Residence Office Information for Campus Residents

Breaches of Terms of Campus Licence to Residence

Duty of Care:
The University has a duty of care to its staff and students. Safety and Order within the living environment is a primary objective. The Behaviour Code has been designed in a way that underpins this objective.

Your Community:
Living on Campus is a wonderful opportunity. Each resident contributes to how the living and learning community evolves in any one year. The community is established and maintained by achieving an appropriate balance between each resident’s individual interests and the common good of the all the residents. The balance between independent living within the community and respect for fellow residents is key to a superior student experience.

The University and the College seek to foster a culture among residents where acceptance of the terms of the Licence to Reside and Behaviour Code is the norm. In this context residents
are actively encouraged and expected to report any behavior which may fall outside the terms of the LTR so as to preserve  the integrity of the living environment for all. The Residents Handbook helps Students to interpret the License to Reside and the Behaviour Code into everyday language and examples.

Confidentiality and Sensitivity:
Where a breach of the terms of the Licence to Reside may have occurred, all procedures to investigate, and then deal with such a breach will be handled confidentially and with sensitivity by the Behaviour Review Group.

Behaviour Review Group:
The BRG will consist of a number of university staff (usually 3 or more gender balanced) from the Residence Office, Health and Safety Office, Office of the Head of Security or other offices within the university community considered to have relevant knowledge to the  specific breach being considered.

Breach of Licence to Reside:
A resident who breaches their licence to reside is not eligible to return to live on campus in future years and if the behavior is of a serious anti-social nature your licence  to reside may be revoked.
Any resident who is found to have breached the terms of their licence to reside more than once in an academic year may have their Licence put under consideration for termination.

Revocation of Licence:
This means you will be asked to leave the on-campus accommodation after an appropriate notice period. This occurs where a resident has breached their responsibilities or has committed a serious or a series of breaches of the Licence to Reside. Home Finder Service will assist students who are asked to leave residences to find alternative accommodation.