Prof John P. Lowry

- 2012-Present: Professor/Chair of Chemistry, Maynooth University
- 2007-2012: Adjunct Professor of Pharmacology, School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Sciences, UCD
- 2006-2012: Professor/Chair and Head of Chemistry, National University of Ireland, Maynooth
- 2004-2006: Lecturer & Examiner in Pharmacology/Principal Investigator: School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Sciences (Dept. of Pharmacology), UCD
- 1998-2004: Lecturer & Examiner in Chemistry, National University of Ireland, Maynooth
- 1996-1998: European Commission Marie Curie Fellow, UCD & University of Oxford
- 1994-1996: European Commission Marie Curie Fellow, University of Oxford
- 1992-1994: Forbairt Post-Doctoral Research Associate, UCD.
- 1988-1992: PhD, Chemistry, UCD
- 1984-88: BSc (Honours) Chemistry, UCD
Research Interests
• Neurochemistry
• Analytical Chemistry
• Electrochemistry
• Pharmacology
• Behavioural Neuroscience
• Sensors and Biosensors
• Brain Microdialysis
• Analytical Chemistry
• Electrochemistry
• Pharmacology
• Behavioural Neuroscience
• Sensors and Biosensors
• Brain Microdialysis
Book Chapter
Peer Reviewed Journal
Year | Publication | |
2014 | Francois, J., Huxter, J., Conway, MW., Lowry, JP., Tricklebank, MD. and Gilmour, G. (2014) 'Differential Contributions of Infralimbic Prefrontal Cortex and Nucleus Accumbens during Reward-Based Learning and Extinction'. Neuroscience, 34 :596-607. [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Barkus C, Line SJ, Huber A, Capitao L, Lima J, Jennings K, Lowry J, Sharp T, Bannerman DM, McHugh SB. (2013) 'Variation in Serotonin Transporter Expression Modulates Fear-Evoked Hemodynamic Responses and Theta-Frequency Neuronal Oscillations in the Amygdala'. Biological Psychiatry, 1 :1-1. [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Finnerty, N.J., O'Riordan, S.L., Lowry, J.P., Cloutier, M., Wellstead, P. (2013) 'Continuous Real-Time in vivo Measurement of Cerebral Nitric Oxide Supports Theoretical Predictions of an Irreversible Switching in Cerebral ROS after Sufficient Exposure to External Toxins'. Parkinson's Disease, 3 :351-362. [Full-Text] | |
2012 | OConnor J.J. and Lowry J.P. (2012) 'A comparison of the effects of the dopamine partial agonists aripiprazole and (−)-3-PPP with quinpirole on stimulated dopamine release in the rat striatum: Studies using fast cyclic voltammetry in vitro'. European Journal of Pharmacology, 686 :60-65. [Full-Text] | |
2011 | Finnerty, N.J., O’Riordan, S.L., Brown, F.O., Serra, P.A., O’Neill, R.D. and Lowry, J.P. (2011) 'In vivo characterisation of a Nafion®-modified Pt electrode for real-time nitric oxide monitoring in brain extracellular fluid'. Analytical Methods, 4 :550-557. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2010 | McHugh, S.B., Fillenz, M., Lowry, J.P., Rawlins, N.P. and Bannerman, D.M. (2010) 'Brain tissue oxygen amperometry in behaving rats demonstrates functional dissociation of dorsal and ventral hippocampus during spatial processing and anxiety'. European Journal of Neuroscience, 33 :322-337. [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Brown, F.O., N.J. Finnerty and J.P. Lowry (2009) 'Nitric oxide monitoring in brain extracellular fluid: Characterisation of Nafion-modified Pt electrodes in vitro and in vivo'. Analysis, 134 :2012-2020. [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Al Mulla, I., J.P. Lowry, P.A. Serra, and R.D. O'Neill (2009) 'Development of a voltammetric technique for monitoring brain dopamine metabolism: compensation for interference caused by DOPAC electrogenerated during homovanillic acid detection'. The Analyst, 5 :893-898. [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Fejgin, K., E. Pålsson, C. Wass, N. Finnerty, J. Lowry and D. Klamer (2009) 'Prefrontal GABAB Receptor Activation Attenuates Phencyclidine-Induced Impairments of Prepulse Inhibition: Involvement of Nitric Oxide'. Neuropsychopharmacology, 34 :1673-1684. [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Bazzu, G., G. Puggioni, S. Dedola, G. Calia, G. Rocchitta, R. Migheli, M.S. Desole, J.P. Lowry, R.D. O'Neill, P. A. Serra (2009) 'Real-time monitoring of brain tissue oxygen using a miniaturized biotelemetric device implanted in freelymoving rats'. Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 81 :323-330. [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Sibson, N., McHugh, S., and Lowry, J.P. (2009) 'Combined fMRI and metabolic voltammetry in vivo: understanding the neurochemical basis of functional imaging signals'. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 29 :S613-S614. [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Rothwell,S.A., M.E. Kinsella, Z.M. Zain, Pier A. Serra, G. Rocchitta, J.P. Lowry and R.D. O’Neill (2009) 'Contributions by a novel edge effect to thh permselectivity of an electrosynthesized polymer for microbiosensor applications'. Journal of Analytical Chemistry, :3911-3918. [Full-Text] | |
2008 | O'Neill, R.D., Lowry, J.P., Rocchitta, G. , McMahon, C.P. and Serra, P.A. (2008) 'Designing sensitive and selective polymer/enzyme composite biosensors for brain monitoring in vivo'. TrAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 27 :78-88. [Full-Text] | |
2007 | McMahon, C.P., Rocchitta, G., Kirwan, S.M., Killoran, S.J., Serra, P.A. Lowry J.P. and O’Neill R.D. (2007) 'Oxygen tolerance of an implantable polymer/enzyme composite glutamate biosensor displaying polycation-enhanced substrate sensitivity'. 22 :1466-1473. [Full-Text] | |
2007 | Klamer, D.S., E.N. Palsson, C.E. Wass, K.W. Fejgin, N.J. Finnerty, J.P. Lowry, J.A. Engel and L.I. Svensson (2007) 'Animal models for the assessment of cognitive dysfunctions in schizophrenia: focus on the nitric oxide pathway'. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 17 :S188-S189. | |
2007 | Serra, P.A. Rocchitta, G., Bazzu, G., Manca, A., Puggioni, G.M., Lowry J.P. and O’Neill R.D. (2007) 'Design and construction of a low cost single-supply embedded telemetry system for amperometric biosensor applications'. Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, 122 :118-126. [Full-Text] | |
2007 | Kinsella, M.E., Lowry, J.P. and O'Neill, R.D. (2007) 'Biosensor for the neurotransmitter L-glutamic acid: Development and characterisation'. Journal of Neurochemistry, 102 (Suppl. 1) . | |
2006 | Lowry, J.P., Mc Mahon, C.P., Rocchitta, G., Serra, P., Kirwan, S.M. and O'Neill, R.D. (2006) 'The efficiency of immobilised glutamate oxidase decreases with surface enzyme loading: an electrostatic effect, and reversal by a polycation significantly enhances biosensor sensitivity'. The Analyst, 131 :68-72. [Full-Text] | |
2006 | McMahon, C.P., Rocchitta, G., Serra, P.A., Kirwan, S.M., Lowry, J.P. & O'Neill, R.D. (2006) 'Control of the oxygen dependence of an implantable polymer/enzyme composite biosensor for glutamate'. Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 78 :2352-2359. [Full-Text] | |
2005 | Brown, F.O., Finnerty, N.J., Bolger, F.B., Millar, J. and Lowry, J.P. (2005) 'Calibration of NO sensors for In Vivo Voltammetry: Laboratory synthesis of NO and the use of UV-visible spectroscopy in determining stock concentrations'. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 381 :964-971. [Full-Text] | |
2005 | Bolger, F.B. and Lowry, J.P. (2005) 'Brain Tissue Oxygen: In Vivo Monitoring using Carbon Paste Electrodes'. Sensors, 5 :473-487. [Full-Text] | |
2004 | Lowry, J.P. (2004) 'Monitoring Real-time Metabolite Trafficking in the Brain using Microelectrochemical Biosensors'. ANNALS OF THE MARIE CURIE FELLOWSHIP ASSOCIATION, III :92-97. [Full-Text] | |
2003 | Brown, F.O. and Lowry, J.P. (2003) 'Microelectrochemical Sensors for In Vivo Brain Analysis: An Investigation of Procedures for Modifying Pt Electrodes Using Nafion®'. The Analyst, 128 :700-705. [Full-Text] | |
2002 | Dixon, B.M., Lowry, J.P. and O’Neill, R.D. (2002) 'Oxygen dependence of an enzyme/polymer biosensor for monitoring brain glucose in vivo'. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 119 :135-142. [Full-Text] | |
2002 | O’Connor, W.T., O’Connor, J.J., Lowry, J.P. and O’Neill, R.D. (2002) 'In Vivo Methods: Monitoring Molecules in Neuroscience'. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 119 :105-107. [Full-Text] | |
2001 | Lowry, J.P. and Fillenz, M. (2001) 'The role of astrocytes in neuronal metabolism: Real time monitoring of metabolic trafficking'. Journal of Neurochemistry, 78 (Suppl. 1) . | |
2001 | Lowry, J.P., Dunne, S.O. and Fillenz, M. (2001) 'In Vivo Evidence Supporting Compartmentalisation in Brain Energy Metabolism'. 170 :103-104. | |
2001 | Lowry, J.P. and Fillenz, M. (2001) 'Real-Time Monitoring of Brain Energy Metabolism In Vivo using Microelectrochemical Sensors: The Effects of Anesthesia'. Bioelectrochemistry, 54 :39-47. [Full-Text] | |
1999 | Fillenz, M., Lowry, J.P., Boutelle, M.G. and Fray, A.E. (1999) 'The role of astrocytes and noradrenaline in neuronal glucose metabolism'. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica, 167 :275-284. [Full-Text] | |
1998 | O'Neill, R.D., Lowry, J.P. and Mas, M. (1998) 'Monitoring brain chemistry in vivo: Voltammetric techniques, sensors and behavioral applications'. Critical Reviews in Neurobiology, 12 :69-127. | |
1998 | Lowry, J.P., Ryan, M.R. and O'Neill, R.D. (1998) 'Behaviourally induced changes in ectracellular levels of brain glutamate monitored at 1 s resolution with an implanted biosensor'. Analytical Communications, 35 :87-89. [Full-Text] | |
1998 | Lowry, J.P., CWeill, R.D., Boutelle, M.G. and Fillenz, M. (1998) 'Continuous monitoring of extracellular glucose concentrations in the striatum of freely moving rats with an implanted glucose biosensor'. Journal of Neurochemistry, 70 :391-396. [Full-Text] | |
1998 | Lowry, J.P., Miele, M., O'Neill, R.D., Boutelle, M.G. and Fillenz, M. (1998) 'An amperometric glucose-oxidase/poly(o-phenylenediamine) biosensor for monitoring brain extracellular glucose: In vivo characterization in the striatum of freely-moving rats'. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 79 :65-74. [Full-Text] | |
1998 | Lowry, J.P. and Fillenz, M. (1998) 'The relation between local cerebral blood flow and extracellular glucose in rat striatum'. Experimental Physiology, 83 :233-238. [Full-Text] | |
1998 | Lowry, J.P., Demestre, M. and Fillenz, M. (1998) 'Relation between local cerebral blood flow and extracellular glucose concentration in rat striatum during mild hypoxia and hyperoxia'. Developmental Neuroscience, 20 :52-58. | |
1998 | Fillenz, M. and Lowry, J.P. (1998) 'Studies of the source of glucose in the extracellular compartment of the rat brain'. Developmental Neuroscience, 20 :365-368. | |
1997 | Lowry, J.P. and Fillenz, M. (1997) 'The source of extracellular brain glucose during neuronal activation: A biosensor study'. Journal of Neurochemistry, 69 (Suppl.) . | |
1997 | Fillenz, M. and Lowry, J.P. (1997) 'The effect of mild hypoxia and hyperoxia on local cerebral blood flow and brain extracellular glucose'. Journal of Neurochemistry, 69 (Suppl.) . | |
1997 | Fillenz, M. and Lowry, J.P. (1997) 'The source of extracellular brain glucose and its role in neuronal glycolysis'. Journal of Neurochemistry, 69 (Suppl.) . | |
1997 | Lowry, J.P. and Fillenz, M. (1997) 'The relation between local cerebral blood flow and extracellular glucose concentration in rat striatum'. Physiology, 499P . [Full-Text] | |
1997 | Lowry, J.P. and Fillenz, M. (1997) 'Evidence for uncoupling of oxygen and glucose utilisation during neuronal activation in rat striatum'. Physiology, 498 :497-501. [Full-Text] | |
1997 | Ryan, M.R., Lowry, J.P. and O'Neill, R.D. (1997) 'A biosensor for neurotransmitter L-glutamic acid designed for efficient use of L-glutamate oxidase and effective rejection of interference'. The Analyst, 112 :1419-1424. [Full-Text] | |
1997 | Lowry, J.P., Boutelle, M.G. and Fillenz, M. (1997) 'Measurement of brain tissue oxygen at a carbon paste electrode can serve as an index of increases in regional cerebral blood flow'. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 71 :177-182. [Full-Text] | |
1996 | Lowry, J.P., Boutelle, M.G., O'Neill, R.D. and Fillenz, M. (1996) 'Characterisation of carbon paste electrodes in vitro for simultaneous amperometric measurement of changes in oxygen and ascorbic acid concentrations in vivo'. The Analyst, 121 :761-766. | |
1996 | Lowry, J.P. and Fillenz, M. (1996) 'In vivo glucose measurements in rat striatum with an implanted sensor'. Journal of Neurochemistry, 66 (Suppl.2) . | |
1994 | Lowry, J.P., McAteer, K., El Attash, S.S., Duff, A. and O'Neill, R.D. (1994) 'Characterization of glucose oxidase-modified poly(phenylenediamine)-coated electrodes in vitro and in vivo: Homogeneous interference by ascorbic acid in hydrogen peroxide detection'. Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 66 :1754-1761. [Full-Text] | |
1994 | Lowry, J.P., McAteer, K., El Attash, S.S. and O'Neill, R.D. (1994) 'Efficient glucose detection in anaerobic solutions using an enzyme-modified electrode designed to detect H2O2: Implications for biomedical applications'. Chemical Communications, 21 :2483-2484. [Full-Text] | |
1993 | Lowry, J.P. and O'Neill, R.D. (1993) 'Partial characterization in vitro of glucose oxidase-modified poly(phenylenediamine)-coated electrodes for neurochemical analysis in vivo'. Electroanalysis, 6 :369-379. | |
1992 | Lowry, J.P. and O'Neill, R.D. (1992) 'Homogeneous mechanism of ascorbic acid interference in hydrogen peroxide detection at enzyme-modified electrodes'. Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 64 :453-456. | |
1992 | Lowry, J.P. and O'Neill, R.D. (1992) 'Strategies for reducing ascorbate interference at glucose oxidase modified conducting organic salt electrodes'. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry and Interfacial Electrochemistry, 334 :183-194. | |
1991 | O'Neill, R.D., Gonzalez-Mora, J.L., Boutelle, M.G., Ormonde, D.E., Lowry, J.P., Duff, A., Fumero, B., Fillenz, M. and Mas, M. (1991) 'Anomalously high concentrations of striatal extracellular uric acid detected with chronically implanted probes: Implications for in vivo sampling techniques'. Journal of Neurochemistry, 57 :22-29. | |
1989 | Lowry, J.P. and O'Neill, R.D. (1989) 'Detection of brain extracellular uric acid - Dependance on probe size'. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 29 . |
Conference Contribution
Magazine Article
Year | Publication | |
2009 | Lowry, J.P. and Scanlan, J. (2009) Blue Box sensors: Ireland's newest pharmaceutical devices company. [Magazine Article] [Full-Text] |
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