Prof Rozenn Dahyot

I am Professor of Computer Science at Maynooth University (Ireland). I led the effort for organising the European Signal Processing Conference EUSIPCO2021 in Dublin in 2021 (August 23-27th 2021). I am a member of IEEE, ACM, EURASIP and IPRCS.
Before joining Maynooth University, I have been (Assistant then Associate) Professor in Statistics (2008-2021), Lecturer in Computer Science (2005-2008) in the School of Computer Science and Statistics in Trinity College Dublin (Ireland). Before that, I had positions as Research Fellow on European projects (FP5, FP6) with Trinity College Dublin and Cambridge University (UK, 2002-2005), and Research Assistant in Laboratoire des Ponts et Chaussées Strasbourg (France, 1998-2001).
I have served as secretary (2008-2014) and president (2014-2020) of the Irish Pattern Recognition and Classification Society (IPRCS) that organizes the yearly Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference (ImVIP). I was the IPRCS representative on the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR) (2014-2020).
Personal website:
Before joining Maynooth University, I have been (Assistant then Associate) Professor in Statistics (2008-2021), Lecturer in Computer Science (2005-2008) in the School of Computer Science and Statistics in Trinity College Dublin (Ireland). Before that, I had positions as Research Fellow on European projects (FP5, FP6) with Trinity College Dublin and Cambridge University (UK, 2002-2005), and Research Assistant in Laboratoire des Ponts et Chaussées Strasbourg (France, 1998-2001).
I have served as secretary (2008-2014) and president (2014-2020) of the Irish Pattern Recognition and Classification Society (IPRCS) that organizes the yearly Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference (ImVIP). I was the IPRCS representative on the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR) (2014-2020).
Personal website:
Research Interests
My research interests are in between the traditional fields of Electronic and electrical engineering (digital signal processing), Computer Science (computer vision & graphics), artificial intelligence (data mining, machine learning) and Mathematics (Statistics, Information theory, decision theory, functional analysis).
Book Chapter
Year | Publication | |
2010 | P. Charbonnier and R. Dahyot and T. Vik and F. Heitz (2010) 'Detection et reconnaissance de la signalisation verticale par analyse d’images (Ed: P. Foucher)' In: : Etudes et Recherches des laboratoires des Ponts et Chaussées, CR53 ( ISBN 978-2-7208-2578-1). | |
2008 | Dahyot, Rozenn and Pitie, Francois and Lennon, Daire and Harte, Naomi and Kokaram, Anil (2008) 'Action Recognition in Multimedia Streams' In: Multimodal Processing and Interaction: Audio, Video, Text. Boston, MA : Springer US (Eds: Maragos, Petros and Potamianos, Alexandros and Gros, Patrick). | |
2008 | F. Pitie and A. Kokaram and R. Dahyot (2008) 'Enhancement of Digital Photographs Using Color Transfer Techniques' In: Single-Sensor Imaging: Methods and Applications for Digital Cameras. CRC : CRC Press Image Processing Series, Rastislav Lukac (Ed.) ISBN: 9781420054521. [Link] [DOI] | |
2008 | Wilson, Simon P. and Dahyot, Rozenn and Cunningham, Padraig (2008) 'Introduction to Bayesian Methods and Decision Theory' In: Machine Learning Techniques for Multimedia: Case Studies on Organization and Retrieval. Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg (Eds: Cord, Matthieu and Cunningham, P\'adraig). |
Peer Reviewed Journal
Year | Publication | |
2023 | Chopin, J.; Fasquel, J.B.; Mouchère, H.; Dahyot, R.; Bloch, I. (2023) 'Model-based inexact graph matching on top of DNNs for semantic scene understanding'. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 235 . [Link] [DOI] | |
2022 | Ulicny M.; Krylov V.A.; Dahyot R. (2022) 'Harmonic convolutional networks based on discrete cosine transform'. Pattern Recognition, 129 . [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2021 | McDonnell R.; Zibrek K.; Carrigan E.; Dahyot R. (2021) 'Model for predicting perception of facial action unit activation using virtual humans[Formula presented]'. Computers and Graphics, 100 :81-92. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2020 | C.-J. Liu and V. A. Krylov and P. Kane and G. Kavanagh and R. Dahyot (2020) 'IM2ELEVATION: Building Height Estimation from Single-View Aerial Imagery'. 12 (17). [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2020 | Prado, Miguel De and Su, Jing and Saeed, Rabia and Keller, Lorenzo and Vallez, Noelia and Anderson, Andrew and Gregg, David and Benini, Luca and Llewellynn, Tim and Ouerhani, Nabil and Dahyot, Rozenn and Pazos, Nuria (2020) 'Bonseyes AI Pipeline—Bringing AI to You: End-to-End Integration of Data, Algorithms, and Deployment Tools'. 1 (4). [Link] [DOI] | |
2019 | Kashif Ahmad and Konstantin Pogorelov and Michael Riegler and Olga Ostroukhova and Pål Halvorsen and Nicola Conci and Rozenn Dahyot (2019) 'Automatic detection of passable roads after floods in remote sensed and social media data'. 74 :110-118. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2019 | Mairead Grogan and Rozenn Dahyot (2019) 'L2 Divergence for robust colour transfer'. . [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2018 | Vladimir Krylov and Eamonn Kenny and Rozenn Dahyot (2018) 'Automatic Discovery and Geotagging of Objects from Street View Imagery'. 10 (5). [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2018 | Mairead Grogan and Rozenn Dahyot (2018) 'Shape registration with directional data'. 79 :452-466. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2017 | Abdullah Bulbul and Rozenn Dahyot (2017) 'Social media based 3D visual popularity'. 63 :28-36. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2017 | Bulbul, Abdullah and Dahyot, Rozenn (2017) 'Populating virtual cities using social media'. 28 (5). [Link] [DOI] | |
2016 | Claudia Arellano and Rozenn Dahyot (2016) 'Robust ellipse detection with Gaussian mixture models'. 58 :12-26. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Jonathan Ruttle and Claudia Arellano and Rozenn Dahyot (2014) 'Robust shape from depth images with GR2T'. 50 :43-54. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Rozenn Dahyot and Jonathan Ruttle (2013) 'Generalised relaxed Radon transform (GR2T) for robust inference'. 46 (3):788-794. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Donghoon Kim and Jonathan Ruttle and Rozenn Dahyot (2013) 'Bayesian 3D shape from silhouettes'. 23 (6):1844-1855. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2012 | Direkoglu, Cem and Dahyot, Rozenn and Manzke, Michael (2012) 'On Using Anisotropic Diffusion for Skeleton Extraction'. 100 (2):170-189. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2009 | R. Dahyot (2009) 'Statistical Hough Transform'. 31 (8):1502-1509. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2008 | Dahyot, Rozenn and Vilari\~no, Fernando and Lacey, Gerard (2008) 'Improving the Quality of Color Colonoscopy Videos'. (1). [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2007 | François Pitié and Anil C. Kokaram and Rozenn Dahyot (2007) 'Automated colour grading using colour distribution transfer'. 107 (1):123-137. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2006 | A. Kokaram and N. Rea and R. Dahyot and M. Tekalp and P. Bouthemy and P. Gros and I. Sezan (2006) 'Browsing sports video: trends in sports-related indexing and retrieval work'. 23 (2):47-58. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2006 | R. Dahyot and S. Wilson (2006) 'Robust Scale Estimation for the generalized Gaussian Probability Density Function'. 3 (1):21-37. [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2004 | Dahyot, Rozenn and Charbonnier, Pierre and Heitz, Fabrice (2004) 'A Bayesian approach to object detection using probabilistic appearance-based models'. 7 (3):317-332. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2003 | R. Dahyot and P. Charbonnier and F. Heitz (2003) 'Detection robuste par modele probabiliste d apparence : une approche bayesienne'. 20 (2):101-117. [Link] |
Conference Publication
Year | Publication | |
2022 | Chopin J.; Fasquel J.B.; Mouchère H.; Dahyot R.; Bloch I. (2022) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) QAP Optimisation with Reinforcement Learning for Faster Graph Matching in Sequential Semantic Image Analysis [DOI] | |
2022 | Karaali A.; Dahyot R.; Sexton D.J. (2022) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) DR-VNet: Retinal Vessel Segmentation via Dense Residual UNet [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2022 | Chopin J.; Fasquel J.B.; Mouchère H.; Dahyot R.; Bloch I. (2022) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Improving Semantic Segmentation with Graph-Based Structural Knowledge [DOI] | |
2021 | McDonnell, R; Zibrek, K; Carrigan, E; Dahyot, R (2021) COMPUTERS & GRAPHICS-UK Model for predicting perception of facial action unit activation using virtual humans [DOI] | |
2021 | Matej Ulicny and Vladimir A. Krylov and Rozenn Dahyot (2021) ICASSP 2021 Tensor Reordering for CNN Compression [Link] | |
2021 |
Alghamdi H.; Dahyot R. (2021) European Signal Processing Conference Sliced L | |
2020 | Chopin, J. and Fasquel, J.-B. and Mouchere, H. and Bloch, I. and Dahyot, R. (2020) Rencontres des Jeunes Chercheurs en Intelligence Artificielle (RJCIA 2020) Methode d'analyse semantique d'images combinant apprentissage profond et relations structurelles par appariement de graphes Angers, France, [Link] | |
2020 | Carrigan, Emma and Zibrek, Katja and Dahyot, Rozenn and McDonnell, Rachel (2020) Motion, Interaction and Games Investigating Perceptually Based Models to Predict Importance of Facial Blendshapes New York, NY, USA, [Link] | |
2020 | R. Yadav and A. Samir and H. Rashed and S. Yogamani and R. Dahyot (2020) Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing (IMVIP 2020) CNN based Color and Thermal Image Fusion for Object Detection in Automated Driving [Link] | |
2020 | R. Aljuaidi and R. Dahyot (2020) Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing (IMVIP 2020) Efficient Visual Place Retrieval System Using Google Street View [Link] | |
2020 | Hana Alghamdi and Rozenn Dahyot (2020) Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing (IMVIP 2020) Patch based Colour Transfer using SIFT Flow [Link] | |
2020 | J. Chopin and J.B. Fasquel and H. Mouchère and R. Dahyot and I. Bloch (2020) 2020 Tenth International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA) Semantic image segmentation based on spatial relationships and inexact graph matching [Link] | |
2020 | Hana Alghamdi and Rozenn Dahyot (2020) 2020 IEEE 22nd International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP) Iterative Nadaraya-Watson Distribution Transfer for Colour Grading [Link] | |
2019 | F. Albluwi and V. A. Krylov and R. Dahyot (2019) 2019 27th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) Super-Resolution on Degraded Low-Resolution Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2019 | H. Alghamdi and M. Grogan and R. Dahyot (2019) 2019 27th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) Patch-Based Colour Transfer with Optimal Transport [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2019 | S. Bhatia and R. Dahyot (2019) 27th Irish Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science . In: Edward Curry and Mark Keane and Adegboyega Ojo and Dhaval Salwala eds. Using WGAN for Improving Imbalanced Classification Performance Galway, Ireland, [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2019 | Krylov, Vladimir A. and Dahyot, Rozenn (2019) ECML PKDD 2018 Workshops . In: Alzate, Carlos and Monreale, Anna and Assem, Haytham and Bifet, Albert and Buda, Teodora Sandra and Caglayan, Bora and Drury, Brett and Garc\'ia-Mart\'in, Eva and Gavald\`a eds. Object Geolocation from Crowdsourced Street Level Imagery Cham, [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2019 | A. Anderson and J. Su and R. Dahyot and D. Gregg (2019) 2019 International Conference on High Performance Computing Simulation (HPCS) Performance-Oriented Neural Architecture Search [Link] | |
2019 | Rozenn Dahyot and Hana Alghamdi and Mair\'ead Grogan (2019) Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing conference 2019 Entropic Regularisation of Robust Optimal Transport [Link] | |
2019 | M. Ulicny and V. A. Krylov and R. Dahyot (2019) 2019 27th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) Harmonic Networks with Limited Training Samples [Link] | |
2019 | Miguel de Prado and Jing Su and Rozenn Dahyot and Rabia Saeed and Lorenzo Keller and Noelia V\'allez (2019) HiPEAC 2019 workshop Emerging Deep Learning Accelerator AI Pipeline - bringing AI to you. End-to-end integration of data, algorithms and deployment tools [Link] | |
2019 | Fatma Albluwi, Vladimir A. Krylov and R. Dahyot (2019) Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing (IMVIP 2019) Denoising RENOIR Image Dataset with DBSR Technological University Dublin, [Link] | |
2019 | M. Ulicny and V. Krylov and R. Dahyot (2019) British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) Harmonic Networks for Image Classification Cardiff UK, [Link] | |
2019 | R. Aljuaidi and J. Su and R. Dahyot (2019) 2019 30th Irish Signals and Systems Conference (ISSC) Mini-Batch VLAD for Visual Place Retrieval [Full-Text] | |
2018 | C.-J. Liu, K. Vladimir and R. Dahyot (2018) Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing conference (IMVIP 2018) 3D point cloud segmentation using GIS Ulster University, Northern Ireland, [Link] | |
2018 | F. Albluwi and V. A. Krylov and R. Dahyot (2018) 2018 IEEE 28th International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP) Image Deblurring and Super-Resolution Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks [Full-Text] | |
2018 | V. A. Krylov and R. Dahyot (2018) 2018 25th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) Object Geolocation Using MRF Based Multi-Sensor Fusion [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2017 | Llewellynn, Tim and Fern\'andez-Carrobles, M. Milagro and Deniz, Oscar and Fricker, Samuel and Storkey, Amos and Pazos, Nuria and Velikic, Gordana and Leufgen, Kirsten and Dahyot, Rozenn and Koller, Sebastian and Goumas, Georgios and Leitner, Peter and Dasika, Ganesh and Wang, Lei and Tutschku, Kurt (2017) Proceedings of the Computing Frontiers Conference BONSEYES: Platform for Open Development of Systems of Artificial Intelligence: Invited Paper New York, NY, USA, [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2017 | H. Alghamdi and M. Grogan and R. Dahyot (2017) Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing conference (IMVIP 2017) IDT Vs L2 Distance for Point Set Registration Maynooth University, [Link] | |
2017 | S. M. I. Zolanvari and R. Dahyot (2017) Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing conference (IMVIP 2017) Stitching Skin Images of Scars Maynooth University, [Link] | |
2017 | M. Ulicny and R. Dahyot (2017) Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing conference (IMVIP 2017) On Using CNN with Compressed (DCT Based) Image Data Maynooth University, [Link] | |
2016 | Di, Xinhan and Dahyot, Rozenn and Prasad, Mukta (2016) Computer Vision -- ECCV 2016 Workshops . In: Hua, Gang and J\'egou, Herv\'e eds. Deep Shape from a Low Number of Silhouettes Cham, [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2016 | M. Grogan and J. Carvalho and R. Dahyot (2016) Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference (IMVIP 2016) Recent techniques for (re)colouring Galway, Ireland, [Link] | |
2015 | B. Xia and R. Dahyot and J. Ruttle and D. Caulfield and G. Lacey (2015) Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference (IMVIP 2015) Hand Hygiene Poses Recognition with RGB-D Videos Dublin, Ireland, [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2015 | Xia, Baiqiang and Dahyot, Rozenn and Ruttle, Jonathan and Caulfield, Darren and Lacey, Gerard (2015) Proceedings of the 17th Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference Hand hygiene poses recognition with rgb-d videos | |
2015 | M. Grogan and M. Prasad and R. Dahyot (2015) European Signal Processing Conference (Eusipco) L2 Registration for Colour Transfer Nice France, [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2015 | A. Bulbul and M. Grogan and R. Dahyot (2015) Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference (IMVIP 2015) 3D Reconstruction of Reflective Spherical Surfaces from Multiple Images Dublin, Ireland, [Link] | |
2015 | R. Dahyot and C. Brady and C. Bourges and A. Bulbul (2015) 2015 International Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Multimedia Understanding (IWCIM) Information visualisation for social media analytics Prague, Czech Republic, [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Z. Zdziarski and J. Mitchell and P. Houdyer and D. Johnson and C. Bourges and R. Dahyot (2014) Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference (IMVIP 2014) An Architecture for Social Media Summarisation Derry-Londonderry, Northern Ireland, [Link] | |
2014 | Z. Zdziarski and C. Bourgès and J. Mitchell and P. Houdyer and D. Johnson and R. Dahyot (2014) 2014 International Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Multimedia Understanding (IWCIM) On summarising the 'here and now' of social videos for smart mobile browsing Paris, France, | |
2014 | R. Dahyot (2014) 2014 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition GR2T vs L2E with Nuisance Scale [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Zdziarski, Z. and Dahyot, R. (2014) Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), 2014 22nd Extension of GBVS to 3D media [Full-Text] | |
2014 | M. Grogan and R. Dahyot (2014) Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference Mesh from Depth Images Using GR2T Derry-Londonderry, Northern Ireland, [Link] | |
2013 | Zdziarski, Z. and Dahyot, R. (2013) Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Perception On Creating a 2D \& 3D Visual Saliency Dataset New York, NY, USA, [Link] | |
2012 | C. Arellano and R. Dahyot (2012) 2012 Proceedings of the 20th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) Mean shift algorithm for robust rigid registration between Gaussian Mixture Models [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2012 | C. Arellano and R. Dahyot (2012) 2012 Proceedings of the 20th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) Shape model fitting algorithm without point correspondence [Link] | |
2012 | C. Arellano and R. Dahyot (2012) IET Irish Signals and Systems Conference (ISSC 2012) Shape Model Fitting Using non-Isotropic GMM Maynooth, Ireland, [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2012 | Kim, Donghoon and Dahyot, Rozenn (2012) Computational Intelligence for Multimedia Understanding . In: Salerno, Emanuele and \cCetin, A. Enis and Salvetti, Ovidio eds. Bayesian Shape from Silhouettes Berlin, Heidelberg, | |
2012 | J. Ruttle and C. Arellano and R. Dahyot (2012) 2012 Proceedings of the 20th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) Extrinsic camera parameters estimation for shape-from-depths [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2012 | Z. Zdziarski and R. Dahyot (2012) 23nd IET Irish Signals and Systems Conference Feature Selection Using Visual Saliency for Content-Based Image Retrieval Maynooth, Ireland, [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2010 | C. Arellano and R. Dahyot (2010) International Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference (IMVIP 2010) Stereo Images for 3D Face Applications: A Literature Review Limerick Ireland, [Link] | |
2010 | D. Kim and J. Ruttle and R. Dahyot (2010) IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2010) 3D shape estimation from silhouettes using Mean-shift [Full-Text] | |
2010 | J. Ruttle and M. Manzke and R. Dahyot (2010) proceedings of The 7th European Conference for Visual Media Production, CVMP 2010 Smooth Kernel Density Estimate for Multiple View Reconstruction [Full-Text] | |
2010 | Direkoglu, Cem and Dahyot, Rozenn and Manzke, Michael (2010) Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference Skeleton Extraction via Anisotropic Heat Flow [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Howe, Ken-Dawson and Dahyot, Rozenn and Kokaram, Anil and Lacey, Gerard (2009) Irish Machine vision and Image Processing Conference IMVIP 1999 IMVIP 2009 | |
2009 | J. Ruttle and M. Manzke and M. Prazak and R. Dahyot (2009) SIGGRAPH ASIA '09: ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2009 Posters Synchronized real-time multi-sensor motion capture system New York, NY, USA, | |
2009 | D. Kim and R. Dahyot (2009) International Machine Vision and Image Processing conference (IMVIP 2009) 3D Head Reconstruction using Multi-camera Stream Dublin, Ireland, [Link] | |
2009 | J. Ruttle and M. Manzke and R. Dahyot (2009) International Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference (IMVIP 2009) Estimating 3D Scene Flow from Multiple 2D Optical Flows Dublin, Ireland, [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Z. Zdziarski and R. Dahyot (2009) International Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference (IMVIP 2009) Robust Panning Analysis for Slideshow Detection in Video Databases Dublin, Ireland, [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2008 | G. Kearney and R. Dahyot and F. Boland (2008) Audio Engineering Society 134th Convention Audio-Visual Processing Tools for Auditory Scene Synthesis [Link] | |
2008 | R. Dahyot (2008) 2008 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Bayesian Classification for the Statistical Hough Transform Tampa, Florida, [Full-Text] | |
2008 | D. Kim and R. Dahyot (2008) International Machine Vision and Image Processing conference (IMVIP 2008) Face components detection using SURF descriptor and SVMs [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2007 | R. Dahyot and C. Kelly and G. Kearney (2007) 31st International Conference Audio Engineering Society Visual enhancement using multiple audio streams in live music performance London, UK, [Link] | |
2006 | N. Rea and C. Lambe and G. Lacey and R. Dahyot (2006) The 3rd European Conference on Visual Media Production (CVMP 2006) - Part of the 2nd Multimedia Conference 2006 Multimodal Periodicity Analysis for Illicit Content Detection in Videos | |
2006 | R. Dahyot (2006) Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing conference (IMVIP 2006) Unsupervised Camera Motion Estimation and Moving Object Detection in Videos Dublin, Ireland, [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2006 | R. Dahyot (2006) 21st International Workshop on Statistical Modelling Bayesian Inferences for Object Detection Galway, Ireland, | |
2005 | A. Kokaram and F. Piti\'e and R. Dahyot and N. Rea and S. Yeterian (2005) proceedings of the IEEE workshop on Content Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI'05) Content Controlled Image Representation for Sports Streaming Riga, Latvia, [Link] | |
2005 | Denman, Hugh and Doyle, Erika and Kokaram, Anil and Lennon, Daire and Dahyot, Rozenn and Fuller, Ray (2005) Proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGMM International Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval Exploiting Temporal Discontinuities for Event Detection and Manipulation in Video Streams New York, NY, USA, [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2004 | R. Dahyot and A. Kokaram (2004) Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing conference (IMVIP 2004) Comparison of Two Algorithms for Robust M-estimation of Global Motion Parameters Dublin, Ireland, [Link] | |
2004 | Piti\'e (2004) Statistical Methods in Video Processing . In: Comaniciu, Dorin and Mester, Rudolf and Kanatani, Kenichi and Suter, David eds. A New Robust Technique for Stabilizing Brightness Fluctuations in Image Sequences Berlin, Heidelberg, | |
2004 | R. Dahyot and N. Rea and A. Kokaram and N. Kingsbury (2004) IEEE 6th Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, 2004 Inlier modeling for multimedia data analysis [Link] | |
2004 | Rea, N. and Dahyot, R. and Kokaram, A. (2004) Image and Video Retrieval . In: Enser, Peter and Kompatsiaris, Yiannis and O'Connor, Noel E. and Smeaton, Alan F. and Smeulders, Arnold W. M eds. Semantic Event Detection in Sports Through Motion Understanding Berlin, Heidelberg, | |
2004 | F. Pitie and A. Kokaram and R. Dahyot (2004) Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing conference (IMVIP 2004) Oriented Particle Spray: A New Probabilistic Contour Tracing with Directional Information Dublin, Ireland, [Link] | |
2003 | F. Pitie and R. Dahyot and A. Kokaram (2003) proceedings of GRETSI conference on signal and image processing Suppression du bruit de pompage dans les videos Paris, France, [Link] | |
2002 | P. Delacourt and A. Kokaram and R. Dahyot (2002) proceedings of Irish Signals and Systems Conference Comparison of Global motion estimators Cork, Ireland, | |
2001 | R. Dahyot and P. Charbonnier and F. Heitz (2001) proceedings of GRETSI conference on signal and image processing D\'etection d'\'ev\'enements dans les s\'equences d'images avec cam\'era en mouvement Toulouse, France, [Link] | |
2001 | R. Dahyot and P. Charbonnier and F. Heitz (2001) proceedings of GRETSI conference on signal and image processing D\'etection robuste d'objets : une approche par modele d'apparence Toulouse, France, [Link] | |
2001 | R. Dahyot and P. Charbonnier and F. Heitz (2001) Proceedings 2001 International Conference on Image Processing Unsupervised statistical detection of changing objects in camera-in-motion video [Link] | |
1999 | R. Dahyot and P. Charbonnier and F. Heitz (1999) proceedings of European Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI) Non-Supervised Robust Visual Recognition of Colour Images using Half-Quadratic Theory Toulouse, France, [Link] | |
1999 | R. Dahyot and P. Charbonnier and F. Heitz (1999) proceedings of GRETSI conference on signal and image processing Reconnaissance robuste non supervis\'ee d'images en couleur utilisant la th\'eorie semi-quadratique Vannes, France, [Link] | |
2023 | Kotey, S.; Dahyot, R.; Harte, N. (2023) 2022 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop, SLT 2022 - Proceedings Fine Grained Spoken Document Summarization Through Text Segmentation [Link] [DOI] | |
2023 | Kotey, S.; Dahyot, R.; Harte, N. (2023) Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH Query Based Acoustic Summarization for Podcasts [Link] [DOI] |
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2025) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.
Teaching Interests
- CS410 Computer Vision (Co-lecturer role)
- CS636 Deep Learning
Past teaching (Trinity College Dublin 2005-2021):
- Applied Forecasting,
- Stochastic processes in space and time,
- Applied linear models,
- Computer Vision,
- Resampling techniques,
- Mathematics.