The ERC funded DANCING research project based at the School of Law and Criminology and ALL Institute under the lead of Principal Investigator Professor Delia Ferri will host the DANCING Final Conference on 19-20 June 2025 at Maynooth University and warmly invites all interested to attend.
The DANCING Final Conference aims to celebrate the end of the project after 5 years of research and present the results of ERC DANCING to the academic community. This conference will be a key opportunity to raise awareness about the findings of the project and encourage discussions on the right to cultural participation of people with disabilities.
On Thursday, 19 June the conference will present research findings of the ERC DANCING, while on Friday, 20 June the conference will discuss the societal and policy impact of the project.
The conference will feature a keynote address from Prof. Bruno De Witte (Maastricht University). The newly elected EU member of the CRPD Committee, Ms Inmaculada Placencia Porrero will open the policy session.
The conference will feature several guest speakers and discussants, including Prof. Giuseppe Martinico (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa), Prof. Imelda Maher (University College Dublin), Prof. Mathias Moschel (Central European University), Prof. Sarah Whatley (Coventry University) and many more.
At the end of the conference, all participants and attendees are warmly invited to the screening of the ERC DANCING documentary, one of the key outputs of the project which will illustrate the various research processes, including the collaboration with Stopgap Dance Company and the development of the bespoke contemporary dance piece ‘Lived Fiction’ commissioned by DANCING. The DANCING team are furthermore excited to exhibit the manifold collaborations with artists and creators embedded in the project through arts-based research. These diverse artistic outputs supported the dissemination and communication of DANCING research in various accessible formats, and shine light on the interrelation between cultural diversity and disability.
The full programme will be shared on the event page of the School of Law and Criminology and the DANCING website. Stay tuned!
Organiser: Prof. Delia Ferri, Professor of Law/ Co-Director ALL Institute
For inquiries on the conference, please contact: Ms Eva Krolla [email protected] and Ms Elodie Makhoul [email protected]
Professor Delia Ferri is Professor of Law at the School of Law and Criminology at Maynooth University and Co-Director of the Assisting Living and Learning (ALL) Institute at Maynooth University and is the Principal Investigator of the ERC DANCING project.