Prof Mark Boyle

Social Sciences Institute (MUSSI), Geography


(01) 708 3756


BSc University of Glasgow (1988), PhD  University of Edinburgh (2002). Lecturer/Senior Lecturer University of Strathclyde, Glasgow (1992-2007). Chair of Geography, National University of Ireland Maynooth from 2007.  At Maynooth, Head of the Department of Geography 2007-2012 and Director of  the National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis (NIRSA) 2013 - 2016. Currently, Chair of the Research Committee in the Department of Geography, and Chair of the Maynooth University Examination Appeals Committee.   I conduct research on a) the politics of urban and regional development; b) migration and development in both host and destination regions  and c) western hegemony, colonial and post-colonial geographies. I serve as Section Editor (Political Geography/Philosophy of Geography) of the Elsevier Human Geography Encyclopedia (due 2019).            

Research Interests

My recent research has focused upon three areas: 1. Urban and Regional Development and Spatial Planning: I conduct research on Irish cities and regions, their struggles to recover after the crash, the social, political, economic, cultural, and environmental challenges they face, and the role of public policy in addressing these challenges. 2. Migration and development: I conduct research on the impact of emigration on migrant sending states, diaspora centred development and diaspora strategies. 3. Postcolonial Studies and the 'West and the World': I conduct research which exposes - and ruminates on the politics of - the western-centricity of academic and lay geographical imaginaries of the West and its relationship with the rest of the world.


Year Publication
2020 Boyle M (2020) Human Geography: a short introduction (second edition). Oxford: Wiley.
2017 Boyle M. (2017) Metropolitan anxieties: On the meaning of the Irish catholic adventure in Scotland. [DOI]
2015 Boyle, M. (2015) Human Geography: A Short Introduction. Oxford: Wiley.
2011 Boyle, M. (2011) Metropolitan anxieties: On the meaning of the Irish Catholic adventure in Scotland. London: Ashgate.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2020 Philo C, Boyle M (2020) 'Paddison Geographies'. Space and Polity, 24 (2). [Full-Text]
2020 Boyle M, Murray C and Jarvis S (2020) 'Cities and Psychology: Towards a new rapprochement'. Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal, 13 (3).
2020 Hearne, R., Boyle, M. and Kobayashi, A. (2020) 'Taking liberties with democracy? On the origins, meaning and implications of the Irish water wars'. Geoforum, 110 :232-241. [Full-Text]
2020 Boyle M (2020) 'States of power: Ronan Paddison, Space and Polity'. Space and Polity, 24 (2):156-176. [Full-Text]
2020 Boyle M (2020) 'Editorial Introduction to 'Paddison Geographies''. Space and Polity, 24 (2):127-131. [Full-Text]
2020 Boyle M, Murray C and Jarvis S (2020) 'Improving urban regeneration and renewal outcomes by engaging an urban psychology'. Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal, 13 (3):220-230. [Full-Text]
2019 Boyle M, Hall T and Sidaway J (2019) 'Reappraising David Livingstone's The Geographical Tradition A Quarter Of A Century On'. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 44 (3):438-443. [Full-Text]
2018 Boyle M, Paddison R and Shirlow P (2018) 'Introducing Brexit Geographies; Five Provocations'. Space and Polity, 22 (2):97-110. [Full-Text]
2018 Hearne R.; Boyle M.; Kobayashi A. (2018) 'Taking liberties with democracy? On the origins, meaning and implications of the Irish water wars'. Geoforum, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2017 Boyle M and Ho ELE, (2017) 'The Kingdom and the Glory: The origins of the age of diaspora centred development'. Antipode, 49 (3):577-596.
2017 Boyle M and Ho ELE (2017) 'Sovereign power, biopower and the reach of the West in and age of diaspora centred development'. Antipode, . [DOI]
2017 Boyle M.; Ho E. (2017) 'Sovereign Power, Biopower, and the Reach of the West in an Age of Diaspora-Centred Development'. Antipode, 49 (3):577-596. [DOI]
2017 Rigby J.; Boyle M.; Brunsdon C.; Charlton M.; Dorling D.; French W.; Noone S.; Pringle D. (2017) 'Towards a geography of health inequalities in Ireland'. Irish Geography, 50 (1):37-58. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2017 Boyle M, England K, Farish M, Baeten G, Gilmartin M, et al (2017) 'Geography and Geographers: Anglo American Human Geography since 1945'. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 5 (1):48-61.
2017 Boyle M.; Wood P. (2017) 'On Maître D’s, Trojan horses and aftershocks: Neoliberalism redux in Ireland after the crash'. Irish Geography, 50 (1):81-96. [DOI]
2016 Rickards L.; Gleeson B.; Boyle M.; O’Callaghan C. (2016) 'Urban studies after the age of the city'. Urban Studies, 53 (8):1523-1541. [DOI]
2015 Boyle, M; Kobayashi, A (2015) 'In the face of epistemic injustices?: on the meaning of people-led war crimes tribunals'. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 33 :697-713. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2015 Boyle, M., Foote, K. and Gilmartin M. (2015) 'Rethinking the PhD in Geography: Overview and introducation'. Geojournal, 80 :151-168. [Full-Text]
2015 O'Callaghan, C., Boyle, M. and Kitchin, R. (2015) 'Post politics, crises, and Ireland's ghost estates'. Political Geography, 42 :121-133. [Full-Text]
2015 Boyle, M. and Kobayashi, A. (2015) 'In the face of epistemic injustices?: On the meaning of people-led war crimes tribunals '. ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING D, 33 :697-713. [Full-Text]
2015 O'Callaghan, C., Kelly, S., Boyle, M. and Kitchin, R. (2015) 'Topographies and topologies of Ireland's neoliberal crises'. Space and Polity, 19 :31-46.
2015 O'Callaghan C.; Kelly S.; Boyle M.; Kitchin R. (2015) 'Topologies and topographies of Ireland's neoliberal crisis'. Space and Polity, 19 (1):31-46. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2015 Ho, ELE; Boyle, M; Yeoh, BSA (2015) 'Recasting diaspora strategies through feminist care ethics'. Geoforum, 59 :206-214. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2014 O'Callaghan, C; Boyle, M; Kitchin, R (2014) 'Post-politics, crisis, and Ireland's 'ghost estates''. Political Geography, 42 :121-133. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2014 Ho E.; Boyle M.; Yeoh B. (2014) 'Recasting diaspora strategies through feminist care ethics'. Geoforum, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2012 Kitchin, R; O'Callaghan, C; Boyle, M; Gleeson, J; Keaveney, K (2012) 'Placing neoliberalism: the rise and fall of Ireland's Celtic Tiger'. Environment and Planning A, 44 :1302-1326. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2011 Boyle, M; Kobayashi, A (2011) 'Metropolitan anxieties: a critical appraisal of Sartre's theory of colonialism'. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 36 :408-424. [DOI]
2011 Boyle M. (2011) 'Commentary. The new urban politics thesis: Ruminations on MacLeod and Jones' six analytical pathways'. Urban Studies, 48 (12):2673-2685. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2010 Boyle M. (2010) 'Beyond the sigh of the oppressed creature: A critical geographical enquiry into christianity's contributions to the making of a peaceable west'. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 100 (3):678-694. [DOI]
2010 Boyle, M.G., Kobayashi, A. (2010) 'Towards a critique of metrocentrism in Sartre's theory of colonialism'. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, Forthcoming .
2010 Boyle, M. (2010) 'Beyond the sigh of the oppressed creature: A critical geographical enquiry into Christianity's contributions to war and peace''. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 100 :678-694. [Full-Text]
2010 Boyle, M (2010) 'Beyond the oSigh of the Oppressed Creatureo: A Critical Geographical Enquiry into Christianity's Contributions to the Making of a Peaceable West'. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 100 :678-694. [DOI]
2009 Exeter D J, Boyle P J, Feng Z, and Boyle M (2009) 'Shrinking areas of mortality : An artefact of deprivation effects in the west of Scotland'. Health and Place, 15 :399-401. [Full-Text]
2009 Boyle, M. (2009) 'Beyond the sigh of the oppressed creature : a critical geographical enquiry into Christianity's contributions to war and peace'. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, forthcoming . [Full-Text]
2009 Boyle, M.G., Christopher McWilliams, Gareth Rice (2009) 'Thinking beyond the hybrid : actually existing neoliberalism in Glasgow reconsidered'. Geografiska Annaler, Series B: Human Geography, 90 231-235 .
2008 Boyle, M., McWilliams, C. and Rice, G. (2008) 'The Spatialities of Actually Existing Neoliberalism ub Glasgow, 1977 to present'. Geografiska Annaler, Series B: Human Geography, 90 :313-325. [Full-Text]
2008 Boyle M. (2008) 'A good act of contrition? Geography, civilisational thinking, and the colonial present'. Geopolitics, 13 (4):724-729. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2008 Boyle, M; McWilliams, C; Rice, G (2008) 'THE SPATIALITIES OF ACTUALLY EXISTING NEOLIBERALISM IN GLASGOW, 1977 TO PRESENT'. Geografiska Annaler, Series B: Human Geography, 90B :313-325. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2006 Boyle, M. (2006) 'Culture in the rise of Tiger economies: Scottish expatriates in Dublin and the 'creative class' thesis'. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 30 :403-426. [Full-Text]
2006 Boyle M and Rogerson R J (2006) 'Third Way’ urban policy and the new moral politics of community: A comparative analysis of Ballymum in Dublin and the Gorbals in Glasgow'. Urban Geography, 27 :201-227. [Full-Text]
2005 Boyle, M. (2005) 'Sartre’s circular dialectic and the empires of abstract space: a history of space and place in Ballymun, Dublin'. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 95 :181-201. [Full-Text]
2005 M. Boyle, R. Peet, C. Minca, M. Samers, K. Simonsen, M. Purcell, E. Graham, P. Hubbard, R. Kitchin and G. Valentine (2005) 'Review essays on: Key Thinkers on Space and Place'. Environment and Planning A, 37 :161-187. [Full-Text]
2003 Boyle, M. (2003) 'The 'scalar dialectic' and the metamorphosis of the waste management hierarchy in member states'. European Planning Studies, 11 :481-502. [Full-Text]
2002 Boyle, M. (2002) 'Sticky stories, fluid narratives, and vanishing tales: the fate of nations in a globalised world'. Scottish Geographical Journal, 118 :153-163. [Full-Text]
2002 Boyle, M. (2002) 'Cleaning up after the Celtic Tiger: scalar 'fixes' in the political ecology of Tiger economies'. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 27 :172-194. [Full-Text]
2001 Boyle, M. (2001) 'Towards a Theorisation of the Historical Geography of Nationalism in Diasporas: The Irish Diaspora as Exemplar'. International Journal of Population Geography, 7 :1-18. [Full-Text]
2000 Rogerson R and Boyle M (2000) 'Property, politics, and the neoliberal revolution in urban Scotland'. Progress in Planning, 54 :133-196. [Full-Text]
2000 Boyle, M. (2000) 'Euro-regionalism and Struggles Over Scales of Governance: the Politics of Ireland's Regionalisation Approach to Structural Fund Allocations 2000-2006'. Political Geography, 19 :737-769. [Full-Text]

Edited Book

Year Publication
2019 Kobayashi A Editor in Chief, Boyle M Section Editor (Ed.). (2019) Elsevier International Encyclopedia of Human Geography. Amsterdam: Elsevier,
2019 Boyle M, Paddison R and Shirlow P Eds (Ed.). (2019) Brexit Geographies. London: Routledge,

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2020 Boyle M (2020) 'Oral History' In: International Encyclopaedia of Human Geography second edition. Boston : Elsevier.
2020 Boyle M, Hall T, Lin, S, Sidaway J and Van Meeteren M (2020) 'Geography and Public Policy' In: International Encyclopaedia of Human Geography second edition. Boston : Elsevier.
2019 Boyle M, Paddison R and Shirlow P (2019) 'Introducing Brexit Geographies: Five Provocations' In: Brexit Geographies. London : Routledge.
2015 Boyle, M. (2015) 'Ireland: Migration and diversity' In: Gleeson, J(Eds.). Atlas of Ireland. : Interreg CrossPlan, Newry NI.
2014 Boyle M.; Kitchin R. (2014) 'Diaspora-centred development: Current practice, critical commentaries, and research priorities' In: Global Diasporas and Development: Socioeconomic, Cultural, and Policy Perspectives. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2017 Boyle, M. (2017) 'Human Rights' In: International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the earth, environment and technology. New York : Wiley-AAG.
2014 Kobayashi, A. and Boyle, M. (2014) 'Colonizing colonized: Sartre and Fanon' In: Bakan, A. and Dua, E(Eds.). Theorizing anti-racism: Rethinking the tensions Between Marxism and critical race theory. : Toronoty, University of Toronto Press.
2013 Kitchin, R., Boyle, M. and Ancien, D. (2013) 'Ireland's Diaspora strategy: the quiet strategy of obligation and opportunity' In: Gillmartin, M. and White, A(Eds.). Migrations: Ireland in a global world. Manchester : Manchester University Press.
2013 Boyle, M. and Kitchin, R (2013) 'Diaspora centred development; Current practice, critical commentaries and research priorities' In: Sahoo, S. and Pattanaik, P.K(Eds.). Diaspora and Development: Perspectives, issues and practices. : Springer, New Delhi.
2013 Boyle, M. and Kitchin, R (2013) 'Diaspora and development: In search of a new generation of diaspora strategies' In: Kuznetsov, Y(Eds.). How can talent abroad induce development at home? Towards a pragmatic diaspora agenda. : Migration Policy Institute, Washington DC.
2002 Boyle, M. (2002) 'Edifying the Rebellious Gael: the Uses of Memories of Ireland's Troubled Political Past in the West of Scotland Irish Diaspora' In: Harvey D., Jones D., McInroy N and Milligan C(Eds.). Celtic Geographies, Landscape, Culture and Identity. London : Routledge.
2001 Boyle M and Rogerson R (2001) 'Power, Discourse and City Trajectorie' In: Paddison R(Eds.). Handbook of Urban Studies. London : Sage.

Other Journal

Year Publication
2020 Boyle, M., Crone, S., Endfield, G., Jarvis, S. and McClelland, A.G., (2020) 'Cities and the climate and ecological emergency: The Liverpool City Region response' Journal of Urban Regeneration & Renewal, 13 (4) :365-379. [Full-Text]
2016 Murphy, C., Creamer, C., McClelland, A. and Boyle, M. (2016) 'The value of cross border emergency management in adapting to climate change' Metodi Visuali di ricerca sociale, 5 :34-46. [Link] [Full-Text]
2009 Boyle, M.G., Rob Kitchin, Delphine Ancien (2009) 'A comparative analyses of diaspora strategies : Country comparisons' Nirsa, .
2009 Boyle, M. Kitchin, R. and Ancien D. (2009) 'The NIRSA Diaspora Stretegy Wheel and Ten Principles of Good Practice' Exploring Diaspora Strategies, Technical Report - NIRSA Working Paper . [Full-Text]
2009 Boyle, M.G. Rob Kitchin, Delphine Ancien (2009) 'The scottish diaspora and diaspora strategy : Insights and lessons from Ireland' Government Report, NIRSA Working Paper .
2009 Boyle, M.G., Rob Kitchin, Delphine Ancien (2009) 'A comparative analyses of diaspora strategies : Lessons for Ireland' Nirsa, .
2009 Ancien D, Boyle M, and Kitchin R (2009) 'Exploring Diaspora Strategies: An International Comparison' Exploring Diaspora Strategies, Technical Report . [Full-Text]
2009 Boyle, M.G., Rob Kitchin, Delphine Ancien (2009) 'An assessment of the Armenian Diaspora strategy' Nirsa, .
2009 Ancien, Delphine, Boyle, Mark and Kitchin, Rob (2009) 'Exploring Diaspora Strategies: Lessons for Ireland' Exploring Diaspora Strategies, Technical Report . [Full-Text]
2008 Boyle, M and Kitchin, R. (2008) 'Towards and Irish Diaspora Strategy' (NIRSA) Working Paper, NIRSA Working Paper Series No. 37 . [Full-Text]
2007 Boyle  M, Boyle P, Exeter D, and Mukherjee D (2007) 'Health selective mobility and the widening of health inequalities in the west of Scotland' NHS, Glasgow, .
2006 Rogerson, R. Boyle, M and Mason, C (2006) 'Fresh Talent Scottish Initiative' Technical Report, Progress Report, Scottish Executive, Edinburgh . [Full-Text]
2004 Boyle M and Motherwell S (2004) 'Skill shortages and the Fresh Talent Scotland Initiative: lessons from the Scottish expatriate community in Dublin' Scot Econ, Edinburgh, .

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2018 Boyle, M; Kavanagh, A (2018) RETHINKING THE IRISH DIASPORA: AFTER THE GATHERING The Irish Government's Diaspora Strategy: Towards a Care Agenda [DOI]

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2018 Hearne, R., Boyle, M. & Kobayashi A (2018) Annual Association of American Geographers Why we occupy? Scholar Activists and the Occupation of Apollo House New Orleans, .
2017 McClelland, A. and Boyle, M. (2017) Conserving (London)Derry: the evolving place of urban conservation in an ‘edgy’ historic city The Urban History Group Annual Conference Royal Holloway, University of London, 30/03/2017-31/03/2017.
2017 McClelland, A. and Boyle, M. (2017) Digital Past - New Technologies in Heritage, Interpretation & Outreach Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales annual two day conference The Riverfront, Newport, Wales, 15/02/2017-16/02/2017.


Year Publication
2020 Boyle M.; Bose D.; Fraser A.; Kallio K.P.; Ruez D. (2020) Editorial Introduction to ‘Paddison Geographies’. [Editorial] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2015 Boyle M.; Foote K.; Gilmartin M. (2015) Rethinking the PhD in geography: overview and introduction. [Editorial] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2008 Boyle, M (2008) A Good Act of Contrition?Geography, Civilisational Thinking, and the Colonial Present. ABINGDON: [Editorial] [DOI] [Full-Text]


Year Publication
2005 Boyle, M; Peet, R; Minca, C; Samers, M; Simonsen, K; Purcell, M; Graham, E; Hubbard, P; Kitchin, R; Valentine, G (2005) Review essays on: Key Thinkers on Space and Place. LONDON: [Reviews] [DOI] [Full-Text]
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