Two Ph.D students in Sociology successfully defend their dissertations

Monday, February 24, 2014 - 00:00

On Thursday, Feb 20th, Bridget Cunningham successfully defended her PhD dissertation on the subject of social drinking practices and the changing role of the Irish pub in late modernity.   On Friday, February 21st, Linda O'Keeffe defended her PhD dissertation on sound and the social organisation of space, which mapped the soundscape of Dublin's Smithfield market. 

Both students have contributed much over the years to the Department in terms of their own scholarship, their tutoring roles and to the active part they played in the postgraduate student community.  We congratulate them and their supervisors (Dr. Eamonn Slater and Dr. Aphra Kerry, respectively) on a job well done! 

Photograph immediately above shows Linda O'Keeffe with Dr. Aphra Kerr (supervisor), Dr. Colin Coulter (Internal Examiner) and Prof. Michael Bull, (External Examiner). 

Photograph on top shows Bridget Cunningham with Dr. Eamonn Slater (supervisor) and Professor Mary Corcoran (Head of Department).