Account Security and Access Management

Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) is a security measure that requires two or more proofs of identty to grant you access to a system or service. This provides added security to your account, ensuring that it cannot be used without your knowledge. This additional security involves the verification of your identity using an additional factor, e.g. one factor may be something you know, such as a password or PIN, and the additional factor may be something your have, such as a smartphone. This prevents others from accessing your account, even if they know your password.

Service Desk

Maynooth University IT Services provides the IT Service Desk for IT Support of MU owned hardware and software on the University network, email account issues, network and connectivity issues, and general IT queries or requests for information. We provide efficient and professional support of all the services offered by IT Services to MU and SPPU staff, students and affiliates both on and off campus via our MU Support Portal.

Wireless Network

Maynooth University IT Services provide Wi-Fi across the university campus for use by enrolled students, researchers, and staff. The primary networks available are eduroam and MU-Guest. We recommend using eduroam as it allows all those participating institutions to obtain Intenet connectivity across campus and when visiting other participating institutions. 

Requesting the service: