The 1st of March 2018 is World Book Day and each year the Department showcases some of the wide range of books and publications authored and edited by staff on our website.
From personal to global topics, across many settings and situations, using many different research methods, members of the Department have explored social and political life in Ireland and far beyond. It seems a shame to hide these publications away in the databases and library stacks. This March we highlight one key publication from each member of staff in the Department. Take the journey with us and discover the breadth of contributions we make to sociology and politics, one day at a time!
Online databases and publications lists tend to erase the history and biography of publications – why it was written, how the journey developed and what it means to the author. It might be based on someone’s PhD, it might be the culmination of a major national or international research project, or it might be trying to bring sociological theory and concepts to a wider public audience. The project may have taken years to come to fruition and mark a major passage point in the academic’s biography.
We update our virtual publications shelf each March and each staff member nominates one publication to showcase their work. Each day in March a different book appears in this space on our homepage. At the end of March they are all archived on the site under publications (see the top left menu).
We hope that our virtual book shelf will entice you to learn more about the publications of our Department members and the diverse research, teaching and public engagement of Maynooth Department of Sociology.
Click on 'publications' (see the left top menu) to see the full archive.
Happy browsing.
Feel free to share March Book Month 2018 via twitter @MU_Sociology #MUSociologyBooks.
Follow also @WorldBookDayIE
Thank you to everyone for contributing to the project.
Happy browsing!