***The Laptop Loan Scheme 2023 - 2024 is now closed for applications***

If you need a short-term laptop you can borrow one for 3 hours from one of the Self-Service units on campus.
See 3 Hour Short Term Laptop Loans for more information.


What is the Laptop Loan Scheme?

In 2020, the government introduced a scheme whereby students may be eligible to receive a laptop, on long-term loan, in order to assist with their online learning.
Students eligible for the Laptop Loan Scheme will have the use of the laptop at no cost for the duration of their programme of studies:

A. 2023/24 new entrant students in the following categories will be eligible for a long-term laptop loan:

Once students in the above categories have completed registration with the University during Welcome Week (18th-22nd September), they will receive an email with further information from laptoploan@mu.ie to their new @mumail.ie / @spcmail.ie account. You do not need to do anything further until you receive this email. 


B. If you are not in the above categories but are in one of these priority groups, you must satisfy the eligibility criteria to apply for a long-term laptop loan as follows: 

  1. Apply for MAP supports by filling out the MAP Student Advisory Supports Application Form (if you have previously applied for MAP supports you do not need to fill out this form again).
  2. Fill out the Laptop Loan Application Form.
  3. If you require assistance with completing your application form please call to MAP Lodge to speak with a MAP Student Advisor from 12pm-2pm, Mon-Fri.
  4. Applicants in this group will be processed on a first come first served basis and subject to availability of laptops.


All Other Students
All other students are encouraged to: