ALL Member Dr. Ana Maria Sanchez Rodriguez at Third Disability Forum, Lao

Wednesday, March 28, 2018 - 09:15

Ana Maria Sanchez Rodriguez standing under Humanity and Inclusion Banner
ALL member Dr. Ana Maria Sanchez Rodriguez attended the Third Disability Forum in Vientiane, Lao on 28/3/18 "Inclusive Education and Employment - Making it a Reality". The Forum was organised by organized by Lao Disabled People’s Association, Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare- Policy for Devotee Department, Disability and Elderly and Humanity & Inclusion and HI Lao PDR.

Ana Maria is a CAROLINE fellow working on her research entitled: Scaling community social innovation to promote inclusion in the implementation of the SDGs: An international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral perspective on women and girls with disabilities. The study explores, analyses and promotes effective community level innovations that can be scaled up and inform the development or revision of government policy to enforce the SDGs for persons with disabilities with a particular focus on women and girls with disabilities. 

Ana's research is funded by:


Irish Research Council Logo.  EU logo  Funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework of the European Union. CAROLINE Collaborative Research Fellowships for a Responsive and Innovative Europe