Exam Results & Options Info Sessions

Saturday, June 24, 2017 - 15:30

The Programme Advisory Office will host a series of Exam Results & Options Info Sessions from June 26-28th to coincide with the release of results and Consultation Day.
The information sessions will include information on:
-How results are calculated
-The various progression categories and what they mean
-What next: supplemental exams, repeating, reviewing scripts, etc
-Key referral points: Academic Advisory, Departments, Budgeting, etc
-For first years: the Critical Skills Summer Module
Below is the schedule for the information sessions: All sessions will take place in Rowan House Room 1.20

Cohort  Monday June 26th  Tuesday June 27th  Wednesday June 28th
1st & 2nd Years 11am & 3pm 11am & 3pm 11am & 3pm
3rd & Final Years  1pm 1pm 1pm

These presentations are intended to proactively provide general information to our students on the options and programme choices available to them; students may require specialised one to one follow-up advice.

For more information please email [email protected]