Congratulations to Théo Leschevin who defended his PhD thesis in November last year and recently submitted the final version. The title of his thesis was The Communities of Moderns: A Sociology of Political Ambivalence in Northern Ireland.
Théo was supervised by Colin Coulter in the Sociology Department at Maynooth University as well as Yannick Barthe and Dominique Linhardt in L’École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris.
The PhD viva was chaired by Patrick Le Galès (Sciences Po, Paris), and the thesis examined by Honor Fagan (Sociology Department, Maynooth University), Laurent Gayer (Sciences Po, Paris) Peter Shirlow (Liverpool), and Iasabelle Thireau (EHESS, Paris). Due to Covid restrictions, the viva took place online, with the photo above showing Théo (third left) with his French supervisors and examiners.
The department would like to congratulate Théo and wish him every success in the future.