Welcome to the Maynooth Centre for European and Eurasian Studies. The Centre was founded in 2007 as an inter-disciplinary centre of excellence in research and teaching on contemporary Europe. It is unique in the Irish context by focusing on Central and Eastern Europe as well as the European Union, and seeking to develop academic, student, diplomatic and professional links between Ireland, the European Union, Russia, Eurasia and Central and Eastern Europe. The Centre is a designated Erasmus Plus Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (2020-23) which focuses on South Eastern Europe, and is home to two Jean Monnet Chairs, Professor Tobias Lock and Professor John O’ Brennan
Our events include public seminars, colloquia, conferences, film screenings and an annual ‘Europe’ lecture delivered by a distinguished academic/practitioner. Our outreach activities are designed to connect the Centre with the community and help provide knowledge and information about Europe to the widest possible audience. To that end all of our events, including academic events are open to the public and widely advertised within and beyond the university
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