The ALL PhotoCall is open to anyone. We are looking for inspiring photographic images that address some of the issues that are central to the concerns of ALL – Assisting Living & Learning.
We will award First (€300), Second (€200) and Third (€100) prizes; along with a number of Highly Commended recogntion awards.
We are looking for images that portray activity, positivity and collectivity about Assisting Living & Learning.
Assisting Living is …
Helping people who may be challenged by disability, chronic illness, frailty or cognitive decline, to benefit from the equitable application of technological, personal, community and societal initiatives; which assist and enable them to live a full life as valued participants in their community.
Assisting Learning is…
Applying the above ethos to contributing to removing barriers to accessing and benefiting from education, especially third-level education.
Images of ALL (including people, places and spaces, techologies, activities or organisations) can teach us about the positive value, identity and contribution of those who use or contribute to assisting living and learning.
We invite you to submit visual studies or imagery which directly address or are broadly inspired by ALL. We hope your images will challenge and make people think - and think again - about ALL, in new and different ways.
For more details see ALL PhotoCall