Dr Katriona O’Sullivan, Member of the Assisting Living and Learning (ALL) Institute and Dept. of Psychology Digital Skills Lecturer, presents at the Mutual Learning Workshop on Gender and Digitalization. Katriona’s presentation entitled ‘We are not all the same”: considering the interaction between class and gender in participation in the digital world’ took place Thursday, 15th April 2021.
Mutual Learning Workshop on Gender and Digitalization
The Exploratory Mutual Learning Workshop (MLW) was organized within the framework of the Horizon 2020 GENDERACTION project and coordinated by the Standing Working Group on Gender in Research and Innovation under European Research Area and Innovation Committee (ERAC SWG GRI).
Objectives of the Workshop:
Establish contacts and network on gender and digitalization.
Discuss the latest developments with invited experts in the field.
Share experiences on examples of good practice (e.g., policies, strategies, targeted funding programmes) from member states
Identify barriers that hinder the greater involvement of women researchers, innovators, and entrepreneurs.
Develop recommendations for actions on gender and digitalization in Horizon Europe and for Member States
The workshop was held virtually.
To view Dr Katriona O’Sullivan’s presentation please click here