Maynooth University is committed to a strategy in which the primary University goals of excellent research and scholarship and outstanding education are interlinked and equally valued. We are seeking two PhD students to join the team of Professor John Lowry on a Science Foundation Ireland-funded project involving the development of microelectrochemical sensors and biosensors for applications in real-time neurochemical monitoring of brain energy metabolism.
Applicants must be highly motivated, have a can-do attitude and be team players with critical thinking, self-motivation, creativity and curiosity. They should also possess good planning and organisational skills, with the ability to prioritise multiple tasks and to set and meet strict deadlines. All applicants are required to hold (or expect to receive) a 2.1 or higher Honours degree in Chemistry, Biology or a related subject.
In addition to their research project, students will be registered on the Maynooth University Graduate Education Programme. This is a structured Programme which involves formal reporting and assessments and the requirement to take postgraduate educational modules, thereby enhancing the student’s research expertise as well as advancing their professional development.
The studentship includes a stipend of €18,500 per annum plus a contribution of €5,500 per year towards college registration fees.
Depending on the number of applications received shortlisting of candidates may occur and candidates may be invited to attend for interview. The positions are available from 1st April 2017, or as soon as possible thereafter. Applications will be reviewed as received until the posts are filled.