of the 33rd European Safety and Reliability Conference Building Resilient Governance Frameworks for Human-Robot Collaboration: Towards a More Interdisciplinary Understanding of Risk and Ethics in European Regulation Southhampton, 03/09/2023- 08/09/2023 [Link] [DOI] | |
2020 | Barry, M; Kerr, A; Smith, O (2020) FAT* '20: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2020 CONFERENCE ON FAIRNESS, ACCOUNTABILITY, AND TRANSPARENCY Ethics on the Ground: From Principles to Practice [DOI] | |
2010 | De Paoli, S., Gangadharan, G., Kerr, A., D'Andrea, V., Serrano, M. Botvich, D. (2010) Proceedings of ALPIS, University of Trento (Italy),11-14 February 2010 . Sprouts: Working Papers on Information Systems, 10(8) Toward Trust as Result: An Interdisciplinary Approach [Full-Text] | |
2010 | Botvich D.; McGibney J.; Ostapenko G.; De Paoli S.; Kerr A.; Keatinge M. (2010) FDG 2010 - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games Integrating players, reputation and ranking to manage cheating in MMOGs [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2009 | De Paoli S.; Kerr A. (2009) Breaking New Ground: Innovation in Games, Play, Practice and Theory - Proceedings of DiGRA 2009 The cheating assemblage in mmorpgs: Toward a sociotechnical description of cheating [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Serrano M.; Van Der Meer S.; Strassner J.; De Paoli S.; Kerr A.; Storni C. (2009) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Trust and reputation policy-based mechanisms for self-protection in autonomic communications [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2009 | De Paoli S. and Kerr, A. (2009) 4th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems The Economy of Cheating in MMORPGs: A Case Study of Innovation [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Kerr, A, De Paoli, S., Storni, C. (2009) The Good, the Bad and the Challenging. The user and the future of ICTs Rethinking the Role of Users in ICT Design: Reflections For the Internet Slovenia, [Full-Text] |
Published Report
Year | Publication | |
2021 | Kerr, Aphra; O'Brennan, John, Vazguez Mendoza, Lucia (2021) Gambling Trends, Harms and Responses: Ireland in an International Context. Maynooth University, . [Link] | |
2021 | Pierson, J., Robinson, C., Boddington, P., Chazerand, P., Kerr, A., Milan, S., Verbeek, V., Kutterer, C., Nerantzi, E., Catalina, I. (2021) AI4People 2020 AI in Media and Technology Sector: Opportunities, Risks, Requirements and Recommendations. Atomium EISMD, . [Link] | |
2020 | Kerr, Aphra, Savage, Joshua D., Twomey-Lee, Vicky (2020) Decoding and Recoding Game Making Events for Diversity, Inclusion and Innovation. Maynooth University, . [Full-Text] | |
2020 | Moody, Josh; Kerr, Aphra (2020) What's the Score? Surveying Game Workers in Ireland 2020. Financial Services Union and Game Workers Unite Ireland, . [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2010 | Titley, Gavan, Kerr, Aphra and King O Riain, Rebecca (2010) Broadcasting in the New Ireland-Mapping & Envisioning Cultural Diversity Broadcasting. Broadcasting authority of Ireland, . [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2010 | De Pavoli, S. Stornic C, Botvich (2010) Design & User Case Studies. TSSG Waterford IT, . [Link] | |
2009 |
Van Egeraat, C., O’Riain, S. and Kerr, A. (2009) Social and Spatial Structures of Collaboration and Innovation in the Knowledge Economy. Deliverable 11.2 for EU FP6 OPAALS Research Project | |
2009 | Van Egeratt (2009) Socio-Spatial Structures of Knowledge Flow and Innovation in the Irish Biotech and Digital Media Industries- Final Report. EU, . | |
2009 | Aphra Kerr and Anthony Cawley (2009) The Games Industry in Ireland 2009. Maynooth University, . [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2008 | Van Egeraat, C. O’Riain, S. Kerr, A. Sarkar, R. Chatterjee, J., Stanley, J., Rivera León, L. and Passani, A. (2008) Van Egeraat, C. O’Riain, S. Kerr, A. Sarkar, R. Chatterjee, J., Stanley, J., Rivera León, L. and Passani, A. (2008) A Research Agenda for Bridging Digital Ecosystems to Regional Development and Innovation in the Knowledge Economy: A Preliminary Report. Deliverable 11.1 for EU FP6 OPAALS Research Project. EU FP6, . | |
2005 | Aphra Kerr (2005) Media Literacy in Northern Ireland. University of Ulster, . [Full-Text] | |
2020 | Kerr, A., O Brennan, J. and Mendoza Vazquez, L. (2020) 'Gambling: identifying International trends, approaches and responses. MURAL, . | |
2020 | Vazquez-Mendoza, Lucia; Kerr, Aphra; O’ Brennan, J. (2020) Gambling: Identifying international trends, approaches and responses. MUSSI, . [Link] [Full-Text] |
Other Journal
Year | Publication | |
2023 | Moody, Joshua and Kerr, Aphra (2023) 'Review of Breda Gray, Luigina Ciolfi, and Aparecido de Carvalho, Made to Work: Mobilising Contemporary Worklives. 2020, Routledge: London' Acta Sociologica, . [Full-Text] |
Year | Publication | |
2020 | Aphra Kerr (2020) Why have over a million Irish people downloaded the Covid-19 app?. Dublin: [Blog] [Link] | |
2020 | Aphra Kerr (2020) We Expect Ethical Artificial Intelligence – Who will deliver it?. Dublin: [Blog] [Link] | |
2020 | Aphra Kerr (2020) Why making that call is better than texting or tweeting. Dublin: [Blog] [Link] | |
2014 | Kerr, Aphra, Shepherd, Tamara (2014) Indie/dependent – incubating indies in Dublin and Montreal. [Blog] [Link] | |
2012 | Kerr, Aphra (2012) The Politics of Cultural Production. Cornell University: [Blog] [Link] | |
2012 | Kerr, Aphra (2012) Game for Work. ireland: [Blog] [Link] |
Book Review
Year | Publication | |
2015 | Kerr, Aphra (2015) Review of ‘Understanding the Media’ Eoin Devereux. Third Edition. Sage Publications. [Book Review] [DOI] | |
2007 | Dr Aphra Kerr (2007) Review of Silverstone, R. (Ed.) (2005) Media, Technology and Everyday Life in Europe. From Information to Communication. [Book Review] | |
2006 | Dr Aphra Kerr (2006) ‘Dungeons and Dragnets’ Review of Salen, K. and Zimmerman, E. (eds) 'The Game Design Reader', for Mute beta, available at [Book Review] | |
2004 | Dr Aphra Kerr (2004) Review of Technology and In/Equality. Questioning the Information Society’, Wyatt, S. et al (Eds.)in Men and Masculinities. [Book Review] | |
2009 | Kerr, Dr Aphra (2009) Review of Costall, A and Drier, O. (Eds) (2006) Doing Thing with Things. The Design of Everyday Objects. [Book Review] [Full-Text] | |
2008 | Kerr, A (2008) Play between Worlds: Exploring Online Game Culture. LONDON: [Book Review] [DOI] | |
2008 | Dr Aphra Kerr (2008) Review of ‘T L Taylor, (2006) Play Between Worlds: Exploring Online Game Culture’. [Book Review] |
Conference Contribution
Year | Publication | |
2022 | Kerr, Aphra; Vasquez Mendoza, L (2022) Data Shadows and the Automation of Gambling in Europe AOIR22 Decolonising the Internet Dublin, 02/10/2022-05/11/2022. | |
2021 | Kerr, Aphra; O'Brennan, John, Vazguez Mendoza, Lucia (2021) The [Deep] Mediatisation of Gambling in Ireland and the Individualization of Harms Sociological Association of Ireland annual conf, Atomised Solidarities, Together Apart online, 07/05/2021-08/05/2021. | |
2021 | Kerr, Aphra; Moody, Josh (2021) Game Workers Unite Ireland: Making Data and Building ‘Collective’ Voice through Research Sociological Association of Ireland annual conf, Atomised Solidarities, Together Apart online, 07/05/2021-08/05/2021. | |
2020 | Barry, Marguerite; Kerr, Aphra; Smith, Oliver (2020) Ethics on the Ground: From Principles to Practice ACM FAT* 2020 Barcelona, 29/01/2020-31/01/2020. | |
2020 | Kerr, Aphra; Barry, Marguerite; Kelleher, John (2020) Expectations of AI and the Performativity of Ethics: Implications for Communication Governance Critical Perspectives on AI Ethics Edinburgh/online, 23/10/2020-. | |
2020 | Kerr, Aphra (2020) How indie are independent game jams IndieCade Independent Festival of Independent Games online, 22/10/2020-24/10/2020. | |
2019 | Kerr, Aphra (2019) Battle Royale: Videogames, Youth and Global Communication International Seminar on Global Communication: International Flows and Local Realities School of Communication Arts and Sciences, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru (PUCP), Lima, Peru, 11/11/2019-13/11/2019. | |
2019 | Kerr, Aphra (2019) Global Games as Industry and Culture: Platforms, Performance and Play. Invited Keynote Arts and Science, International Conference, Université Côte D’Azur, France Université Côte D’Azur, Nice, France, 27/11/2019-30/11/2019. | |
2019 | Kerr, Aphra and Savage, Joshua D. (2019) Decoding and Recoding GameJams & Game Making Spaces for Inclusion ReFiG project annual conference Toronto, Canada, 07/11/2019-10/11/2019. | |
2019 | Kerr, Aphra; Baranzoni, Sara; Fitzpatrick, Noel and Kelleher, John D. (2019) Understanding the anthropocene and imagining sustainable futures. Panel and citizen workshop The Real Smart City Casa de La Cultura, San Cristobal, Galapogas islands, Ecuador, 26/07/2019-. | |
2019 | Kerr, Aphra (2019) Production Logics and the Smart City: is a critical therapeutic possible? ReaLsMs European project conference, University of the Arts Guayaquil, Ecuador, 14/07/2019-30/07/2019. | |
2019 | Joshua D Savage and Aphra Kerr (2019) Re-Staging Design: Queering Informal Game Making Education Irish Game Based Learning Conference Cork, 27/06/2019-28/06/2019. | |
2019 | Kerr, Aphra (2019) De-Brogramming App Studies Monday Night Seminar Series, McLuhan Centre for Culture and Technology University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, 25/02/2019-. | |
2019 | Aphra Kerr (2019) Integrating Technology and work Systems. How we can use advances in Technology to improve the future of work MIT Sloan and Higher Education Authority Dublin Castle, 10/01/2019-. | |
2018 | Kerr, Aphra (2018) Spatial Reasoning: Code/spaces in Informal Education places Refiguring Innovation in Digital Games conference, Spaces and Places University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 24/10/2019-27/10/2019. | |
2018 | Kerr, Aphra (2018) Ethics, AI & Inclusion Tech for Good Dublin, 28/07/2019-. | |
2018 | Kerr, Aphra (2018) The Turn to Artificial Intelligence in governing communication online Workshop organized by the Alexander von Humboldt Institute (HIIG) and Access Now HIIG, Berlin, Germany, 20/03/2018-. | |
2018 | Kerr, Aphra (2018) Diversity and Inclusion are serious games Second International Digital Games Research Conference IRIB University and The Iranian National Foundation of Video Games, Tehran, Iran, 30/11/2018-. | |
2017 | Kerr, Aphra (2017) From Photography to Pokemon Go Women Techmakers Google Foundry, Dublin, 11/04/2017-. | |
2017 | Kerr, Aphra (2017) Global Games: would you start from here? Galway Games Gathering GMIT, Galway, 17/09/2019-. | |
2011 | Aphra Kerr (2011) Spatialisation and Mobile Labour in the Digital Games industry Presented at the Political Economy section of the IAMCR Istanbul, Turkey, 15/07/2011-. | |
2011 | Aphra Kerr (2011) Digital Games as Cultural Industry? Does it matter? Panel convenor and chair, presented at the DiGRA bi-annual conference Utrecht School of Art, Hilversum, The Netherlands, 14/10/2011-17/10/2011. | |
2011 | Aphra Kerr (2011) Globalisation and mobile labour in the Irish Games Industry:implications for policy Presented at the DiGRA bi-annual conference, Think, Play, Design, Utrecht School of Art Hilversum The Netherlands, 14/09/2011-17/09/2011. | |
2009 | (2009) The Cheating Assemblage in MMORPGs: Toward a socio Presented at the Breaking New Ground: Innovation i Brunel, London, . | |
2009 | (2009) Considering Cultural Diversity in Game Development Game Focus Germany, professional games industry co Hannover, Germany, . | |
2009 | (2009) Rethinking the Role of Users in ICT Design: Reflec Paper accepted for presentation at 'Users as innov Copenhagen, . [Full-Text] | |
2009 | (2009) Levels of Complexity: Cultural Diversity, Politics Presented at the Breaking New Ground: Innovation i Brunel, London, . | |
2009 | (2009) Assessing cultural diversity and digital games Presented at the annual Sociology Association of I Waterford IT, Ireland, . | |
2008 | (2008) Outsourcing Risk.’ Video Game Cultures and User Ge Presented at Association for Internet Research Copenhagen, . | |
2008 | (2008) Discourses of Diversity Presented at the Sociology Association of Ireland UCG, . | |
2008 | (2008) Encouraging the Production of Cultural Diversity i Governance of Online Worlds and Cultural Diversity University of Lucerne, Switzerland, . | |
2008 | (2008) Where is the creativity in the Media Industries?’ Presented at the Irish Media Research Network conf NUIM, . | |
2008 | (2008) Conceptualising Trust Irish Social Sciences Platform conferenc DCU, . | |
2019 | Aphra Kerr and Joshua D Savage (2019) Spatial Reasoning: re-coding spaces for inclusive game making European Sociology Association biannual conference Manchester, 20/08/2019-23/08/2019. | |
2019 | Delma Byrne, Aphra Kerr and Joshua D Savage (2019) Gender as a ‘Way of Doing’: The Case of CyberBullying in Ireland World Anti-Bullying Forum Dublin, 04/06/2019-06/06/2019. | |
2019 | Barry, Marguerite, Aphra Kerr and Laura Grehan (2019) “Having our say”: Strategies for public engagement in responsible AI research and policy development CPT section of IAMCR Madrid, 06/07/2019-28/07/2019. | |
2019 | Aphra Kerr and Joshua D Savage (2019) De-Coding Informal Code/Spaces for Inclusive Game Making Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA)annual conference Kyoto, Japan, 07/08/2019-. | |
2019 | Aphra Kerr (2019) Cultural Production, platform logics and cultural diversity: insights from the Digital Games Industry Communciation and Cultural Digital Platforms, IAMCR post-conference Madrid, 12/07/2019-12/07/2019. | |
2019 | Aphra Kerr (2019) Exploring ethics and values in data science training CPT section of International Association for Media and Communciation Research Madrid, 07/07/2019-12/07/2019. | |
2018 | Kerr, Aphra (2018) Beyond Diversity: Towards an Ethics of Inclusion Media Industries: Current Debates and Future Directions Kings College London, 18/04/2018-20/04/2018. | |
2017 | Cristin O'Rourke and Aphra Kerr (2017) Privacy Shields for Whom? Key Actors and Privacy Discourses on Twitter and in Newspapers IAMCR, CPT Section, Cartagena, Columbia Cartagena, Columbia, 16/07/2017-22/07/2017. | |
2017 | Aphra Kerr (2017) Towards Comparative Game Industry and Production Studies: Beyond the global DIGRA UK Salford, UK, 05/05/2017-05/05/2017. | |
2017 | Kerr, Aphra, Barry, Marguerite and Kelleher, John D. (2017) Public discourse and private practice in data science work: Ethical, social and contextual issues ‘Digital Democracy Symposium’, European Communication Research and Education Association Södertörn, Sweden, 10/11/2017-11/11/2017. | |
2016 | Aphra Kerr (2016) Production Logistics in Digital Games Presented at the DIGRA/FDG conference Dundee, Scotland, . | |
2016 | Aphra Kerr (2016) Production Logics and the Digital Games Industry IAMCR Political Economy Leicester, UK, 26/07/2016-31/07/2016. | |
2015 | Aphra Kerr (2015) The Recruitment of Passion and Community in the Service of Capital: Online COmmunity Managers in the Surveillant Assemblage IAMCR CPT Section Montreal, Canada, 12/07/2015-16/06/2016. | |
2015 | Aphra Kerr (2015) Emotional Work in the Global Games Industry: Passion, Precarity and Play Presented at Consoel-ing Passions Dublin, 18/06/2015-20/06/2015. | |
2014 | Aphra Kerr and Dr John Kelleher and Katatrina Vesikko (2014) Occupational Implications of Games as a Service: The Invisible Work of Community Managers Presented at the Dynamics Virtual Work: The Transformation of Labour in a Global Digital Economy, Conference University of Hertfordshire, 03/09/2014-05/09/2014. | |
2014 | Aphra Kerr and Edward Sugden (2014) Discourses Around Video Games within Newsprint Media in the USA and Ireland between 2001 to 2014 Presented at the Pictilin, Creative Media Conference Dundalk Institute of Technology, Ireland, 03/11/2014-. | |
2014 | Aphra Kerr, John D. Kelleher and Katarina Vesikko (2014) Games as a Service: The Invisible Labour of Community Managers Presented at the Pictilin, Creative Media Conference Dundalk Institute of Technology, Ireland, 03/11/2014-. | |
2014 | Aphra Kerr and Raymond Payne (2014) Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark- the evolution of creation and creativity between DJ and audience Presented at the Pictilin, Creative Media Conference Dundalk Institute of Technology, 03/11/2014-. | |
2013 | Aphra Kerr (2013) Towards Creative Autonomy:Tactics for Survival Part of the Strategies and Tactics for Promoting Indie Game Design Panel, Association for Internet Research Denver, Colorado, USA, 23/10/2013-28/10/2013. | |
2013 | Aphra Kerr (2013) Governing Games- Economic Technological and Policy Issues Presented at the Communication Technology division of the International Media Communications Research Conference Dublin Ireland, . | |
2013 | Aphra Kerr and Linda O'Keefe (2013) Mobilising the City? Teenagers and mobile sound technologies in urban city spaces Presented at the Community Communications division of the International Media and Communications Research conference Dublin Ireland, . | |
2012 | Aphra Kerr, Sal Humphreys, Mira Burri and Greg Lastowka (2012) Governing Games [in the public interest]- Social, Economic and Policy Issues Panel convenor and chair, at the Association for Internet Research Salford, Manchester, UK, . | |
2011 | Aphra Kerr (2011) Globalisation and Mobile Labour in the Digital Games Industry: Implications for policy Presented at the Game Behind the Video Game. Business, Regulation and Society in the Games Industry Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA, 09/04/2011-. | |
2011 | Aphra Kerr, De.Paoli S. and Keating, M. (2011) Human and Non-Human Aspects of Governance and Regulation of MMOGs Presented at A Decade in Internet Time: Symposium on the Dynamics of the Internet and Society;iCS and Oxford Institute Oxford University UK, 21/09/2011-21/09/2011. |
Working Paper
Year | Publication | |
2005 | White, A., Messenger Davies, M., Hill, A., and Kerr, A. (2005) The Future of the BBC. [Working Paper] | |
2004 | Dr. Aphra Kerr (2004) Media Literacy in Northern Ireland. [Working Paper] [Full-Text] | |
2004 | Kerr, A., Brereton, P., Kücklich, J. and Flynn, R. (2004) New Media: New Pleasures?. [Working Paper] [Full-Text] | |
2003 | Dr Aphra Kerr (2003) Girls/Women Just Want to Have Fun. [Working Paper] | |
2002 | Dr Aphra Kerr (2002) Loading…Please Wait. Ireland and the Global Games Industry. [Working Paper] [Full-Text] | |
1997 | Preston, P and Kerr, A (1997) The Social Shaping of Multimedia in Ireland. Actors, Networks and Relationships. [Working Paper] | |
1994 | Preston, P and Kerr, A. (1994) The Use and Adoption of ISDN and other Communication Technologies in the Irish Media and Cultural Industries. [Working Paper] | |
2009 | De Paoli, S., Kerr, A. and Storni, C. (2009) The sociology of trusted systems: the episteme and judgment of a technology. [Working Paper] [Full-Text] | |
1996 | Kerr, A. (1996) The Evolution of Science and Technology Policies in Ireland, 1963-1995. Issues and Responses. [Working Paper] | |
2009 | Van Egeraat, C., O’Riain, S. and Kerr, A. (2009) Social and Spatial Structures of Collaboration and Innovation in the Irish Biotech and Digital Media Industries. Maynooth: [Working Paper] | |
2009 | Van Egeraat, C., Ó Riain, S. and Kerr, A. (2009) Socio-Spatial Structures of Knowledge Flow and Innovation in the Irish Biotech and Digital Media Industries. [Working Paper] [Full-Text] | |
2008 | De Paoli, S. and Kerr, A. (2008) Conceptualising Trust : A Literature Review. [Working Paper] [Full-Text] |
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2024) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.
Professional Associations
Honors and Awards
Other Activities
Outreach Activities
Organisation | Type | Description | |
Foroige | Civic Society | Advisory Board for the Connect Safely Programme. [Link] | |
Media Literacy Ireland | Civic Society | An initiative of the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland to bring together a range of stakeholders to run media literacy events in Ireland. [Link] | |
Pan European Game Information System | Industry | Expert Advisor to the games industry content and age classification system for all game systems across Europe. [Link] | |
ADAPT Centre | Civic Society | Moderator of ‘Citizens' Think-in on Artificial Intelligence, Privacy and Civil Liberties’ Discussion moderator. Open to the public. Part of Science Week and in collaboration with ADAPT - the Global Centre for Digital Content Technology. [Link] |
Teaching Interests
Previous Lecturing in MU:
- Understanding Digital Societies (MA)
- Media and Society (UG, 2nd year),
- Technology and Culture (UG, 3rd year)
- Special Topics Thesis supervision class (3rd year) Appy Lives: Mobile Apps and Dataveillance
- Political Economies and Cultures of the Internet (MA)
- Craft and Logics of Doing a PhD (PhD)
- Special Topic Thesis Class: Networked Media & the Quantified Self (UG)
- Advanced Digital Research Methods (MA),
- Special Topics Thesis Class - Games and Play;
- The Sociological Imagination: Culture and Everyday Life (UG),
- Fieldwork research methods (UG),
- Globalisation and the Media (MA),
- Online Research Methods (MA),
- Critical Issues in Digital Games (MA),