Dr A. Jamie Saris

Anthropology, ALL Institute

Gaeilge agus fáilte

Associate Professor
Director of Postgraduate Studies

Rowan House
1st Floor
(01) 708 3983


Dr Saris is an Associate Professor in the Department of Anthropology, Maynooth University. He holds advanced degrees in Social-Cultural Anthropology from the University of Chicago (MA and PhD), and he has completed a Postdoctoral Fellowship in Clinically-Relevant Medical Anthropology in the Department of Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School.  He has been working for more than twenty years in medical and psychological anthropology in Ireland, North America, and parts of Africa, where he has researched and published on such diverse issues as the social life of mental hospitals, the experience of major mental illness, colonialism and its aftermath, structural violence and health risk, authenticity, health services research, drug use/abuse, professionalism in medical education. He led one of the first national prevalence studies on opiate use in Ireland, and he directed the only anthropological projects to have won major support from the Health Research Board of Ireland. He sits of the Editorial Boards of Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry and Reviews in Anthropology, and he was Editor of The Irish Journal of Anthropology. He was also the Co-Chair of the Combat Diseases of Poverty Consortium, funded under The Programme of Strategic Cooperation between Irish Aid and Higher Education and Research Institutes 2007-2012, and the Deputy Director of National Institute of Regional and Spatial Analysis (NIRSA), a multi-disciplinary research centre of excellence examining space and society. He is a founding member and sits of the Executive Committee of the Assisting Living and Learning (ALL) Institute.

Research Interests

Medical Anthropology (including Global Health), Anthropology of Europe (particularly Ireland), Psychological Anthropology (with a focus on Major Mental Illnesses and Addiction), Anthropological History, Anthropological Analyses of Space, Anthropological Theory, Urban Anthropology and structural violence issues in European cities, Cultural and political issues around HIV treatment.

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date Amount
Making The Patient a Member of the Healthcare Team in Chronic Disease Management: An Ethnographic and Participant Action Research Analysis of Living with Epilepsy in Ireland PI 127265
SHAPES (Smart and Healthy Ageing through People Engaging in Supportive Systems) Principal Investigator The Smart & Healthy Ageing through People Engaging in Supportive Systems (SHAPES) Innovation Action intends to build, pilot and deploy a large-scale, EU-standardised open platform. The integration of a broad range of technological, organisational, clinical, educational and societal solutions seeks to facilitate long-term healthy and active ageing and the maintenance of a high-quality standard of life. Mediated by technology, in-home and local community environments interact with health and care (H&C) networks contributing to the reduction of H&C costs, hospitalisations and institutional care. 01/11/2019 31/10/2024 2000000
Examining the feasibility of an on-site CD-4 counter in an HIV clinic inDar-es-Salaam, Tanzania Principal Investigator A short assessment of clinician receptivity for an onsite CD-4 counter in three HIV clinics in the vicinity of Dar-es-Salaam 01/09/2013 30/09/2013 2000
Combat Diseases of Poverty Consortium/Young Scienctist & Technology Exhibition Tanzania PI 01/01/2012 31/12/2012 0
An ethnographic study of barriers to access, and maintenance of, Anti-retroviral Therapy in the Western Cape, Republic of South Africa Principal Investigator An ethnographic study of three clinics in the Western Cape examining social-cultural and structural barriers to accessing and continuing HAART therapy. 01/06/2008 31/12/2012 396000
Research into Good Practices in Provision of Services to Asylum Seekers co-Principal Investigator An ethnographic Study of Two Asylum-Seekers Direct Provision Accommodation with an eye to making recommendations to improve services 01/09/2007 31/12/2007 30000
An Ethnographic study examining the lives of drug users in and out of treatment in the Canal Communities, Dublin Principal Investigator 01/09/2007 31/12/2008 96000
a Network Analysis and Life-History Study of Opiate Users in Ireland co-Principal Investigator A study estimating the absolute number of heroin-users in Dublin and investigating some of their social situation. 01/02/2002 31/03/2004 134000
Comparative ethnographic analysis on social exclusion and the experience of structural violence in two sites in Ireland co-Principal Investigator 01/09/1997 31/07/1999 38000


Year Publication
2013 Fillitz, T., Saris A.J., and Streissler, A. (2013) Debating Authenticity: Anthropological Explorations of Experiences, Objects and Expertises (reissued 2014). London, UK: Berghahn Books.
2023 Katja Siedel; David Prendergast; A. Jamie Saris (2023) From Legacies to Futures: Lifeworlds of Older Adults in Europe. Oxford: Berghahn.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2014 Dr A. Jamie Saris (2014) 'Pharmacology' In: William C. Cockerham, Robert Dingwall, and Stella Quah(Eds.). Encyclopedia of Health, Illness, Behavior, and Society. : Blackwell.
2012 Saris A. (2012) 'Introduction: Authenticty Aujourd'hui' In: Debating Authenticity: Concepts of Modernity in Anthropological Perspective. New York : Berghahn Books.
2011 A. Jamie Saris (2011) 'Icon and Structural Violence in a Dublin Underclass Housing Estate' In: Faces of Anthropology, 6th Edition. New York : Pearson.
2013 Dr A. Jamie Saris (2013) 'Committed to Will: What’s at Stake for Anthropology in Addiction' In: Raikhel, Eugene and William Garriot(Eds.). Addiction Trajectories. : Duke University Press.
2013 Dr A. Jamie Saris (2013) 'Revisiting “Culture, Genuine and Spurious”: Reflections on Icon and Politics in Ireland' In: Fillitz, Thomas and A. Jamie Saris(Eds.). Debating Authenticity: Concepts of Modernity in Anthropological Perspective. : Berghahn Books.
2011 Saris, A. Jamie (2011) 'The Addicted Self and the Pharmaceutical Self: Ecologies of Will, Information, and Power in Junkies, Addicts, and Patients' In: Jenkins, Janis(Eds.). Pharmaceutical Self and Imaginary: Psychopharmacology in a Globalizing World. New Mexico, USA : School of Advanced Research (SAR).
2000 A.J. Saris (2000) 'Imagining Ireland in the Great Exhibition of 1853' In: Hooper, Glen and Leon Litvack(Eds.). Ireland in the Nineteenth-Century: Regional Identity. Dublin : Four Courts Press.
2000 Saris, A.J. and Bartley, B. (2000) 'The culture of protest in West Dublin' In: M.Peillon and E. Slater(Eds.). Memories of the Present: Ireland 1997-1998. Dublin : Institute of Public Administration.
2000 A.J. Saris, B. Bartley et al. (2000) 'Horses and the Culture of Protest In West Dublin' In: Peillon, Michel and Eamonn Slater(Eds.). Remembering the Present: Irish Sociological Chronicals, Volume II. Dublin : Institute for Public Administration.
1999 Bartley, B. and Saris, A.J. (1999) 'Social Exclusion and Cherry Orchard: A Hidden Side of Suburban Dublin' In: J. Killeen and A. MacLaren (eds)(Eds.). Dublin: Contemporary Trends and Issues for the 21st Century. Dublin : Geographical Society of Ireland.
1997 A.J. Saris (1997) 'The Asylum in Ireland: A Brief Institutional History and Some Local Effects' In: Cleary, Anne and Margaret P. Tracy(Eds.). The Sociology of Health and Illness In Ireland. Dublin : UCD Press.
1996 A.J. Saris (1996) 'Schizophrenia' In: World Mental Health: Problems and Priorities in Low-Income Countries. Oxford : Oxford University Press.

Edited Book

Year Publication
2000 Mark Maguire, George E. Marcus, A. Jamie Saris, and Steve Coleman (Ed.). (2000) Dis-ease with Postmodern Anthropology. Maynooth, Ireland: Anthropology Association of Ireland,
1997 A. Jamie Saris and Steve Coleman (Ed.). (1997) Culture, Space, and Representation. Maynooth, Ireland: Anthropology Association of Ireland,

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2021 A. Jamie Saris (2021) 'Growing Appetites and Hungry Subjects: Addicts, the Undead, and the Long Arc of Theory in Western Social Science'. Ethnologia Europaea, 21 (1):102-133. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2021 Saris A.J. (2021) 'The dialectics of heroin and methadone in Ireland'. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 Drazkiewicz, E; Strong, T; Scheper-Hughes, N; Turpin, H; Murphy, F; Saris, AJ; Garvey, P; Mishtal, J; Wulff, H; French, B; Miller, D; Maguire, L; Mhordha, MN (2020) 'Repealing Ireland's Eighth Amendment: abortion rights and democracy today'. Social Anthropology, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2017 Varley, J; Power, R; Saris, J; Fitzsimons, M (2017) 'CO-DESIGNING PATIENT-CENTRED CARE USING PARTICIPATORY ACTION RESEARCH [PAR] - THE EPILEPSY PARTNERSHIP IN CARE [EPIC] PROJECT'. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 29 :8-9. [Full-Text]
2019 Power R; Byrne JP; Kiersey R; Varley J; Doherty CP; Lambert V; Heffernan E; Saris AJ; Fitzsimons M; (2019) 'Are patients ready for integrated person-centered care? A qualitative study of people with epilepsy in Ireland'. Epilepsy and Behavior, 102 . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2019 Byrne JP; Power R; Kiersey R; Varley J; Doherty CP; Saris AJ; Lambert V; Fitzsimons M; (2019) 'The rhetoric and reality of integrated patient-centered care for healthcare providers: An ethnographic exploration of epilepsy care in Ireland'. Epilepsy and Behavior, 94 . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2019 Varley J.; Kiersey R.; Power R.; Byrne J.; Doherty C.; Saris J.; Lambert V.; Fitzsimons M. (2019) 'Igniting intersectoral collaboration in chronic disease management: a participatory action research study on epilepsy care in Ireland'. Journal of Interprofessional Care, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2018 Power R.; Saris A. (2018) 'On patients, doctors and ethnographers: A response to Launer'. Postgraduate Medical Journal, 94 (1107):63-65. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2015 Larkan, F; van Wyk, B; Stevens, P; Saris, AJ (2015) 'Between the Clinic and the Community: Temporality and Patterns of ART Adherence in the Western Cape Province, South Africa'. African Sociological Review, 19 :27-53. [Full-Text]
2013 Dr A. Jamie Saris (2013) 'Studying Suicide in Modern Ireland: New Directions and Old Conundrums'. Irish Journal of Anthropology, 15 :6-7. [Full-Text]
2008 Saris A. (2008) 'An uncertain dominion: Irish psychiatry, methadone, and the treatment of opiate abuse'. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, 32 (2):259-277. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2008 Saris, AJ (2008) 'CULTURE MEDICINE AND PSYCHIATRY'. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, 32 :259-277. [DOI]
2007 Maguire, M. and A.J. Saris (2007) 'Enshrining Vietnamese-Irish Lives'. Anthropology Today, 23 :9-12. [Full-Text]
2007 Comiskey C.; Saris J.; Pugh J. (2007) 'A response from Comiskey et al'. Probation Journal, 54 (3):309-310. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2000 Saris, AJ (2000) 'Culture and history in the halfway house: Ethnography, tradition, and the rural middle class in the west of Ireland'. Journal of Historical Sociology, 13 :10-36. [Full-Text]
1999 Saris, AJ (1999) 'Producing persons and developing institutions in rural Ireland'. American Ethnologist, 26 :690-710. [Full-Text]
1996 Saris, AJ (1996) 'Mad kings, proper houses, and an asylum in rural Ireland'. American Anthropologist, 98 . [Full-Text]
1995 SARIS, AJ (1995) 'TELLING STORIES - LIFE-HISTORIES, ILLNESS NARRATIVES, AND INSTITUTIONAL LANDSCAPES'. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, 19 :39-72. [Full-Text]
1994 SARIS, AJ (1994) 'Return of the Repressed: Bringing Culture Back to Psychiatry'. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, 18 :115-133.
1987 Dr A. Jamie Saris (1987) 'The Adventures of the Ginseng Trade: Observations on Building World Systems'. THE CHICAGO ANTHROPOLOGY EXCHANGE, :1-19.
2010 Dr A. Jamie Saris (2010) 'Comment on Low, Setha and Sally Engle Merry, “Engaged Anthropology: Diversity and Dilemmas.”'. Current Anthropology, 51 :S218-S219. [Full-Text]
2010 Dr A. Jamie Saris, Fiona Larkan and Brian Van Wyk (2010) 'Of Remedies and Poisons: Recreational Use of ARVs in the Social Imagination of South African Carers'. African Sociological Review, African Sociological Review.14 :62-73. [Full-Text]
2009 Barron C. Comiskey C., and Saris, A.J. (2009) 'Prevalence Rates and Comparisons of Obesity Levels in Ireland'. British Journal of Nursing, 18 :799-803. [Full-Text]
2007 A.J. Saris (2007) 'Culture, Inequality, and the Bureaucratic Imagination: States and Subjects For a New Millennium'. Irish Journal of Anthropology, 10 :54-60. [Full-Text]
2007 A.J. Saris (2007) 'Free Will and the Clockwork of Anarchy” Comment on Strauss, Claudia, “Blaming For Columbine: Conceptions of Agency In The Contemporary United States.” Current Anthropology'. Current Anthropology, 48 :807-832.
2007 C. Comiskey, A.J. Saris, and J. Pugh (2007) 'Estimating the Prevalence of Opiate Use in Ireland and the Implications for the Criminal Justice System.” Probation Journal. 54(1):22-35'. Probation Journal, 54 :22-35. [Full-Text]
2006 A.J. Saris (2006) 'Crashing Into the Ethnic Pentagon: Reflections on Race and Culture in the New Ireland'. Irish Journal of Anthropology, 9 :18-26. [Full-Text]
2005 A.J. Saris (2005) 'Reconsiderando los Estereotipos: Imágenes de Irracionalidad en la Obra del Columnista del Irish Times, John Waters. [Rethinking Stereotypes: Images of Irrationality in the Work of the Irish Times Columnist, John Waters]'. REVISITA DE ANTHROPOLOGIA SOCIAL, 14 :281-309. [Full-Text]
2004 A.J. Saris (2004) 'Once Were Positivists: A Reply to Aya'. Irish Journal of Sociology, 13 :42-45. [Full-Text]
2004 A.J. Saris (2004) 'Prison and Empire: Archipelagoes of Confinement and the New World Order'. Irish Journal of Anthropology, VII :69-82. [Full-Text]
2002 Saris A.J., Bartley B., Kierans C., Walsh C., McCormack P. (2002) 'Culture and the State: Institutionalising 'the Underclass' in the New Ireland'. City, 6 :167-191. [Full-Text]
2002 A.J. Saris, and B. Bartley (2002) 'The Arts of Memory: Icon and Structural Violence in a Dublin 'Underclass' Housing Estate'. Anthropology Today, 18 :18-19. [Full-Text]
1999 A.J. Saris (1999) 'Introduction Culture, Space and Representation'. Irish Journal of Anthropology, 4 :1-6. [Full-Text]
1996 A.J. Saris (1996) 'Multiple Personality, Cultural Anthropology, and the Concept of Self in the Psychological and Religious Thinking of William James'. Anthropology Ireland, 5 :2-17.
1994 A.J. Saris (1994) 'Telling Stories: Life Histories, Illness Narratives, and Institutional Landscape'. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, 18 :115-133. [Full-Text]
2022 Dratsiou, I.; Varella, A.; Romanopoulou, E.; Villacañas, O.; Cooper, S.; Isaris, P.; Serras, M.; Unzueta, L.; Silva, T.; Zurkuhlen, A.; MacLachlan, M.; Bamidis, P.D. (2022) 'Assistive Technologies for Supporting the Wellbeing of Older Adults'. Technologies, 10 . [Link] [DOI]
2022 Seidel, K., Labor, M., Lombard Vance, R., McEvoy, E., Cooke, M., D’Arino, L., Desmond, D., Ferri, D., Franke, P., Gheno, I., Grigoleit, S., Guerra, B., Krukowski, A., Pešoutová, M, Pietri, I., Prendergast, D., Maguire, R., Manso, M., Saris, A.J., Sarlio-Siintola, S., Silva, T., Zarogianni, E., MacLachlan, M., SHAPES Consortium (2022) 'Implementation of a pan-European ecosystem and an interoperable platform for Smart and Healthy Ageing in Europe: An Innovation Action research protocol [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]'. Open Research Europe, 2 (85). [DOI] [Full-Text]
2012 A. Jamie Saris (2012) 'Introduction: Suicide in Modern ireland'. Irish Journal of Anthropology, :3-7.

Other Journal

Year Publication
1990 Dr A. Jamie Saris (1990) 'Perceptions and Problems: Cultural Assumptions about Schizophrenia' Bulletin of the Schizophrenia Association of Ireland, 14 :9-12.

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2021 Katja Seidel, David Prendergast, A Jamie Saris (2021) Lives Under Covid and the Terms Under Which We Become Old SIEF 2021, International Society for Ethnology and Folklore, Helsinki Finland, 15/06/2022-.
2021 David Prendergast, A Jamie Saris, Katja Seidel (2021) Life Worlds of Older Individuals in Europe H2020 SHAPES Dialogue Workshop Ireland, .
2021 Seidel, Katja, David Prendergast and Jamie Saris (2021) Reshaping the SHAPES Project in the Covid-19 era Winter Ethnography School, Maynooth Ireland, .
2020 Saris, Jamie, Katja Seidel and David Prendergast (2020) Ageing Names and Naming Ages Annual Conference of the Anthropological Association of Ireland Dublin City University, .
2016 A. Jamie Saris and Vanessa Carter (2016) Safe Social Media for Health Sector Staff Paper presented at HISI Annual Conference and Scientific Symposium Dublin, Ireland, .
2009 A. Jamie Saris (2009) Committed to Will: What’s at Stake for Anthropology in Addiction Paper presented at the Workshop, Anthropologies of Addictions, McGill University Montreal, Canada, 23/04/2009-25/04/2009.
2007 A. Jamie Saris (2007) Genuine Selves and Genuine Cultures: Icon, Politics and Self-Fashioning in Ireland Invited Lecture, at the Social Anthropology Seminar at St Andrews University Fife, Scotland, .
2007 A. Jamie Saris (2007) The Will to Will: Subjectivity in an Age of Addiction Paper presented at the session, New Anthropologies of Addicition and Subjectivity, American Anthropological Association Washington, DC, USA, 27/11/2007-02/12/2007.
2007 A. Jamie Saris (2007) “The Addicted Self and the Pharmaceutical Self: Ecologies of Will, Information, and Power in Junkies, Addicts, and Patients Seminar Pharmaceutical Self and Imaginary: Studies in Psychopharmacology and Globalisation, School for Advanced Research (SAR) in the Human Experience Santa Fe, NM, USA, 14/10/2007-18/10/2007.
2006 A. Jamie Saris (2006) Theorizing Addiction: Implications for an Anthropology of Biological Psychiatry The Meanings of the Biomedical Mind: Biological Psychiatry in History and Culture Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA, 08/09/2006-10/09/2006.
2006 A. Jamie Saris (2006) Culture at the Intersection of Theory and State Practice Paper presented at the session, To Belong: Reality and Fantasy In Modes of Public Participation, American Anthropological Association San Jose, CA, USA, 15/11/2006-19/11/2006.
2006 A. Jamie Saris (2006) Revisiting Culture, Genuine and Spurious: Reflections on Icons and Politics in Ireland Lecture delivered to the Socrates Intensive Programme in Social Anthropology, Authenticity in Life Worlds University of Vienna, Austria, 22/08/2006-02/09/2006.
2005 A. Jamie Saris (2005) Poverty and Structural Violence in West Dublin Invited Lecture, National Library of Ireland Dublin, Ireland, 08/11/2005-08/11/2005.
2005 A. Jamie Saris (2005) An Uncertain Dominion: Irish Psychiatry, Methadone, and the Treatment of Opiate Abuse Paper presented at the session, Historical and Contemporary Domains of Psychiatric Practice: From Center to Periphery, American Anthropological Association Washington, DC, USA, . [Full-Text]
2004 A. Jamie Saris and Catherine Comiskey (2004) Applying Anthropology: A Report of a Network Analysis Study, With an In-Depth Interview Component Investigating Opiate Use in Ireland on a Nationwide Basis oster Session The Bi-Annual Conference of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) Vienna, Austria, 08/09/2004-12/09/2004.
2004 A. Jamie Saris (2004) Imagining Inequalities: States and Subjects in the New Millennium Invited Lecture at The Social Medicine Seminar Series, Department of Social Medicine, Harvard University Harvard University, 12/03/2004-.
2003 A. Jamie Saris (2003) Culture, Poverty, and the Bureaucratic Imagination 'Engaging Imagination', at the Annual Meeting of the Anthropological Association of Ireland UCD, Dublin, Ireland, 19/06/2003-21/06/1993.
2003 A. Jamie Saris (2003) Managing Failure During Good Times: New and Old Poverty in the Celtic Tiger Paper presented to the Conference, After the Celtic Tiger Istanbul Bilgi University, Kustepe, Istanbul, Turkey, 09/09/2003-12/09/2003.
2002 A. Jamie Saris (2002) Between Difference and Deficit: Poor Places, Good Intentions, Angry People Plenary Lecture presented to Combat Poverty Dublin, Ireland, 09/05/2002-.
2001 A. Jamie Saris (2001) Icon and Structural Violence in a West Dublin Neighbourhood Invited Lecture to the Anthropology Department, the School of Liberal Arts, Social Sciences, and Business (LSB) Dublin, Ireland, .
2001 A. Jamie Saris (2001) Institutional Persons and Personal Institutions: The Asylum and Marginality in Rural Ireland Invited Lecture at The Social Medicine Seminar Series, Department of Social Medicine, Harvard University Cambridge, MA, USA, .
2000 A. Jamie Saris (2000) Community Development Organisations and European Social Inclusion Discourses as Ethnographic Problems Paper presented at the session Where is the Field? Anthropology and the European Union: Problematics and Possibilities American Anthropological Association San Francisco, CA USA, .
1999 A. Jamie Saris (1999) Resistance and Aesthetics in a West Dublin Neighbourhood Paper presented at the conference, Interpretive Political Sociology Allihies, County Cork, .
1999 A. Jamie Saris (1999) Community, History, and Structural Violence: Imagining Past and Future in an Underclass Neighbourhood in 1990s Dublin Paper presented at the session History and the Politics of Desire: Nostalgic Futures Across the New Europe, American Anthropological Association Chicago, IL, USA, .
1998 A. Jamie Saris (1998) Emergent Populations and Popular Resistance: Space, Community, and Social Exclusion in the New Ireland Paper presented at the session Urban Action and the Politics of Economic Change, American Anthropological Association Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, .
1998 A. Jamie Saris (1998) Global and Local Issues in World Mental Health Invited Lecture to 5th-Year Medical Students, University College, Cork Cork, Ireland, .
1998 A. Jamie Saris (1998) Health and Disease in a Multi-Cultural World Invited Lecture to the Department of Tropical Medicine, Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland Dublin, Ireland, .
1997 A. Jamie Saris (1997) World Mental Health: Anthropological Insights into the New Morbidity Invited Lecture to the Health Services Management Programme, College of Surgeons, Ireland Dublin, Ireland, .
1997 A. Jamie Saris (1997) “Region and Nation in the Great Irish Exhibition of 1853 “Region and Nation in the Great Irish Exhibition of 1853 QUB, Belfast, UK, .
1997 A. Jamie Saris (1997) Culture and Commodities: Selling Ireland and Buying Irish in the Great Dublin Exhibition of 1853 Paper presented at the conference, Cultural Practices and Cultural Identity: Sociological Contributions to the Understanding of Culture, Sociological Association of Ireland Westport, Ireland, .
1996 A. Jamie Saris (1996) To Show What We Can Be and What We've Been: The Great Irish Exhibition of 1853 Paper presented at the conference Anthropology, Colonialism, and Post-Colonialism, Anthropological Association of Ireland Maynooth, Kildare, Ireland, .
1996 A. Jamie Saris (1996) Consuming Traditions: Producing the Nation in the Great Irish Exhibition of 1853 Paper presented at the session Representations and Self-Representations of Indigenous People: Essays in Honor of Raymond D. Fogelson, American Anthropological Association San Francisco, CA USA, .
1996 A. Jamie Saris (1996) The Logic of Money: Producing Persons and Developing Institutions in Rural Ireland Paper read at The Maynooth Anthropology and Sociology Seminar Series Maynooth Seminar Series, .
1995 A. Jamie Saris (1995) Debatably Irish: The Uses of Irrationality for Articulating Irishness in the Work of John Waters Paper presented at the session Articulating the State: Writers and the Nation. American Anthropological Association Washington, DC, USA, .
1995 A. Jamie Saris (1995) Space, Person, and Production in an Irish Asylum Lecture given at the Department of Sociology, University College, Cork, Ireland Cork, Ireland, .
1995 A. Jamie Saris (1995) Culture and History in the Half-Way House: The Politics of Tradition and the Rural Irish Middle Class Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Conference of Irish Studies QUB, Belfast, UK, .
1994 A. Jamie Saris (1994) Narrative, Illness, and Institutions Paper presented at the session, The Culture and Politics of Psychiatric Care: Language, Power and Changing Institutions, American Anthropological Association Atlanta, Georgia, USA, .
1994 A. Jamie Saris (1994) Whiskey, Violence, and Madness: Reproducing the Irrational in Ireland Paper presented at the conference, Anthropology and Journalism, Autumn Meeting of The Anthropological Association of Ireland Dublin, Ireland, .
1992 A. Jamie Saris (1992) Where is the Snow That Was So Bright Last Year?: Ethnography and Community in the West of Ireland Paper presented at the session Ethnography and National Tradition in Europe, American Anthropological Association San Francisco, CA USA, .
2002 A. Jamie Saris (2002) Culture and 'the Underclass' in the New Ireland Department of Social Anthropology, The University of Manchester Manchester, England, 22/04/2002-.
2002 A. Jamie Saris (2002) Crashing Into the Ethnic Pentagon: Reflections on Race and Culture in the New Ireland 'Race, Culture, and Interculturalism', at the Annual Meeting of the Anthropological Association of I Dublin, Ireland, 08/06/2002-09/06/2002.
2001 A. Jamie Saris and B. Bartley (2001) Developing Culture?: Social Inclusion Discourses and Activities as Ethnographic Problems Writing the City: Urban Life in the Era of Globalisation L.S.B. Dublin, 08/01/2001-30/12/1999.
2022 Katja Seidel, David Prendergast, A Jamie Saris (2022) You Need Something to Look Forward to European Association of Social Anthropologists 2022 Conference Belfast, North Ireland, 27/07/2022-29/07/2022.
2016 A. Jamie Saris (2016) Caring Cultures/Cultures of Care This conference wishes to unpack the idea of care in both formal and informal settings through original theoretical and empirical studies Maynooth, Kildare, Ireland, 16/03/2016-17/03/2016.
2015 A. Jamie Saris (2015) The Brain, The Social Brain and Addicition Pint of Science Dublin, Ireland, .

Published Report

Year Publication
2012 Dr A. Jamie Saris (with Fiona Larkan, Brian Van Wyk and Field Researchers) (2012) Understanding Barriers to Access and Adherence to Antiretroviral Treatment in South Africa’s Western Cape Province. HRB, .
2010 Saris, A.J., Dr Fiona O' Reilly, and Field Researchers (2010) A Dizzying Array of Substances: Changing Patterns of Drug Use in the Canal Communities. Final Report. 1 December. Dublin. December. Canal Communities Local Drugs Task Force, .
1999 A.J. Saris, B. Bartley and Field Researchers (1999) Life Histories of Drug Users and Drug Use in the Community in Ballyfermot and Cherry Orchard. Bally Fermot Local Drugs Task Force, .
2005 A.J. Saris and C. Comiskey and Field Researchers (2005) A Network Analysis Study, With An In-Depth Interview Component Investigating Opiate Use in Ireland on a Nationwide Basis. NACD, .
1999 A.J. Saris, B. Bartley and Field Researchers (1999) Community Policing in Ballyfermot and Cherry Orchard. Ballyfermot Local Development Organization, .
2021 Katja Seidel, A. Jamie Saris, David Predergast and John Foley (2021) Understanding Older People: Lives, Communities and Contexts. EU Horizon Programme, .


Year Publication
2021 A. Jamie Saris (2021) On Function, Restoration, and Recovery. Maynooth: [Blog] [Link]
2023 A. Jamie Saris (2023) What we can learn from the Aka people about caring for each other. [Blog] [Link]

Book Review

Year Publication
2004 Dr A. Jamie Saris (2004) Review of Schizophrenia, Culture and Subjectivity: The Edge of Experience (Jenkins, Janis Hunter and Robert Barrett (eds.)). [Book Review]
2004 Saris, AJ (2004) Schizophrenia, culture and subjectivity: The edge of experience. DORDRECHT: [Book Review]
2001 Saris, AJ (2001) Net curtains and closed doors: Intimacy, family and public life in Dublin. ARLINGTON: [Book Review]
2001 Saris, AJ (2001) Out of our minds: Reason and madness in the exploration of Central Africa. ARLINGTON: [Book Review]
2001 Dr A. Jamie Saris (2001) Review of Net Curtains and Closed Doors: Intimacy, Family and Pubic Life in Dublin. (Elizabeth A. Throop). [Book Review]
2001 Dr A. Jamie Saris (2001) Review of Out of Our Minds: Reason and Madness in the Exploration of Central Africa. (Johannes Fabian). [Book Review]
1997 Dr A. Jamie Saris (1997) Review of Poverty in Rural Ireland: A Political Economy Perspective (Chris Curtin, Trutz Haase, and Hilary Tovey, eds.). [Book Review]
1996 Dr A. Jamie Saris (1996) Review of Constructing Panic: The Discourse of Agoraphobia (Lisa Capps and Elinor Ochs). [Book Review]
1994 Dr A. Jamie Saris (1994) Review of Approaching the Past: Historical Anthropology Through Irish Case Studies. (Silverman and Gulliver, eds.). [Book Review]

Educational Article

Year Publication
2020 A. Jamie Saris (2020) Why is Donald Trump dancing to YMCA?. [Educational Article] [Link]
2017 A. Jamie Saris (2017) Could you survive a zombie apocalypse?. Dublin: [Educational Article]

Magazine Article

Year Publication
2017 Fitzsimons, M; Doherty, C; Saris, J; Power, R; Lambert, V; Varley, J (2017) Co-designing Integrated Care Using Participatory Action Research [PAR]: The Epilepsy Partnership in Care [EPiC] Project. LONDON: [Magazine Article] [DOI] [Full-Text]

Radio Presentation

Year Publication
2014 A. Jamie Saris (2014) Why Do We Que?. [Radio Presentation] [Link]
2013 A. Jamie Saris (2013) Dr. Jamie Saris, Snr Lecturer in Anthropology at NUI Maynooth to talk about one of those stories you dont forget, a Wild Man found in Vietnam. Dublin: [Radio Presentation] [Link]
2024 A. Jamie Saris (2024) Science Fiction and Tech. [Radio Presentation] [Link]
2023 A. Jamie Saris (2023) The Endurance of Barbie. [Radio Presentation] [Link]
2023 A. Jamie Saris (2023) What The Simpsons tells us about who we are. [Radio Presentation] [Link]
2023 A. Jamie Saris (2023) The Dark Side of Thanksgiving. [Radio Presentation]


Year Publication
1994 Saris A. (1994) The return of the repressed: Bringing culture back to psychiatry - EMPTYING BEDS: The work of an emergency psychiatry unit. Lorna A. Rhodes. 1991 University of California Press ETHNOPSYCHIATRY: The cultural construction of professional and folk psychiatries. Atwood D. Gaines, ed. 1992 State University of New York Press. [Reviews] [DOI] [Full-Text]

Technical Publication

Year Publication
2008 Dr A. Jamie Saris, Mark Maguire and Field Researchers (2008) Good Practices in the Provision of Services to Asylum Seekers. [Technical Publication]
1998 A.J. Saris, B. Bartley and Field Researchers (1998) Social Exclusion and Local Responses: An Ethnographic Study on Two Communities in Ireland. [Technical Publication]
2008 Maguire, M., A. Jamie Saris, Eleanor Shaw, Trish Griffin (2008) Good Practice in the Provision of Services to Asylum Seekers. [Technical Publication]


Year Publication
2019 A. Jamie Saris, Chris Gowen and Nicola Fox Hamilton (2019) Are We Getting Close: Technology and Intimacy in the 21stC. [Discussion]


Year Publication
2020 Drążkiewicz E.; Strong T.; Scheper-Hughes N.; Turpin H.; Saris A.J.; Mishtal J.; Wulff H.; French B.; Garvey P.; Miller D.; Murphy F.; Maguire L.; Mhórdha M.N. (2020) Repealing Ireland's Eighth Amendment: abortion rights and democracy today. [Note] [DOI] [Full-Text]

Online Multimedia

Year Publication
2013 A. Jamie Saris (2013) Addiction, Suffering and Pleasure. [Online Multimedia]


Year Publication
2004 Dr A. Jamie Saris (2004) Foreword to Differently Irish: A cultural History Exploring 25 Years of Vietnamese-Irish Identity, Maguire, Mark. [Other]

Published Interview

Year Publication
2013 Maria Cecilia Dedios and Ekaterina Anderson (2013) Top of the heap: Jamie Saris and Elizabeth Wilson. [Published Interview] [Link]

Invited Lectures

Year Publication
2023 A. Jamie Saris (2023) Addicts, the Undead, and Social Theory. Wroclaw, Poland: [Invited Lectures]
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2025) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Description Function From / To
Society for Cultural Anthropology * 30/12/1899 - 30/12/1899
American Ethnological Society Member 30/12/1996 - 30/12/2019
Society for the Anthropology of Europe Member 30/12/1990 - 30/12/2010
Anthropological Association of Ireland Member, Executice Committee, Editor-in-Chief of Irish Journal of Anthropology 30/12/1992 - 30/12/2021
American Ethnological Society Member 30/12/1994 - 30/12/2020
Society for the Study of Nineteenth-Century Ireland member 30/12/1994 - 30/12/2002
Society for Urban and Transnational Anthropology Member 30/12/1996 - 30/12/2008
Society for Medical Anthropology Member 30/12/1996 - 30/12/2019
Anthropological Association of Ireland Member 30/09/1994 -

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/09/2013 Senior Research Fellowship at Internationales Forschungszentrum Kulturwissenschaften/Kunstuniversität Linz Internationales Forschungszentrum Kulturwissenschaften/Kunstuniversität Linz
01/01/1991 Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship
01/01/1988 Fellowship in the International Doctoral Research Program fo
01/01/1992 NIMH Post-Doctorate Training Fellowship


Committee Function From / To
Irish Journal of Anthropology Editor-in-Chief 31/03/1996 - 30/03/2008
International Board of Consulting Editors Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry Advice to Editor, Article Reviews 01/09/1998 -
"Member, Executive Committee Anthropological Association of Ireland" -
Operational CommitteeNational Institute of Regional and Spatial Analysis" Committe Member 10/10/2001 - 10/10/2007
"Co-OrganiserThe Maynooth Anthropology and Sociology Seminar Series" Organizing Guest Speakers for Departmenbt of Anthropology 01/10/1997 - 01/10/2006
External Examiner on Ph.D. Thesis, "We go There and They Come Here: Migrancy and Dislocation Through the Looking Glass of the Tourist Gaze", Cliona O'Carroll, Dept of Folklore and Ethnology/Béaloideas, University College Cork -
FSS Ethics Committee Committee Member 01/10/2005 - 30/09/2008
Anthropology Association of Ireland Editor in Chief of Anthropology Ireland 01/10/1999 - 30/09/2007
Anthropology Association of Ireland Co-Editor in Chief of Anthropology Ireland 01/10/1996 - 30/10/1999
Faculty Promotion Review Panel – Social Sciences Committee Member 01/10/2009 - 30/09/2010
Culture Medicine and Psychiatry Assitant Editor 01/03/1994 - 01/10/1997
National Institute of Regional and Spatial Analysis" Deputy Director 01/05/2002 - 01/10/2006
Management Team for the B.A. in Local and Community Studie CMT member 01/10/2013 -
Anthropology Association of Ireland Executive Committee Member 01/10/1996 - 30/09/2004
FSS Ethics Committee Committee Member 01/10/2015 -
Exploratory Committee for a Graduate School in the Faculty of Social Sciences Committee Member 01/10/2006 - 30/09/2007
Executic Committee of the Anthropology Association of Ireland Chair/President 12/12/2022 -
Management Team for the B.A. in Local and Community Studie CMT member 01/10/1996 - 30/09/2008
National Working Group -- identifying PPI Resources Member 01/09/2021 -
Postgraduate Coordinator Department of Anthropology Manage the PG programme in Anthropology 01/10/1999 - 30/09/2010
Executive Committee, Assisting Living and Learning Insitute Member 10/10/2017 -


Employer Position From / To
Harvard University. Tutor in Special Concentrations Programme - 01/08/1994
The University of Chicago. Lecturer (Anthropology 212, now Frederick Starr Lectureship) - 01/01/1992
NUI Maynooth Senior Lecturer in Anthropology -
National Institute of Regional and Spatial Analysis. Deputy Director -
National Institute of Regional and Spatial Analysis. Research Associate -
NUI Maynooth. Visting Lecturer - 01/01/1990
NUI Maynooth Lecturer in Anthropology - 01/09/2000


Start date Institution Qualification Subject
University of Chicago M.A.
University of Chicago B.A.
University of Chicago Ph.D.


Language Reading Writing Speaking
French Functional Basic Basic

Teaching Interests

I am prepared to teach courses at any level in the specializations mentioned above.  I am also prepared to teach courses in anthropological research and writing.  I have taught anthropology courses at all levels from Introduction to Anthropology to advanced doctoral courses, and I am a prolific trainer of PhDs, averaging, as the Primary Advisor, two completed doctorates per three years since 2000.  I have also mentored postdoctoral researchers as part of larger research teams in both Ireland and Africa. Finally, I have extensive experience in presenting anthropological concepts to non-anthropologists, whether on outreach courses to non-traditional students, to Faculty of Science students, or to medical students in both Europe and North America.

Recent Students

Graduation date Name Degree
2020 Nasrin Khandoker PhD
2009 Dr Joseph Butler PhD
2007 Dr Fiona Larkan PhD
2005 Dr James Quin PhD
2005 Dr Mark Maguire PhD
2014 Dr Katja Seidel PhD
2001 Dr Denise Meagher PhD
2012 Dr Emma Heffernan PhD
2011 Dr Carol Barron PhD
2011 Dr David Murphy PhD
2009 Dr Fiona Murphy PhD
2003 Dr Michelle Cotter PhD
2003 Dr Cormac Sheehan PhD
2014 Dr Felicia Garcia PhD