Prof Andrew Coogan

Psychology, ALL Institute, Human Health Institute

Education House
(01) 708 6624


Professor Coogan is a behavioural neuroscientist who specialises in the field of circadian rhythms, chronobiology and sleep. He is the director of the Chronobiology and Sleep Research Laboratory at Maynooth University. His particular research interest is in how circadian clocks function in the environment in which we live. He has a Bachelors degree from Trinity College Dublin and a PhD from University College Dublin. His PhD worked examined the links between the immune system and the processes thought to underpin memory formation. After his PhD work, he spent a further 10 years as a post-doctoral researcher and lecturer in the UK, prior to joining the Department of Psychology at Maynooth University in 2008, where he was Head of the Department from February 2015 to February 2021.

Professor Coogan has published >120 peer reviewed papers in neuroscience and biological psychology to date in international journals (with >6,000 citations and a H index of 44), is a member of several scientific societies and has been an invited speaker at a number of international conferences and symposia. He has a number of research collaborators throughout Europe. He has supervised 11 PhD students, 5 MSc by Research and 2 MD students to completion. His research work has been funded by Science Foundation Ireland, The Health Research Board, NARSAD, The Royal Society, Help the Aged and others.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2024 Mustafa M,; Healy U; Kelly R; Wong M; Shayma S; Conway O; Sreenan S; Coogan AN; McDermott J (2024) 'Irregular Breakfast Eating in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus is Associated with Greater Social Jetlag and Poorer Metabolic Health'. Journal of Sleep Research, .
2024 C Wyse; Rudderham L; E Nordham; L Ince; AN Coogan; L Lopez (2024) 'Circadian Variation in the Response to Vaccination: A Systematic Review and Evidence Appraisal'. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 32 .
2024 Bondopadhyay U; McGrath J; Coogan AN (2024) 'Associations between sleep problems in children with ADHD and parental insomnia and ADHD symptoms'. PLoS ONE, .
2024 Kelly, RM; McDermott, JH; Coogan AN (2024) 'Thematic Analysis of Daily Sleep-Wake Routines in Adults not in employment living with type 2 diabetes mellitus'. Clocks & Sleep, 6 (1).
2024 Raman S.; Hyland P; Coogan AN (2024) 'Stability of Social Jetlag and Sleep Timing into the Second Year of the Covid-19 Pandemic: Results from a Longitudinal Study of a Nationally-Representative Adult Sample in Ireland'. Chronobiology International, .
2024 Keenan L; Bramham J; Dinca M; Coogan AN; Downes M (2024) 'Sleep and daytime functioning in children with Tourette syndrome: A two-week case-control study with actigraphy and cognitive assessments'. Sleep Medicine, .
2023 Bondopadhyay U; Coogan AN (2023) 'Sleep-related attentional bias does not associate with symptoms of ADHD in a sample of younger adults'. Current Psychology, .
2023 Bondopadhyay, U.; McGrath, J.; Coogan, A.N. (2023) '“Tell Me More About Your Child’s Sleep”: A Qualitative Investigation Of Sleep Problems In Children With ADHD'. Behavioral sleep medicine, . [Link] [DOI]
2023 Bond, L.; McTiernan, D.; Connaughton, M.; Heron, E.A.; Coogan, A.N.; McGrath, J. (2023) 'Sleep problems in children and adolescents in an attention deficit hyperactivity disorder service'. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, . [Link] [DOI]
2023 Maria I. T. Olsson, Sanne van Grootel, Katharina Block, Carolin Schuster, Loes Meeussen, Colette Van Laar, Toni Schmader, Alyssa Croft, Molly Shuyi Sun, Mare Ainsaar, Lianne Aarntzen, Magdalena Adamus, Joel Anderson, Ciara Atkinson, Mohamad Avicenna, Przemysław Bąbel, Markus Barth, Tessa M. Benson-Greenwald, Edona Maloku, Jacques Berent, Hilary B. Bergsieker, Monica Biernat, Andreea G. Bîrneanu, Blerta Bodinaku, Janine Bosak, Jennifer Bosson, Marija Branković, Julius Burkauskas, Vladimíra Čavojová, Sapna Cheryan, Eunsoo Choi, Incheol Choi, Carlos C. Contreras-Ibáñez, Andrew Coogan, Ivan Danyliuk, Ilan Dar-Nimrod, Nilanjana Dasgupta, Soledad de Lemus, Thierry Devos, Marwan Diab, Amanda B. Diekman, Maria Efremova, Léïla Eisner, Anja Eller, Rasa Erentaite, Denisa Fedákova, Renata Franc, Leire Gartzia, Alin Gavreliuc, Dana Gavreliuc, Julija Gecaite-Stonciene, Adriana L. Germano, Ilaria Giovanelli, Renzo Gismondi Diaz, Lyudmila Gitikhmayeva, Abiy Menkir Gizaw49, Biljana Gjoneska, Omar Martínez González, Roberto González, Isaac David Grijalva, Derya Güngör, Marie Gustafsson Sendén, William Hall, Charles Harb, Bushra Hassan, Tabea Hässler, Diala R. Hawi, Levke Henningsen, Annedore Hoppe, Keiko Ishii, Ivana Jakšić, Alba Jasini, Jurgita Jurkevičienė, Kaltrina Kelmendi, Teri A. Kirby, Yoko Kitakaji, Natasza Kosakowska-Berezecka, Inna Kozytska, Clara Kulich, Eva Kundtová-Klocová, Filiz Kunuroglu, Christina Lapytskaia Aidy, Albert Lee, Anna Lindqvist, Wilson López-López, Liany Luzvinda14, Fridanna Maricchiolo, Delphine Martinot, Rita Anne McNamara, Alyson Meister, Tizita Lemma Melka, Narseta Mickuviene, María Isabel Miranda-Orrego, Thadeus Mkamwa, James Morandini, Thomas Morton, David Mrisho, Jana Nikitin, Sabine Otten, Maria Giuseppina Pacilli, Elizabeth Page-Gould, Ana Perandrés, Jon Pizarro, Nada Pop-Jordanova, Joanna Pyrkosz-Pacyna, Sameir Quta, TamilSelvan Ramis, Nitya Rani, Sandrine Redersdorff, Isabelle Régner, Emma A. Renström, Adrian Rivera-Rodriguez, Sánchez Tania Esmeralda Rocha, Tatiana Ryabichenko, Rim Saab, Kiriko Sakata, Adil Samekin, Tracy Sánchez-Pachecho, Carolin Scheifele, Marion K. Schulmeyer, Sabine Sczesny, David Sirlopú, Vanessa Smith-Castro, Kadri Soo, Federica Spaccatini, Jennifer R. Steele, Melanie C. Steffens, Ines Sucic, Joseph Vandello, Laura Maria Velásquez-Díaz, Melissa Vink, Eva Vives, Turuwark Zalalam Warkineh, Iris Žeželj, Xiaoxiao Zhang, Xian Zhao, Sarah E. Martiny (2023) 'Gender Gap in Parental Leave Intentions: Evidence from 37 Countries'. Political Psychology, .
2022 Ziba Asadpoordezaki, Andrew N. Coogan, Beverley M. Henley (2022) 'Chronobiology of Parkinson's disease: Past, present and future'. European Journal of Neuroscience, . [Link] [Full-Text]
2022 Kelly, RM; Healy, U; Sreenan, S; McDermott, J; Coogan, AN (2022) 'An exploratory study of associations between sleep timing variability and cardiometabolic health in middle-aged adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus'. Chronobiology International, . [DOI]
2022 Cleary-Gaffney M.; Espey B.; Coogan A.N. (2022) 'Association of perceptions of artificial light-at-night, light-emitting device usage and environmental noise appraisal with psychological distress, sleep quality and chronotype: A cross sectional study'. Heliyon, 8 (11). [DOI] [Full-Text]
2022 Raman S.; Hyland P.; Coogan A.N. (2022) 'Temporal associations between insomnia and depression symptoms in adults during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-lagged path modelling analysis'. Psychiatry Research, 312 . [DOI]
2022 Palm D.; Uzoni A.; Simon F.; Fischer M.; Coogan A.; Tucha O.; Thome J.; Faltraco F. (2022) 'Evolutionary conservations, changes of circadian rhythms and their effect on circadian disturbances and therapeutic approaches'. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 128 :21-34. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2022 Coogan, AN; Richardson, S; Raman, S (2022) 'A Data-Informed Perspective on Public Preferences for Retaining or Abolishing Biannual Clock Changes'. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 37 :351-357. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2022 Faltraco F, Palm D, Coogan A, Simon F, Tucho O and Thome J. (2022) 'Molecular Links between Circadian Rhythmicity and Mood Disorders'. Current Medicinal Chemistry, .
2022 Kelly RM, McDermott JM and Coogan AN (2022) 'Differences in Sleep Offset Timing Between Weekdays and Weekends in 79,161 Adult Participants in the UK BioBank'. Clocks & Sleep, .
2021 Fox R, Hyland P, Coogan AN, Cloitre M & McHugh-Power J (2021) 'Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Complex PTSD, and Subtypes of Loneliness among Older Adults'. Journal of Clinical Psychology, . [Full-Text]
2021 Faltraco F, palm D, Coogan A, Uzoni A, Duwe I, Simon F, Tucha O, Thome J (2021) 'Remdesivir shifts circadian rhythmicity to eveningness; similar to the most prevalent chronotype in ADHD'. Journal of Neural Transmission, . [Full-Text]
2021 Raman S.; Coogan A.N. (2021) 'Effects of societal-level COVID-19 mitigation measures on the timing and quality of sleep in Ireland'. Sleep Medicine, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2021 Wyse C.; O'Malley G.; Coogan A.N.; McConkey S.; Smith D.J. (2021) 'Seasonal and daytime variation in multiple immune parameters in humans: Evidence from 329,261 participants of the UK Biobank cohort'. Iscience, 24 (4). [DOI] [Full-Text]
2021 Fox R; McHugh Power J; Coogan AN; Beekman ATF; van Tilburg TG; Hyland P; (2021) 'Posttraumatic stress disorder and loneliness are associated over time: A longitudinal study on PTSD symptoms and loneliness, among older adults'. Psychiatry Research, 299 . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 Raman, S and Coogan, AN (2020) 'A Cross-Sectional Study of the Associations between Chronotype, Social Jetlag and Subjective Sleep Quality in Healthy Adults'. Clocks & Sleep, 2 (1):1-6. [Full-Text]
2020 Fox R; Hyland P; McHugh Power J; Coogan AN; (2020) 'Posttraumatic stress disorder among older adults: A differential item functioning analysis of PTSD in ICD-11 and DSM-5'. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 Coogan AN, Cleary-Gaffney M, Finnegan M, McMillan G, Gonzalez A, Espey B (2020) 'Perceptions of Light Pollution in Ireland: A Citizen Science Study'. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, . [Full-Text]
2020 Thome J.; Coogan A.N.; Simon F.; Fischer M.; Tucha O.; Faltraco F.; Marazziti D.; Butzer H. (2020) 'The impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the medico-legal and human rights of psychiatric patients'. European Psychiatry, 63 (1). [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 Fox R.; Hyland P.; McHugh Power J.; Coogan A.N. (2020) 'Patterns of comorbidity associated with ICD-11 PTSD among older adults in the United States'. Psychiatry Research, 290 . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 Thome J.; Coogan A.; Fischer M.; Tucha O.; Faltraco F. (2020) 'Challenges for mental health services during the 2020 Covid-19 outbreak in Germany'. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 Thome, J; Deloyer, J; Coogan, AN; Bailey-Rodriguez, D; Silva, OABDE; Faltraco, F; Grima, C; Gudjonsson, SO; Hanon, C; Holly, M; Joosten, J; Karlsson, I; Kelemen, G; Korman, M; Krysta, K; Lichterman, B; Loganovsky, K; Marazziti, D; Maraitou, M; deWilmars, SM; Reunamen, M; Rexhaj, S; Sancaktar, M; Sempere, J; Tournier, I; Weynant, E; Vis, C; Lebas, MC; Fond-Harmant, L (2020) 'The impact of the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental-health services in Europe'. World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 Arns, M., Kooij, S. and Coogan, A.N. (2020) 'Identification and management of Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders as a transdiagnostic feature in child and adolescent psychiatry'. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, . [Full-Text]
2020 Bondopadyay U, Diaz-Orueta U & Coogan AN (2020) 'A Systematic Review of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder'. Journal Of Attention Disorders, . [Full-Text]
2020 Fischer M.; Coogan A.N.; Faltraco F.; Thome J. (2020) 'COVID-19 paranoia in a patient suffering from schizophrenic psychosis – a case report'. Psychiatry Research, 288 . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2019 Kelly RM, Healy U, Finn J, Gallen D, Sreenan S, McDermott J and Coogan AN (2019) 'Greater Social Jetlag Associates with Higher HbA1c in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes: A Cross Sectional Study'. Sleep Medicine, In Press . [Full-Text]
2019 Coogan A.; Schenk M.; Palm D.; Uzoni A.; Grube J.; Tsang A.; Kolbe I.; McGowan N.; Wandschneider R.; Colla M.; Oster H.; Thome J.; Faltraco F. (2019) 'Impact of adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and medication status on sleep/wake behavior and molecular circadian rhythms'. Neuropsychopharmacology, 44 (7):1198-1206. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2019 McGowan N, Thome J, Faltraco F and Coogan AN (2019) 'The Impact of Social Jetlag and Chronotype on Attention, Inhibition, and Decision Making in Healthy Adults'. Journal of Sleep Research, . [Full-Text]
2018 Cleary-Gaffney M.; Coogan A. (2018) 'Limited evidence for affective and diurnal rhythm responses to dim light-at-night in male and female C57Bl/6 mice'. Physiology and Behavior, 189 :78-85. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2018 Kelly R.; Healy U.; Sreenan S.; McDermott J.; Coogan A. (2018) 'Clocks in the clinic: Circadian rhythms in health and disease'. Postgraduate Medical Journal, 94 (1117):653-658. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2018 Korman M.; Palm D.; Uzoni A.; Faltraco F.; Tucha O.; Thome J.; Coogan A. (2018) 'ADHD 24/7: Circadian clock genes, chronotherapy and sleep/wake cycle insufficiencies in ADHD'. World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2018 McGowan N.; Coogan A. (2018) 'Sleep and circadian rhythm function and trait impulsivity: An actigraphy study'. Psychiatry Research, 268 :251-256. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2017 Lunn RM, Blask DE, Coogan AN, Figueiro MG, Gorman MR, Hall JE, Hansen J, Nelson RJ, Panda S, Smolensky MH, Stevens RG, Turek FW, Vermeulen R, Carreón T, Caruso CC, Lawson CC, Thayer KA, Twery MJ, Ewens AD, Garner SC, Schwingl PJ, Boyd WA. (2017) 'Health consequences of electric lighting practices in the modern world: A report on the National Toxicology Program's workshop on shift work at night, artificial light at night, and circadian disruption'. Science of the Total Environment, . [Full-Text]
2017 Mc Gowan NM, Brannigan, R, Doyle, D and Coogan, AN (2017) 'Diurnal Preference, Circadian Phase of Entrainment and Time Perspectives: Just what are the Relationships?'. Personality and Individual Difference, . [Full-Text]
2017 O'Keeffe, SM, Beynon, AL, Davies, J, Moynagh, PN and Coogan AN (2017) 'NF-kappaB signalling is involved in immune-modulation, but not basal functioning, of the mouse suprachiasmatic circadian clock'. European Journal of Neuroscience, . [Full-Text]
2017 Coogan AN and McGowan NM (2017) 'A systematic review of circadian function, chronotype and chronotherapy in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder'. ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders, . [Full-Text]
2016 Uzoni, A, Vintilescu, R, Ciobanu, O, Anghel, A, Radu, E Coogan AN, Popa-Wagner, A (2016) 'Post-stroke gaseous hypothermia increases vascular density in the ischemic penumbra of aged rats'. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, In Press .
2016 Coogan, AN, Baird, AL, Popa-Wagner A and Thome J (2016) 'Circadian rhythms and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: the what, the when and the why'. PROGRESS IN NEURO-PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY & BIOLOGICAL PSYCH, In Press . [Full-Text]
2016 Barry DN; Coogan AN; Commins S; (2016) 'The time course of systems consolidation of spatial memory from recent to remote retention: A comparison of the Immediate Early Genes Zif268, c-Fos and Arc'. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 128 . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2016 McGowan N.; Voinescu B.; Coogan A. (2016) 'Sleep quality, chronotype and social jetlag differentially associate with symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults'. Chronobiology International, 33 (10):1433-1443. [DOI]
2015 Anderson, ST; Commins, S; Moynagh, PN; Coogan, AN (2015) 'Lipopolysaccharide-induced sepsis induces long-lasting affective changes in the mouse'. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 43 :98-109. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2015 Anderson ST, Commins S, Moynagh P and Coogan AN (2015) 'Chronic fluoxetine treatment attenuates post-septic affective changes in the mouse'. BEHAVIOURAL BRAIN RESEARCH, In Press . [Full-Text]
2015 AM Curtis, CT Fagundes , G Yang , EM Palsson-McDermott , P Wochal , AF McGettrick , JO Early , L Chen , H Zhang , C Xue , S Geiger , K Hokamp , MP Reilly , AN Coogan , E Vigorito , GA FitzGerald , LAJ O'Neill (2015) 'Circadian control of innate immunity in macrophages by miR-155 targeting Bmal1'. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, USA, E pub 05/2015 . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2015 Buttgereit F, Smolen J, Coogan AN and Cajochen C (2015) 'Clocking in: current aspects of chronobiology in rheumatoid arthritis'. Nature Reviews Rheumatology, E-pub 03/2015 . [DOI]
2015 Popa-Wagner A, Buga AM, Dumitrascu D, Uzoni A, Thome J and Coogan AN (2015) 'How does healthy aging impact on the circadian clock?'. Journal of Neural Transmission, In Press . [Full-Text]
2013 Baird AL*, Coogan AN* (joint first authors), Kaufling J, Barrot M, Thome J (2013) 'Daily methylphenidate and atomoxetine treatment impacts on clock gene protein expression in the mouse brain '. Journal of Brain Research, 1513 :61-71. [Full-Text]
2013 Anderson ST, O'Callaghan EK, Commins S and Coogan AN. (2013) 'Does prior sepsis alter subsequent circadian and sickness behaviour response to lipopolysaccharide treatment in mice? '. Journal of Neural Transmission, E-pub . [Full-Text]
2013 Coogan AN (2013) 'Chronobiology and chronotherapy of affective disorders'. Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies, Journal of Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies. 13 (1A), 239-252 . [Full-Text]
2013 McGowan NM and Coogan AN (2013) 'Circadian and behavioural responses to shift work-like schedules of Light/Dark in the mouse'. Journal of Molecular Psychiatry - 1(7) . [Full-Text]
2013 Coogan AN, Scutova B, Husung S, Furczyk K, Baune BT, Kroop P, Hassler F and Thome J. (2013) 'The circadian system in Alzheimer's disease: disturbances, mechanisms and opportunities'. Biological Psychiatry, 74 :333-339. [Full-Text]
2012 Voinescu, BI and Coogan, AN (2012) 'A Variable Number Tandem Repeat Polymorphism in PER3 is not Associated with Diurnal Preference in a Population with High Levels of Sleep Problems'. Sleep and Biological Rhythms, . 10 :1-4. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2012 O'Callaghan, EK; Anderson, ST; Moynagh, PN; Coogan, AN (2012) 'Long-Lasting Effects of Sepsis on Circadian Rhythms in the Mouse'. PLoS ONE, 7 . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2012 O'Keeffe SM, Thome J and Coogan AN (2012) 'The noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor atomoxetine phase-shifts the mouse circadian clock'. NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH, 201 . [Full-Text]
2012 Coogan AN and Thome J. (2012) 'Special Issue: circadian rhythms, clock genes and neuropsychiatry: interesting times'. Journal of Neural Transmission, 119 . [Full-Text]
2012 AN Coogan, A Dobrean, RM Donev,L Mateescu, U Mller, J Thome, BI Voinescu (2012) 'Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - Translating Research into Clinical Practice'. ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders, E pub. Feb 2012 :1-6. [Full-Text]
2012 Fleischer M, Schafer M, Coogan A, Hassler F, Thome J (2012) 'Sleep disturbances and circadian CLOCK genes in borderline personality disorder'. Journal of Neural Transmission, E-pub July 2012 . [Full-Text]
2012 Cochrane, A; Robertson, IH; Coogan, AN (2012) 'Association between circadian rhythms, sleep and cognitive impairment in healthy older adults: an actigraphic study'. Journal of Neural Transmission, 119 :1233-1239. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2011 Wyse, CA, C Selman, MM Page, AN Coogan and DG Hazlerigg (2011) 'Circadian desynchrony and metabolic dysfunction: did light pollution make us fat?'. Medical Hypotheses, E-pub . [Full-Text]
2011 Coogan, AN; Thome, J (2011) 'Chronotherapeutics and psychiatry: Setting the clock to relieve the symptoms'. World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 12 :40-43. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2011 Thome J.; Coogan A.; Woods A.; Darie C.; Häßler F. (2011) 'CLOCK genes and circadian rhythmicity in Alzheimer disease'. Journal of Aging Research, 2011 . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2011 Baird, AL, Coogan, AN, (joint first authors), A Siddiqui RM Donev J Thome (2011) 'Adult attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder is associated with alterations in circadian rhythms at the behaviour, endocrine and molecular levels'. Molecular Psychiatry, In Press . [Full-Text]
2011 Voinescu, B; Vesa, S; Coogan, A (2011) 'SELF-REPORTED DIURNAL PREFERENCE AND SLEEP DISTURBANCE IN TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS'. Acta Endocrinologica-Bucharest, 7 :69-81. [DOI]
2011 Coogan, AN; Papachatzaki, MM; Clemens, C; Baird, A; Donev, RM; Joosten, J; Zachariou, V; Thome, J (2011) 'Haloperidol alters circadian clock gene product expression in the mouse brain'. World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 12 :638-644. [Full-Text]
2011 Voinescu BI, Vesa S and Coogan A (2011) 'Self-Reported Diurnal Preference and Sleep Disturbance in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus'. Acta Endocrinologica, 7 :69-82. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2010 Voinescu BI, Coogan AN, Orsan R (2010) 'Sleep Beliefs, Subjective Sleep Quality and Diurnal Preference – Findings from Diabetic and Depressed Patients'. Acta Endocrinologica-Bucharest, 14 :37-46. [Full-Text]
2010 Wyse CA, Coogan AN, Selman C, Hazlerigg DG and Speakman JR (2010) 'Association between Mammalian Lifespan and Circadian Free-Running Period: The Circadian Resonance Hypothesis Revisited'. BIOLOGY LETTERS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON, In Press . [Full-Text]
2010 Beynon A.; Coogan A. (2010) 'Diurnal, age, and immune regulation of interleukin-1β and interleukin-1 type 1 receptor in the mouse suprachiasmatic nucleus'. Chronobiology International, 27 (8):1546-1563. [DOI]
2010 Voinescu, BI, Coogan AN, Thome J and Orasan R (2010) 'Psychometric properties of the Romanian version of the composite scale of morningness in healthy adults'. Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies, 14 :37-46. [Full-Text]
2010 Wyse, CA and Coogan, AN (2010) 'Impact of aging on diurnal expression patterns of CLOCK and BMAL1 in the mouse brain'. Journal of Brain Research, 1337 :21-31. [Full-Text]
2010 Voinescu, BI; Szentagotai, A; Coogan, A (2010) 'Attitudes Towards Psychiatry: A Survey of Romanian Medical Residents'. Academic Psychiatry, 34 :75-78. [Full-Text]
2010 Taurines R, Dudley E, Grassl J, Warnke A, Gerlach M, Coogan AN and Thome J. (2010) 'Proteomic Research in Psychiatry'. Psychopharmacology, In Press . [Full-Text]
2009 Beynon AL, Thome J and Coogan AN (2009) 'Age and Time of day influences on TGF-beta and pSMAD3 expression in the mouse suprachiasmatic nucleus'. NeuroImmunoModulation, 16 :392-399.
2009 Voinescu BI, Szentagoti A, Coogan A (2009) 'Medical residents' clinical empathy - a Romanian Study'. Acta medica academica, 38 :11-15. [Full-Text]
2009 Schmitt U,  Conner AC, Rapp S, Jennen-Steinmetz C, Kissling C, Hünnerkopf R, Coogan AN  and Thome J. (2009) 'The effects of GABA transporter inhibition on hippocampal synaptophysin and synaptotagmin expression in diazepam-tolerance'. World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 22 :1-8.
2008 Kissling C, Retz W, Wiemann S, Coogan AN, Hunnerkopf R, Conner AC, Freitag C, Rosler  M and Thome J. (2008) 'A Polymorphism at the 3’ Untranslated Region of the human CLOCK Gene Is Associated with Adult Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder'. American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part B, Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 147 :333-338. [Full-Text]
2008 Brown T*, Coogan AN*, Cutler DJ., Hughes A and Piggins HD (2008) 'Electrophysiological actions of orexin in the suprachiasmatic nucleus in vitro'. Neuroscience Letters, 448 :273-278. [Full-Text]
2008 Coogan AN and Wyse CA (2008) 'Neuroimmunology of the circadian clock'. Journal of Brain Research, 1232 :104-112.
2008 Retz W, Rösler M, Kissling C,  Wiemann S, Hünnerkopf R,  Coogan AN, Thome J, Freitag C (2008) 'Norepinephrine transporter and catecholamine-O-methyltransferase gene variants and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms in adults'. Journal of Neural Transmission, 115 :323-329. [Full-Text]
2008 Hunnerkopf R, Forbes-Robertson S, Jans T, Romanos J, Renner T, Irblich B, Coogan AN, Dudley E, Haberhausen M, Martin B, Theissen FM, Gudererian F, Mehler-Wex C, Warnke A, Gerlach M and Thome J. (2008) 'Neurotrophins in autisitc spectrum disorder, schizophrenia and attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder'. Psychopharmacology, 22 .
2007 O'Keeffe, SM, Beynon, AL, Davies, J, Moynagh, PN and Coogan AN (2007) 'NF-kappaB signalling is involved in immune-modulation, but not basal functioning, of the mouse suprachiasmatic circadian clock'. European Journal of Neuroscience, . [Full-Text]
2006 Schneider M, Retz W, Coogan AN, Thome J and Rosler M (2006) 'Anatomical and fuctional brain imaging in adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) – a neurological view'. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 256 :I/32-I/41. [Full-Text]
2005 Coogan AN and Piggins HD (2005) 'Daytime dark pulse suppress levels of c-Fos and P-ERK in the hamster suprachiasmatic nucleus'. European Journal of Neuroscience, 22 :158-168.
2004 Hughes AT, Fahey B, Cutler DJ, Coogan AN and Piggins HD (2004) 'Aberrant gating of photic input to the suprachiasmatic circadian pacemaker of mice lacking the VPAC2 receptor'. Neuroscience, 24 :3522-3526.
2004 Coogan AN and Piggins HD (2004) 'MAP kinases in the mammalian circadian system: key regulators of clock function'. Journal of Neurochemistry, 90 :769-775. [Full-Text]
2003 Coogan AN and Piggins HD (2003) 'Circadian and Photic regulation of phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and Elk-1 in the suprachiasmatic nuclei of the Syrian hamster'. Neuroscience, 23 :3085-3093. [Full-Text]
2001 Piggins HD, Samuels RE, Coogan AN and Cutler DJ (2001) 'Distribution of of substance P and neurokinin-1 receptor immunoreactivity in the suprachiasmatic nuclei and intergeniculate leaflet of hamster, mouse,and rat'. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 438 :50-65. [Full-Text]
2001 Coogan AN, Rawlings N, Luckman SM and Piggins HD (2001) 'Neurotensin alters the firing rates of suprachiasmatic nucleus neurones in vitro'. 103 :63-672.
2000 McArthur AJ, Coogan AN, Supaporn L, Sugden D, Biello SM and Piggins HD (2000) 'Gastrin-releasing peptide phase shifts rodent SCN rhythms in vitro'. Neuroscience, 20 :5496-5502.
1999 Coogan AN, O’Leary DM and O’Connor, JJ (1999) 'p42/44 MAP kinase inhibitor PD98059 attenuates multiple forms of synaptic plasticity in rat dentate in vitro'. Neurophysiology, 81 :103-110.
1999 O’Connor JJ and Coogan AN (1999) 'Actions of the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1 on central synaptic transmission'. Experimental Physiology, 84 :601-614.
1999 Coogan AN and O’Connor JJ (1999) 'Interleukin-1 inhibits a tetraethylammonium-induced synaptic potentiation in the rat dentate gyrus in vitro'. European Journal of Pharmacology, 5797 :197-206.
1999 Coogan AN, O’Neill LAJ and O’Connor JJ (1999) 'The p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase inhibitor SB203580 antagonises the inhibitory effects of interleukin-1? on long-term potentiation in the rat dentate gyrus in vitro'. 93 :57-69.
1997 Coogan A and O’Connor, JJ. (1997) 'Inhibition of NMDA receptor-mediated syanptic transmission in the rat dentate gyrus in vitro by IL-1'. NeuroReport, 8 :2107-2110.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2016 Coogan A.; Thome J.; Baird A. (2016) 'The Impact of Methylphenidate on Circadian Rhythms and Clock Gene Expression' In: Neuropathology of Drug Addictions and Substance Misuse. [DOI]
2018 Raman, S,& Coogan, AN (2018) 'Closing the loop between sleep, circadian rhythms and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder' In: Handbook of Sleep Research. USA : Elsevier. [Full-Text]
2017 Coogan, AN (2017) 'Circadian Rhythms' In: SageEncylopedia of Lifespan Development. London : Sage.
2016 AN Coogan, AL Baird and J Thome (2016) 'Impact of methylphenidate on circadian rhythms and clock gene expression' In: Neuropathology of Drug Addiction and Substance Misuse. Amsterdam : Academic Press.
2008 Dr Andrew N Coogan (2008) 'Neuroimmune regulation of the circadian clock' In: Progress in Circadian Rhythm Research. New York : Nova Publishers.
2002 Piggins HD, Coogan AN, Cutler DJ and  Reed HE (2002) 'Neurochemistry of the circadian clock' In: V. Kumar(Eds.). Biological Rhythms. New Delhi, India : Narosa Publishing House.

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2016 Coogan AN (2016) NIEHS workshop on modern day lighting practices Animal models of shift work North Carolina, USA, .
2015 Cooagn AN, McGowan N (2015) Euopean Biological Research Society Adult ADHD: time to pay attention to the clock Manchetsre, UK, .
2015 Anderson S, Commins S, Coogan AN (2015) Society for Neuroscience Fluoxetine attenuates post-septic affectives impairments in the mouse Washington, USA, .
2015 Cleary-Gaffney M and Coogan AN (2015) European Biolgocial Rhtyms Research Society Light at anight, sex and affect in the mouse Manchester, .
2015 Coogan AN, Finn, J, McDermott J (2015) Euopean Biological Research Society Social Jetlag and Glycaemic Control in type II diabetes Manchetser, UK, .
2014 Coogan AN, O'Keeffe SM (2014) Society for Reserach on Biological Rhythms The role of NF-kB in the circadian clock Montana, USA, .
2013 Coogan AN (2013) International Behavioural Neuroscience Society Neuroinflammation and the circadian clock Dublin, .
2011 (2011) The tick and the tock of your circadian clock Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience Seminar Series TCD, .
2010 (2010) Man against the clock: understanding the conflict inherent in the 24hour society Science Week NUI Maynooth, .
2010 (2010) Effects of Atomextine on circadian rhythms in mice Federation of Eurpean Neuroscience Societies Amsterdam, .
2010 (2010) Effects of a single septice dose of LPS on circadian rhythms in mice Neuroscience Ireland UCD, .
2010 (2010) Effects of Neuroinflammation on circadian rhythms Plasticity Across Systems Workshop Lubeck, Germany, .
2010 (2010) Effects of Chronic Neuroinflammation on circadian rhythms in mice Royal academy of Medicine in Ireland Dublin, .
2009 (2009) Assessing circadian rhythms in adult ADHD Neuroscience Ireland Trinity College Dublin, .
2009 (2009) Rhythmic expression of NF-kB in fibroblasts Neuroscience Ireland Trinity College Dublin, .
2009 (2009) Effects of aging on clock gene expression British Neuroscience Association Liverpool, .
2009 (2009) Ageing alters CLOCK and BMAL1 in the mouse brain Neuroscience Ireland Trinity College Dublin, .
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