STOPFARRIGHT is an Irish Research Council funded project, led by Barry Cannon of the Department of Sociology at Maynooth University, in association with Crosscare. The project aims to promote discussion and debate between academics and civil society groups on how best to counter-strategise against the growth of the far right in Ireland. As part of its activities, STOPFARRIGHT is holding a series of online seminars with leading Irish and International academics and civil society members working on the theme of resisting the Far Right. We are delighted to announce the second of five seminars gathering insights from some leading European analysts of the far right and anti-far right strategizing.
Register here
Seminar Participants:
Anna Krasteva, is founder and director of CERMES, (Centre for European Refugees, Migration and Ethnic Studies), Bulgaria, professor at the Department of Political Science at the New Bulgarian University and doctor honoris causa of University Lille 3, France, She has published extensively on migration and refugee policies and politics; far-right populism; and citizenship and civic mobilisations on- and off-line. She is co-editor, with Birte Siim and Aino Saarinen, of Citizens’ activism and solidarity movements.Contending with populism (Palgrave, 2019) examining civil society reactions to the far right in Europe.
Aurelien Mondón is a senior lecturer at the University of Bath, in the UK. His research interests are the mainstreaming of far-right discourse, racism and Islamophobia in elite discourse and, right-wing populism and the people as a ‘threat’ to democracy, among others. He is the author or many articles on these themes, including his latest book, co-authored with Aaron Winter Reactionary Democracy: How Racism and the Populist Far Right Became Mainstream (Verso, 2020).
Simone Rafael is a journalist and editor-in-chief of www.belltower.news – a network for a digital civil society in Germany. She also heads the Digital project area for the Amadeu Antonio Foundation, founded in 1998 The Foundation is one of Germany's foremost, independent non-governmental organizations working to strengthen democratic civic society and eliminate neo-Nazism, right-wing extremism, anti-Semitism, racism and other forms of bigotry and hate in Germany.
Aaron Winter i s Associate Professor of Criminology at University of East London. His research is on the far right with a focus on racism, mainstreaming and violence. He is co-editor of Researching the Far Right: Theory, Method and Practice (Routledge 2020) and co-author, with Aurelien Mondon, of Reactionary Democracy: How Racism and the Populist Far Right Became Mainstream (Verso 2020). He is also a co-editor of Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power and the MUP series Racism, Resistance and Social Change.
Moderator: Prof. John O’Brennan, Maynooth University.
John is a senior lecturer at Maynooth’s Sociology Department, holds the Jean Monnet Chair in European Integration and is the director of the Maynooth Centre for European and Eurasian Studies. His work focuses on European Union institutions and politics, and, specifically on the process and politics of the EU's Enlargement policy.
Registration: https://cutt.ly/eRjLpGu
For more information on STOPFARRIGHT please contact Barry Cannon ([email protected]) or Joseph Munnelly ([email protected]).