(1) Laurence Cox, Buddhism and Ireland (Equinox)
Public talk by Prof. Brian Bocking, UCC
"Forgotten but not gone: recognising Ireland's Buddhist heritage in colonial Asia".
M. Ui Cadhain lecture theatre, 2041B Arts Block, Trinity College Dublin, D2
Thursday September 26th, 7 pm
Hosted by the MPhil in Race, Ethnicity, Conflict at the Dept of Sociology, TCD
Brian Bocking is Head of Asian Studies and Professor of the Study of Religions at UCC. Author of many works on Buddhism, Japanese religion and the academic study of religions, he is currently carrying out research on the forgotten "Irish Buddhist" U Dhammaloka (?1856-?1914), a pioneer western Buddhist monk celebrated throughout South / East Asia in the early 1900s, and the Irish Japanologist and pioneer London Buddhist missionary Charles JW Pfoundes (1840-1907).
(2) Colin Barker, Laurence Cox, John Krinsky, Alf Nilsen (eds.), Marxism and social movements (Brill)
Public talk with Colin Barker
"Marxism and social movements"
Georgian Room (beside the bar), Teachers Club, 36 Parnell Square West, D1
Tuesday October 8th, 7 pm
Colin Barker is honorary lecturer in sociology at Manchester Metropolitan University and co-organizes the annual Alternative Futures and Popular Protest conference. He has published many books and articles on social movements and revolutions and is an active socialist.