The Irish Qualitative Data Archive (IQDA) is a central access point for qualitative social science data generated in or about Ireland. Based in Maynooth University, the IQDA is a national archive for long term preservation and dissemination of qualitative social science datasets including qualitative research datasets, images and administrative datasets. We are a consortium member of the Digital Repository of Ireland (DRI), the national trusted digital repository for Ireland's social and cultural data.
The IQDA frames the parameters and standards for archiving qualitative data within the Irish research community. Our services to this community include guidance on preparing qualitative data for long term preservation and sharing; provision of teaching and learning resources including qualitative data packages for classroom based and remote learning; and provision of training workshops in data management and software for qualitative analysis.
As a consortium member of the DRI, the IQDA has established protocols to ensure that social science qualitative data are documented and shared online according to best international practice. The DRI was awarded the data seal of approval for 2014/2015. To view and access our data holdings in the DRI please visit the IQDA repository page.
Currently available datasets at the IQDA:
- The Madalene Oral History Collection
- Growing Up in Ireland, Wave 1 at 9 Years
- Growing Up in Ireland, Wave 1 to 9 months
- Life Histories and Social Change collection
- Returning Irish Migrants collection
- World Within Walls collection
- Ned Cassidy photos
- NIRSA photos
- New Urban Living collection
- Outside the Glow
- The Second World War and Irish Women
For more information on the IQDA please visit the website: www.maynoothuniversity.ie/iqda or telephone +353 (1) 7086171