Dr Peter J. M. van der Burgt

Associate Professor
Science Building
(01) 708 3782
Ph.D. in Physics (1986), University of Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Research Associate and Visiting Assistant Professor at North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina (1986-1988).
Research Associate at the University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada (1989-1993).
Guest Researcher at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland (1988).
Visiting Researcher at the Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium (2003).
Senior Lecturer in Experimental Physics at NUI Maynooth (1993-present).
Research Associate and Visiting Assistant Professor at North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina (1986-1988).
Research Associate at the University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada (1989-1993).
Guest Researcher at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland (1988).
Visiting Researcher at the Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium (2003).
Senior Lecturer in Experimental Physics at NUI Maynooth (1993-present).
Research Interests
This research project studies electron and photon impact fragmentation of molecules and clusters that are of interest to radiation damage studies, plasma physics, atmospheric physics and other fields. The experiment consists of a differentially pumped vacuum system, with an expansion chamber to generate a pulsed supersonic beam of molecules or clusters, and a collision chamber where the molecules or clusters are fragmented using a pulsed electron or laser beam. A reflectron time-of-flight mass spectrometer with a microchannel plate detector is used for the mass-resolved detection of ions.
Current research involves the study of electron impact fragmentation of
nucleobases and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Detailed knowledge of electron interactions with
the nucleobases is important in order to understand and potentially model the
nanoscale processes leading to radiation damage in biological material. When high-energy ionizing radiation passes
through tissue, a large amount of low-energy secondary electrons are produced
along the tracks, causing DNA strand breaks via excitation, ionization and
dissociative electron attachment to the DNA components.
collisions of electrons with molecules are important elementary processes in
gaseous environments such as discharges, gas lasers and the Earth's
Polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons have been studied extensively in recent years, because of their
relevance in astrophysical processes and in environmental chemistry.
Using time-of-flight
mass spectrometry and computer controlled data acquisition, mass spectra of
positive ions are measured as a function of electron impact from 5 to 100
eV. Ion yield curves and appearance
energies provide detailed information about the fragmentation processes. Results on the nucleobases thymine, cytosine
and adenine, and the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons anthracene and
phenanthrene have recently been published.
Peer Reviewed Journal
Year | Publication | |
2018 | van der Burgt, P. J. M.; Dunne, M.; Gradziel, M. L. (2018) 'Hydrogen rearrangements in the fragmentation of anthracene by low-energy electron impact'. European Physical Journal D, 72 . [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2017 | Alekseev, V. A.; van der Burgt, P. J. M.; Setser D. W. (2017) 'Stimulated directional emission induced by two-photon excitation of the Xe 6p′ and Xe 7p states'. Journal of Chemical Physics, 146 (9). [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2015 | van der Burgt P. J. M.; Finnegan S.; Eden S. (2015) 'Electron impact fragmentation of adenine: Partial ionization cross sections for positive fragments Topical Issue: COST Action Nano-IBCT: Nano-scale Processes behind Ion-Beam Cancer Therapy Andrey Solov'yov, Nigel Mason, Gustavo García and Eugene Surdutovich'. European Physical Journal D, 69 (7). [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Barc, B.; Ryszka, M.; Poully, J. C.; Al Maaloufax, E. J.; el Otell, Z.; Tabet, J.; Parajuli, R.; van der Burgt, P. J. M.; Limao-Vieira, P.; Cahillane, P.; Dampc, M.; Mason, N. J.; Eden, S. (2014) 'Multi-photon and electron impact ionisation studies of reactivity in adenine-water clusters'. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 365 :194-199. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2014 | van der Burgt, P. J. M. (2014) 'Electron impact fragmentation of cytosine: partial ionization cross sections for positive fragments'. European Physical Journal D, 68 . [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2014 | van der Burgt, P. J. M.; Mahon, F.; Barrett, G.; Gradziel, M. L. (2014) 'Electron impact fragmentation of thymine: partial ionization cross sections for positive fragments'. European Physical Journal D, 68 . [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2008 | Murphy, N.; Naughton, T. J.; Woods, D.; Henley, B.; McDermott, K.; Duffy, E.; van der Burgt, P. J. M. ; Woods, N. (2008) 'Implementations of a model of physical sorting'. International Journal of Unconventional Computing, 4 :3-12. [Full-Text] | |
2002 | Shortt, BJ;van der Burgt, PJM;Giammanco, F;Slevin, JA;Lanigan, W (2002) 'Wavelength-dependent collective effects in the multiphoton ionization of atomic deuterium'. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 66 . [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
1998 | O'Neill, R W; van der Burgt, P J M; Dziczek, D; Bowe, P; Chwirot, S; Slevin, J A (1998) 'Polarization correlation measurements of electron impact excitation of H(2p) at 54.4 eV'. Physical Review Letters, 80 :1630-1633. [Full-Text] | |
1998 | Bowe, P; Giammanco, F; O'Neill, R W; van der Burgt, P J M; Slevin, J A (1998) 'Observation of collective effects in the multiphoton ionization of atomic deuterium'. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 58 :1389-1398. [Full-Text] | |
1995 | P.J.M. van der Burgt and J.W. McConkey (1995) 'Detection of neutral metastable fragments from electron impact on argon clusters'. 102 :8414-8423. [Full-Text] | |
1994 | R.C.G. Ligtenberg, P.J.M. van der Burgt, S.P. Renwick, W.B. Westerveld and J.S. Risley (1994) 'Optical Oscillator Strengths of Noble-Gas Resonance Transitions in the Vacuum-Ultraviolet Region'. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 49 :2363-2380. [Full-Text] | |
1994 | R.A. Cline, P.J.M. van der Burgt, W.B. Westerveld and J.S. Risley (1994) 'Measurement of the H(n=2) density matrix for 20–100 keV Collisions of H+ on He'. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 49 :2613-2629. [Full-Text] | |
1994 | S. Wang, P.J.M. van der Burgt, J.J. Corr, J.W. McConkey and D.H. Madison (1994) 'Coherent Excitation of Ar 4s'[1/2] and 4s[3/2] by Low Energy Electrons'. Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics, 27 :329-339. [Full-Text] | |
1992 | P.J.M. van der Burgt, M. Antaya and J.W. McConkey (1992) 'Metastable Fragment Production by Electron-Impact Dissociation of SO2'. ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PHYSIK D, 24 :125-130. [Full-Text] | |
1991 | P.J.M. van der Burgt and J.W. McConkey (1991) 'Metastable Fragment Production by Electron-Impact Dissociation of CF4'. Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics, 24 :4821-4830. [Full-Text] | |
1991 | J.J. Corr, P.J.M. van der Burgt, P. Plessis, M.A. Khakoo, P. Hammond and J.W. McConkey (1991) 'Coherence Parameter Measurements for Electrons Scattering off Heavy Noble Gas Targets'. Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics, 24 :1069-1085. [Full-Text] | |
1991 | P.J.M. van der Burgt, J.J. Corr and J.W. McConkey (1991) 'The Effect of a Finite Interaction Region on the Measurement of Coherence Parameters in Electron-Photon Coincidence Experiments'. Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics, 24 :1049-1067. [Full-Text] | |
1990 | J.R. Ashburn, R.A. Cline, P.J.M. van der Burgt, W.B. Westerveld and J.S. Risley (1990) 'Experimentally determined Density Matrices for H(n=3) formed in H+-He Collisions for 20 to 100 keV'. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 41 :2407-2421. [Full-Text] | |
1989 | J.R. Ashburn, R.A. Cline, C.D. Stone, P.J.M. van der Burgt, W.B. Westerveld and J.S. Risley (1989) 'Experimental Determination of the H(n=3) Density Matrix for 80 keV H+ on He'. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 40 :1757-1805. [Full-Text] | |
1989 | P.J.M. van der Burgt, W.B. Westerveld and J.S. Risley (1989) 'Photoemission Cross Sections for Atomic Transitions in the Extreme Ultraviolet due to Electron Collisions with Atoms and Molecules'. Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data, 18 :1757-1805. [Full-Text] | |
1989 | S.Wang, P.J.M. van der Burgt and J.W. McConkey (1989) 'Cross Sections of the Kr II Transitions at 96.5 and 91.7 nm excited by Electron Impact'. Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics, 22 :L341-L345. [Full-Text] | |
1987 | W.B. Westerveld, J.R. Ashburn, R.A. Cline, C.D. Stone, P.J.M. van der Burgt and J.S. Risley (1987) 'Determination of Density Matrices of H(n=3) Atoms formed in Charge Transfer between Protons and Helium Atoms'. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 24/25 :224-227. | |
1987 | P.J.M. van der Burgt and H.G.M. Heideman (1987) 'Investigation of an Optical Potential Model for Post-Collision Interaction in Ejected-Electron spectra'. Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics, 20 :4605-4613. [Full-Text] | |
1986 | P.J.M. van der Burgt, J. van Eck and H.G.M. Heideman (1986) 'Shape Resonances and the Excitation of Helium Autoionising States by Electrons in the 57-66 eV Region'. Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics, 19 :2015-2037. [Full-Text] | |
1985 | P.J.M. van der Burgt, J. van Eck and H.G.M. Heideman (1985) 'A New He- Resonance in the Excitation of the (2s2p)3P Autoionising State by Electrons'. Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics, 18 :L171-L761. [Full-Text] | |
1985 | P. J.M. van der Burgt, J. van Eck and H.G.M. Heideman (1985) 'Orbital Angular Momentum Exchange in Post-Collision Interaction'. Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics, 18 :999-1009. [Full-Text] | |
1985 | P.J.M. van der Burgt and H.G.M. Heideman (1985) 'A New Type of He- Resonance States in the Autoionisation Region'. Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics, 18 :L755-L761. [Full-Text] |
Conference Publication
Year | Publication | |
2017 | Dunne M.; Gradziel M.; van der Burgt, P. J. M. (2017) Journal of Physics: Conference Series 875 (XXX ICPEAC) Positive ion mass spectrometry for fragmentation of anthracene by low energy electron impact Cairns, Australia, 26/07/2018- 01/08/2018 [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2017 | Brown, M.; van der Burgt, P. J. M. (2017) Journal of Physics: Conference Series 875 (XXXICPEAC) Positive ion mass spectrometry for fragmentation of 5-fluorouracil by low energy electron impact Cairns, Australia, 12/11/2018- 01/08/2018 [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2015 | Diskin S.; Eden S.; van der Burgt P. J. M. (2015) Journal of Physics: Conference Series 635 (XXIX ICPEAC) Partial ionization cross sections for positive fragments produced by electron impact on uracil Toledo, Spain, 22/07/2015- 28/07/2015 [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Mahon F.;Finnegan S.;Van Der Burgt P. (2014) Journal of Physics: Conference Series 488 (XXVII ICPEAC) Excitation functions for positively charged fragments produced by electron impact on thymine Lanzhou, China, 24/07/2013- 30/07/2013 [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Finnegan S.; Mahon F.; Eden S.; van der Burgt P. J. M. (2014) Journal of Physics: Conference Series 488 (XXVII ICPEAC) Excitation functions for positively charged fragments produced by electron impact on adenine Lanzhou, China, 24/07/2013- 30/07/2013 [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2012 | Graham, L.; van der Burgt, P. J. M.; Alexander, J.; Hunniford, C. A.; Haughey, S.; Field, T. A.; McCullough, R. W. (2012) Journal of Physics: Conference Series 388 (XXVII ICPEAC) Fragmentation of acetonitrile in collisions with H- and O - ions Belfast, United Kingdom, 27/07/2011- 02/08/2011 [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2008 | Barrett, G;van der Burgt, PJM (2008) RADIATION DAMAGE IN BIOMOLECULAR SYSTEMS A new apparatus for the study of electron impact fragmentation of molecular clusters [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2007 | G. Barrett and P. J. M. van der Burgt (2007) Winter Meeting of the Atomic and Molecular Interactions Group Electron impact fragmentation of molecular clusters | |
2006 | G. Barrett and P.J.M. van der Burgt (2006) ESF Conference Biomolecules - From Gas Phase Properties to Reactions Relevant in Living Cells Electron impact fragmentation of molecular clusters | |
2005 | E. Duffy and P.J.M. van der Burgt (2005) A new apparatus for the study of electron-impact fragmentation of clusters [Full-Text] | |
2003 | M. S. Brouri, P. J. M. van der Burgt, J. Jureta, and X. Urbain (2003) XXIII International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions Absolute cross section for the resonant photodetachment of He- [Full-Text] | |
2001 | B. Shortt, F. Giammanco, P.J.M. van der Burgt and R.W. O'Neill (2001) 7th European Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics Collective Effects in Resonant Multiphoton Ionisation of Atomic Deuterium | |
2000 | B. Shortt, F. Giammanco, P.J.M. van der Burgt and R.W. O'Neill (2000) 27th Annual Plasma Physics Conference Collective Effects in the Laser Plasma formed by 2+1 REMPI of Atomic Deuterium at 243 nm | |
2000 | B Shortt, F Giammanco, P J M van der Burgt and R W O’Neill (2000) Proceedings of the International Seminar on Atomic Processes in Plasmas Collective Effects in the transient plasma formed by multiphoton ionization of deuterium atoms by a pulsed laser beam | |
1999 | G M Fitzpatrick, R W O'Neill, P J M van der Burgt and J A Slevin (1999) XXV Conference on Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Polarisation Correlation Measurements of electron impact excitation of H(2p) at low energies | |
1999 | B J Shortt, F Giammanco, P J M van der Burgt and R W O’Neill (1999) XXV Conference on Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Collective Effects in 2+1 REMPI of atomic deuterium at 243nm | |
1999 | B. Shortt, F. Giammanco, P. J. M. van der Burgt and R. W. O'Neill (1999) XXI International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions Collective effects in 2+1 REMPI of atomic deuterium at 243 nm | |
1999 | G. M. Fitzpatrick, R. W. O'Neill, P. J. M. van der Burgt and J. A. Slevin (1999) XXI International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions Polarisation correlation measurements of electron impact excitation of H(2p) at low energies [Full-Text] | |
1997 | P. D. Bowe, R. W. O'Neill, P. J. M. van der Burgt, F. Giammanco and J. A. Slevin (1997) International Conference on Lasers Plasma effects in multiphoton ionization. (Anomalous saturation and modification of time of flight profiles) | |
1997 | (1997) International Workshop on Photoionisation Collective effects in the multiphoton ionization of atomic hydrogen at 243 nm | |
1997 | P. Bowe, R. W. O'Neill, P. J. M. van der Burgt, J. A. Slevin A. Raczynski, J. Zaremba and S. Chwirot (1997) International Workshop on Photoionisation Two colour intensity modulation of the multiphoton ionization of atomic hydrogen | |
1997 | P. Bowe, R. W. O'Neill, P. J. M. van der Burgt, J. A. Slevin, A. Raczynski, J. Zaremba and S. Chwirot (1997) XX International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions Two colour intensity modulation of the multiphoton ionization of atomic hydrogen | |
1997 | P. Bowe, R. W. O'Neill, P. J. M. van der Burgt, J. A. Slevin and F. Giammanco (1997) XX International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions Collective effects in the multiphoton ionization of atomic hydrogen at 243 nm | |
1997 | R. W. O'Neill, P. J. M. van der Burgt, D. Dziczek, G. Fitzpatrick, P. Bowe, S. Chwirot and J. A. Slevin (1997) XX International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions Polarisation correlation measurements of electron impact excitation of H(2p) at 54.4 eV | |
1995 | R W O’Neill, P J M van der Burgt, D Dziczek, P Bowe, S. Chwirot and J A Slevin (1995) Proceedings of XIX International Conference of Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions Coherence studies of electron impact excitation of H(2p) | |
1995 | P Bowe, R W O'Neill, P J M van der Burgt and J A Slevin (1995) Fifth European Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics Metastable Excitation and Resonant Ionisation of atomic hydrogen at 243nm | |
1995 | R W O'Neill, P J M van der Burgt, D Dziczek, P Bowe, S Chwirot and J A Slevin (1995) Fifth European Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics Electron-Photon Polarisation Correlation Measurements of H(2p) | |
1995 | P Bowe, R W O'Neill, P J M van der Burgt and J A Slevin (1995) Proceedings of XIX International Conference of Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions Metastable excitation and resonant ionisation of atomic deuterium at 243nm |
Conference Contribution
Book Review
Year | Publication | |
1989 | P.J.M. van der Burgt, W.B. Westerveld and J.S. Risley (1989) Photoemission Cross Sections for Atomic Transitions in the Extreme Ultraviolet due to Electron Collisions with Atoms and Molecules. BREV [Full-Text] |
Conference Paper
Year | Publication | |
2009 | van der Burgt, P.J.M., A. Hunniford, R.W. McCullough, C. Latimer, R. Antunes, D. Almeida, and P. Limão-Vieira (2009) Low-energy negative-ion impact on organic molecules of biological and astrophysical relevance. CONFP | |
2009 | van der Burgt, P.J.M., J. Howard, B. Manil, P. Rousseau and B.A. Huber (2009) Electron and ion collisions with adenine and thymine. CONFP | |
2009 | Howard, J., P.J.M. van der Burgt, B. Manil, P. Rousseau and B.A. Huber (2009) Detection of neutral metastable fragments from collisions with nucleobases. CONFP [Full-Text] |
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