Civil Society and Urban Agriculture in Europe

This is a Special Issue of the Journal, Nature and Culture, Vol.13, Issue 1, Spring 2018 on the theme “Civil Society and Urban Agriculture in Europe”  which I have co-edited with my colleague Dr. Joelle Salomon Cavin, University of Lausanne. 

Joelle and I met when we joined a COST ACTION (TD1106) on Urban Agriculture Europe. We were joint chairs of the Working Group on Urban Agriculture governance and policies over the period 2012-2016.  During that time we met some fantastic scholars and practitioners from across Europe and collected lots of interesting case studies about Urban Agricultural initiatives. When the project ended we decided to edit a collection focusing on the capacity of civil society actors to contribute to, shape, and transform urban policies in the intersecting fields of land use and access; food and urban ecosystems; education and environment.   

More details on the publisher website.

See more of Mary's work on her Mary's webpage 

  This publication is based on data collected in the course of COST ACTION /TD1106 Urban Agriculture Europe and funded by the European Commission.