Dr Ting Bi

Computer Science, Maynooth International Engineering College, Hamilton Institute
Education: Ting Bi received his B.Eng. degree in Software Engineering from Wuhan University in China in 2010 and received the M.Eng. and PhD degrees in Telecommunications from Dublin City University (DCU) in Ireland in 2011 and 2017, respectively. He is a member of IEEE, ACM and RDA.
Research: Ting's research experience lies in the field of mobile and wireless communications and his research interests include multimedia and multi-sensory media streaming over wireless access networks, user quality of experience, handover and network selection strategies, and energy saving for mobile devices. He is an Assistant Professor at Maynooth University, Ireland. Prior to his current position, he joined the Performance Engineering Laboratory (PEL) at DCU as a postdoctoral researcher of an EU Horizon 2020 project, leading the multi-modal and multisensorial media distribution work-package. Subsequently, he joined the Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Insight centre in Ireland as a postdoctoral researcher in ENABLE SFI Spoke and holds an SFI industry fellowship funding on the 5G network area.
Teaching: Ting has taught both undergraduate and postgraduate courses on a wide range of topics such as Software Development for Engineers, Data Communications & Networks, Wireless and Mobile Communications, and Performance of Data Networks.