The second Annual Teaching and Learning Showcase was held May 10th 2012. The purpose of the showcase is to recognise best practices and innovation in teaching and learning across the university and also to provide an opportunity to share and discuss local teaching and learning best practices and innovations.
All staff involved in teaching activities were invited to submit posters on teaching and learning best practices innovations which they were involved in throughout the academic year.
There was a tremendous response with 49 posters submitted and presented on the day including the 2011/12 Teaching and Learning Fellowship Projects. There was also a large attendance with staff from across the university departments and services viewing and discussing the innovations with the staff members.
Teaching and learning topics on display included learner engagement, experiential learning, peer group learning, peer tutoring, project based learning, module evaluation, learning to learn, and inquiry based learning.
A variety of technology enhanced learning projects were also presented for example: virtual classroom delivery, wikis for group learning, ePortfoilios, virtual portfolio applications, YouTube, ebooks, and audience response systems.
As part of the event, participants and visitors voted on the best Learning Innovation. The 2011/12 winner was Orla Fenelon and Trinidad Velasco Torrrijos from the Chemistry Department for the ‘The Use of wikis for Teaching Chemistry to Undergraduate Students’.
Feedback from the showcase was overwhelming positive describing the event as “ a great opportunity to see many and varied innovations and new ideas" with another staff member noting that it “shows the vibrancy of work going on across the college”.
Many thanks to all the Maynooth University staff who participated and visited the 2011/12 Maynooth University Teaching and Learning Showcase