


Award Type and NFQ level : TAUGHT MASTERS (9)

CAO/PAC code : MHB55

CAO Points :

Closing Date : 31 July 2024

View FETAC details

The MSoc Sc in Community and Youth Work integrates advanced study in challenging issues facing society today with accredited professional education for key roles in community development, youth work, and associated equality, human rights, international development, local development, local authority, national institutions, and international agency work. The programme provides an opportunity to engage in education and training in a dialogical environment, combining research and praxis for action, policy influence and advocacy, and participation in shaping society and facilitating young people to reach their potential.

MSocSc in Community and Youth Work part-time, in-service programme (MCYWP) innovative design and ‘block and blend’ delivery mode offers a unique opportunity for practitioners to combine work and post-graduate study to achieve a professional qualification in community work and youth work.

Online information sessions on 6th July and 10th August.

Professional Endorsement:
The MSoc Sc in Community and Youth Work  is endorsed by the North South Education and Training Standards Board as a professional qualification in Youth Work and by the All Ireland Endorsement Body for Community Work as a professional qualification in Community Work.

November 2023

For more information see:

Application for entry to the MSocSc CYW programme is open to those who have:
1. 'A minimum Second Class Honours (2H2) primary degree (NFQ Level 8)' to have entry requirements in line with MSW & MRSP. (Those holding other primary degrees may be also considered in light of their experience and personal studies).
2.  Experience of / a demonstrated interest in work with communities, youth organisations or projects, minority groups, social movements or international development. Applicants must have a recognised primary degree which is considered equivalent to Irish university primary degree level.

Minimum English language requirements:

Applicants for whom English is not their first language are required to demonstrate their proficiency in English in order to benefit fully from their course of study. For information about English language tests accepted and required scores, please see here. The requirements specified are applicable for both EU and International applicants.

Maynooth University's TOEFL code is 8850

Applied Social Studies - Seamus Taylor - Maynooth University

Head of Department

Department of Applied Social Studies

Department of ALL Institute

The programme in line with all postgraduate professional qualifications takes place over two years fulltime or three years part time in service. Students undertake a full time professional fieldwork placement lasting fourteen weeks in each year.

The MCYWPs innovative design and ‘block and blend’ delivery mode offers a unique opportunity for practitioners to combine work and post-graduate study to achieve a professional qualification in community work and youth work.

Online information sessions on 6th July and 10th August.

Five x 3-day blocks on campus and weekly evening online sessions.

Course Duration: 3 years part-time in-service

The programme creates critical thinkers who are engaged professionally to work dynamically in leadership positions in the fields of community development and youth work and a variety of areas such as development, policy analysis, organizational leadership in NGOs and statutory organisations in Ireland, Europe and internationally Graduates are involved in a variety of positions at national, regional, local and international levels in youth projects, community based work and statutory and voluntary organisations.

Online application only

PAC Code
MHB55 Part-time in-service

The following information should be forwarded to PAC, 1 Courthouse Square, Galway or uploaded to your online application form:

Certified copies of all official transcripts of results for all non-Maynooth University qualifications listed MUST accompany the application. Failure to do so will delay your application being processed. Non-Maynooth University students are asked to provide academic references and a copy of their birth certificate or valid passport.

Maynooth University graduates are required to produce a professional reference for relevant work (voluntary or paid).

Applicants will be required to attend for interview as part of the admissions process. Interview dates will be set for April, May and June . Check the Department website for details.

Garda Vetting
In line with national provisions for the protection of children and vulnerable adults, all applicants called for interview for the MSocSc CYW and DCYW will be required to complete a Garda Vetting Form.

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