Mac MacLachlan to the left Hannah Kuper to the Right holding the Missing Billion Report with the ALL Institute pull down behind them
left to right: Satish Mishra, Mac MacLachlan, Delia Ferri and Deirdre Desmond
People sitting around a boardroom. Louise standing behind a podium presenting large screen with the SHAPES project
Image from the back of the room showing people looking towards the screen. The screen shows Natasha Layton presenting her slides.
Nicola Mountford behind the podium with ALL Institute pull down behind her
People sitting around a boardroom Holly and Neasa behind the podium presenting with a screen in the background showing information on digital wealth
left to right Amy Bohan Accenture, Katriona O Sullivan, Michelle O Kelly principal mercy inchicore, samuela finn Microsoft Gemma Irvine
Image of screen of Natasha Layton presenting on Assistive Technology: research, policy and practice between your shores and ours
Panelists sitting at top table left to right Delia Ferri (standing), Vincenzo Tudisco, Nicola Mountford, Louise Veiling, Neasa Boyle, Holly Foley. Screen in the background with ALL Institute logo and Maynooth University logo on it.
Group photo including Emma Smith pictured at the WHO GATE G;lobal Wheelchair Service Guidelines in person meeting in Geneva in October
Aisling McMahon and Delia Ferri holding ERC award
5 people sat on stage at the convention centre in Dublin with a large screen above them reading : Microsoft Envision Ireland Skill up Ireland Panel Discussion
4 poeple looking at the camera smiling. 1 man in a suit, 1 woman, 2 girls in school uniforms one holding a laptop
Richard Lombard Vance presenting his research at the conference
Joan O Donnell presenting her slides at conference
9 people sitting around a table smiling at the camera
(L-R) Cathal Morgan (WHO Europe, Copenhagen),  Chapal Khasnabis (WHO Geneva), Mac MacLachlan (Maynooth University/HSE)
(L-R) Mac MacLachlan (Maynooth University/HSE), Minister Anne Rabbitte (Minister of State at the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth and at the Department of Health), Tedros Ghebreyesus (Director General WHO) and Cathal Morgan (WHO Europe, Copenhagen),
(L-R) Nujeen Mustafa (Author, Refugee and Disability Rights Advocate), Noel Byrne (Special Advisor to Minister Rabbitte), Aoife O’Flaherty (Dept of Health), Mac MacLachlan (Maynooth University/HSE), Minister Anne Rabbitte (Minister of State at the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth and at the Department of Health), Tedros Ghebreyesus (Director General WHO), Michael Gaffey (Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative for Ireland to the United Nations)
MInister Anne Rabittee with Irish and WHO officials meeting at WHO Europe headquarters in Copenhagen, accompanied by ALL’s Mac MacLachlan
Dr Katriona O Sullivan in front of participants of the STEM Passport for Inclusion Project
Top screen left to right  ALL Institute logo maynooth university logo AT2030 logo Marie curie fellowship logo, middle title: Rights of persons with disabilities  why assistive technology matters. Dr Emma M SMith. Bottom Screen. University of Manitoba Rady faculty of health sciences logo
Screen grab of MS Teams meetings with 6 open camera windows. Top left Katriona o Sullivan top right Roisin Doherty, Middle Left Amy Bohan, Middle left Niall Winters, Bottom left Niamh Paula Keegan Bottom Right Kevin Marshall
Still image taken from FLying Roots documentary. Shows one of the participants (Teenage girl) with eyes closed with Flying Roots in red in the foreground
Text: Film by David Prendergast: Circuits of Care Ageing and Japan's Robot Revolution. Image in Background robot dressed in female clothing - blue suit white blouse and light blue cravat with a red wig holding an interactive tablet
 The potential role of the Internet of Musical Things in Therapeutic Applications
Mac MacLachlan standing behind a podium
8 people sitting at 2 tables 5 wearing masks. Mac MacLachlan holding a microphone
6 women sitting behind a table presenting at a conference with a sign language interpreter in front. Screen in the background shows 3 project logos: ReCreating Europe, DANCING and inDICEs title Fostering Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities in Cultural Organisations: Legal Tools, Experiences and Best Practices. 27 May 2022, Open Up Museums. Funding body logos on the bottom - EU flag, ERC logo
3 women speaking at a conference sitting at a table
Iryna Tekuchova and Eva Krolla speaking with a man
Delia Ferri presenting at conference in Trento
7 women sitting on the grass in the sun
ALL shared work space 242
Delia Ferri, Deirdre Desmond and Michael Doherty at ALL Housewarming
Screenshot form Oireachtas TV about joint committee on disability matters
2 men and a woman chatting. Woman's back to the camera
4 women smiling at the camera woman on the far left holding a plate of food woman on the far right holding a mug
2 women and one man (Centre) chatting woman on the right holding a cup and saucer
2 women smiling at the camera
woman and a man smiling at the camera
2 women smiling at the camera both holding plates of food
2 women chatting
2 ladies speaking one with her back to the camera on facing the camera holding a mug
Several people sitting in an l shaped room behind a table
Woman and Man chatting both holding a cup and saucer
Joan O Donnell standing in front of a room presenting with English subtitles on screen to the left of the image with a screen behind her reading: ADVANCE CRT. Developing virtual disability during Covid-19
Holly Foley standing at podium speaking with large sign behind her in blue with Maynooth University printed on it.
2 men and two women stand in a line smiling for a photo
Lots of girls in student uniforms holding certificates taking a selfie on a phone