Congratulations to Dr Michael Daly and Professor Philip Hyland members of the MU Dpeartment of Psycholoy and ALL (Assisting Living & Learning) Institute, who have been recognised in the Clarivate Highly Cited 2023 listing – a distinction marking them as leaders in their fields. The list represents influential researchers who have authored multiple papers and rank in the top 1% of citations by field. According to Clarivate™ “the Highly Cited Researchers™ list seeks to identify individual researchers in the sciences and social sciences who have demonstrated significant and broad influence in their field(s) of research. This small fraction of the global researcher population contributes disproportionately to extending the frontiers of knowledge and gaining for society innovations that make the world healthier, more sustainable and more secure”. Professor Hyland is in the top 1% in Psychiatry and Psychology; Philip’s work centres on psychological responses to stressful and traumatic life events; general mental health issues including the structure of general psychopathology and identification of risk and resilience factors associated with mental health responses to traumatic life events. Dr Daly’s contributions are recognised in cross-field impact – i.e. those who contribute multiple Highly Cited Papers in several different fields. Michael’s research centres on the lifelong impact of childhood individual differences with a focus on self-control and mental health; and the psychological and health effects of major stressors (e.g. unemployment, poverty, weight discrimination, the COVID-19 pandemic). To learn more see: Michael Daly | Maynooth University and Philip Hyland | Maynooth University.
See here more on the Highly Cited process.