Professor Constantine Passaris, Dobin Atlantic Scholar, wrote fondly of his four week academic visit to Maynooth University, and thanked key members of the Sociology Department for their support during his four week stay from May 30, 2019 to June 28, 2019.
‘Words are simply not enough to express my sincere gratitude to my institutional hosts at Maynooth University. More specifically, the Department of Sociology and the Centre for European and Eurasian Studies’. He singled out three people for their generosity and support: ‘Professor John O’Brennan who served as my academic host and is the Jean Monnet Professor of European Integration and Director of the Maynooth Centre for European and Eurasian Studies, Professor Sean O’Riain who is the Head of the Department of Sociology and Ms. Trish Connerty who is the Executive Assistant in the Department of Sociology’. He reported his visit as an ‘invaluable intellectual experience’ where he had the opportunity to 'engage some of Ireland’s leading thinkers, academics, scholars and researchers’ and to discuss his research agenda on Ireland ‘in a personal manner with public policy analysts and practitioners’ where ‘on every occasion, those conversations were informative, insightful, incisive, analytical, constructive and invaluable’.
Please find a full report on his visit at: