Dr Liadh Kelly

Computer Science, ALL Institute, Hamilton Institute, Human Health Institute

Assistant Professor

1st Floor
(01) 708 6081


Liadh Kelly is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Maynooth University where she supervises and teaches on topics in the space of multimedia technologies and data access and retrieval. She was previously a research fellow, and lectured on topics in information technology and retrieval. She holds BSc, MSc (Res) and PhD degrees. She is an FI in the ADAPT SFI Research Centre for AI Driven Digital Content Technology, NS in the SFI Centre for Research Training in Foundations of Data Science and NS in the SFI Centre for Research Training in Advanced Networks for Sustainable Societies. She is an affiliate of the Maynooth University Assisting Living and Learning, Hamilton and Human Health Institutes. Her research lies in the applied artificial intelligence space and revolves around intelligent search, ubiquitous computing, and multimodal information access and retrieval, with a focus on context sensitive retrieval and evaluation methodology.

Research Interests

applied artificial intelligence - intelligent search, ubiquitous computing, and multimodal information access and retrieval - context sensitive retrieval and evaluation methodology

Google scholar profile

<this position is no longer available> PhD position:
topic: mental wellness, multimodal lifelogging, and deep learning
We have funding available for a 4-year PhD postgraduate studentship which includes a stipend of €16,000 per annum and funding for annual student fees in the Computer Science Department, Maynooth University (Ireland) under the supervision of Dr. Liadh Kelly and Prof. Tom Naughton. The successful candidate will also be affiliated to the Hamilton Institute, Maynooth University and the SFI Adapt Research Centre  which provide access to training opportunities and a large network of researchers. This PhD offers a solid career pathway through formalised training & development, expert supervision and exposure to top specialists. Project details follow. Informal enquiries can be sent to Liadh and Tom.  
Project Topic 
Mental health is acknowledged as a leading global health concern. This PhD project focuses on auto-understanding individuals’ mental wellness and wellness-related requirements. The project will investigate the potential to classify an individual’s mental wellness and provide early indicators of declining mental wellness using personal contextual indicators (e.g., geo-location, people around you, mobile activity, biometric response) as an individual engages in daily life activities. The research will analyse the personal contextual indicators using deep learning approaches. In particular, the effectiveness of these approaches in classification of individuals’ wellness in different scenarios and times will be explored.   
The ideal candidate will be a motivated and enthusiastic person with the following skills and qualifications: 
  • Primary degree (BSc/MSc) in Computer Science or a related discipline.  
  • Received (or on track to receive) first-class honours or high second-class honours in their primary degree. 
  • Strong programming and analytical thinking skills. 
  • Excellent attention to detail and problem-solving abilities. 
  • Excellent interpersonal skills. 
  • Good communication skills (written and verbal). 
  • Data analysis and machine learning knowledge is desirable. 
This PhD position is fully funded for up to 4-years as follows:  
  • Tax free stipend of €16,000 per annum. 
  • Annual student fees. 
Application Process 
Applications are invited from those who have achieved (or are on track to achieve) a first-class honours or a high second-class honours degree in Computer Science or a related discipline.  
To apply for this PhD position, please email the following details to [email protected] and [email protected] 
  1. Detailed curriculum vitae. 
  2. An example of technical report writing e.g., publication or final year project report. 
  3. Transcripts of degrees. 
  4. The name and email contacts of two academic referees. 
  5. A cover letter (max 500 words) motivating your application for the PhD topic. 
  6. For international applicants, please include your English language proficiency certificate. 
Informal queries, prior to application, can be sent to  [email protected] and [email protected] 
Application deadline: Friday, 17th June 2022. It is expected that the successful applicant will start the PhD position by mid-September 2022. 

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2019 Hopfgartner, Frank and Balog, Krisztian and Lommatzsch, Andreas and Kelly, Liadh and Kille, Benjamin and Schuth, Anne and Larson, Martha (2019) 'Continuous Evaluation of Large-scale Information Access Systems: A Case for Living Labs' In: CLEF@20 - 20 Years of CLEF: How to do Evaluation in a Changing World. Berlin : Springer Verlag.
2019 Suominen, Hanna and Kelly, Liadh and Goeuriot, Lorraine (2019) 'The scholarly impact of CLEF eHealth 2012–2017 labs' In: CLEF@20 - 20 Years of CLEF: How to do Evaluation in a Changing World. Berlin : Springer Verlag.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2018 Hanna Suominen, Liadh Kelly, Lorraine Goeuriot (2018) 'The Scholarly Influence of the CLEF eHealth Initiative by the Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum: Review and Bibliometric Study of the 2012-2017 Outcomes'. Journal of Medical Information Retrieval Research Protocols, . [Full-Text]
2018 Lorraine Goeuriot, Gareth J.F. Jones, Liadh Kelly, Johannes Leveling, Mihai Lupu, Joao Palotti, Guido Zuccon (2018) 'An Analysis of Evaluation Campaigns in ad-hoc Medical Information Retrieval: CLEF eHealth 2013 and 2014'. Information Retrieval Journal, . [DOI] [Full-Text]

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2022 Oteiza T.P.; Mooney P.; Kelly L. (2022) IEEE ISC2 2022 - 8th IEEE International Smart Cities Conference Smart City Data in Urban Wellbeing Estimation [Full-Text]
2021 Oteiza T.P.; Kelly L.; Mooney P. (2021) International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives USING CONTEXTUAL CUES in UNDERSTANDING URBAN MENTAL WELL-BEING [DOI] [Full-Text]
2021 Goeuriot L.; Suominen H.; Kelly L.; Alemany L.A.; Brew-Sam N.; Cotik V.; Filippo D.; Gonzalez Saez G.; Luque F.; Mulhem P.; Pasi G.; Roller R.; Seneviratne S.; Vivaldi J.; Viviani M.; Xu C. (2021) European Conference on Information Retrieval CLEF eHealth Evaluation Lab 2021 [DOI]
2021 Goeuriot L.; Suominen H.; Pasi G.; Bassani E.; Brew-Sam N.; González-Sáez G.; Kelly L.; Mulhem P.; Seneviratne S.; Upadhyay R.; Viviani M.; Xu C. (2021) CEUR Workshop Proceedings Consumer Health Search at CLEF eHealth 2021 [Full-Text]
2021 Suominen H.; Goeuriot L.; Kelly L.; Alemany L.A.; Bassani E.; Brew-Sam N.; Cotik V.; Filippo D.; González-Sáez G.; Luque F.; Mulhem P.; Pasi G.; Roller R.; Seneviratne S.; Upadhyay R.; Vivaldi J.; Viviani M.; Xu C. (2021) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Overview of the CLEF eHealth Evaluation Lab 2021 [DOI]
2020 Goeuriot, Lorraine and Suominen, Hanna and Kelly, Liadh and Antonio, Miranda-Escalada and Krallinger, Martin and Liu, Zhengyang and Pasi, Gabriella and Gonzalez Saez, Gabriela and Viviani, Marco and Xu, Chenchen (2020) The 11th Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum Overview of the CLEF eHealth Evaluation Lab 2020
2020 Goeuriot, Lorraine and Suominen, Hanna and Kelly, Liadh and Liu, Zhengyang and Pasi, Gabriella and Saez Gonzales, Gabriela and Viviani, Marco and Xu, Chenchen (2020) Working Notes of CLEF 2020 - Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum Overview of the CLEF eHealth 2020 Task 2: Consumer Health Search with Ad Hoc and Spoken Queries
2020 Suominen, Hanna and Kelly, Liadh and Goeuriot, Lorraine and Krallinger, Martin (2020) ECIR 2020 – 42nd European Conference on Information Retrieval CLEF eHealth Evaluation Lab 2020
2019 Kelly, Liadh and Suominen, Hanna and Goeuriot, Lorraine and Neves, Mariana and Kanoulas, Evangelos and Li, Dan and Azzopardi, Leif and Spijker, Rene and Zuccon, Guido and Scells, Harrisen and Palotti, Joao (2019) The 10th Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum Overview of the CLEF eHealth Evaluation Lab 2019 [Full-Text]
2019 Kelly, Liadh and Goeuriot, Lorraine and Suominen, Hanna and Neves, Mariana and Kanoulas, Evangelos and Spijker, Rene and Azzopardi, Leif and Li, Dan and Jimmy and Palotti, Joao and Zuccon, Guido (2019) The 41st European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2019) CLEF eHealth 2019 Evaluation Lab Cologne, Germany,
2019 Conlan, Owen and Fraser, Kieran and Kelly, Liadh and Yousuf, Bilal (2019) The 10th Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum A User Modeling Shared Challenge Proposal [Full-Text]
2019 Pasi, Gabriella and Jones, Gareth J. F. and Goeuriot, Lorraine and Kelly, Liadh and Marrara, Stefania and Sanvitton, Camilla (2019) The 10th Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum Overview of the CLEF 2019 Personalised Information Retrieval Lab (PIR-CLEF 2019)
2018 Jimmy and Zuccon, Guido and Palotti, Joao and Goeuriot, Lorraine and Kelly, Liadh (2018) Working Notes of CLEF 2018 - Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum Overview of the CLEF 2018 Consumer Health Search Task [Full-Text]
2018 Suominen, Hanna and Kelly, Liadh and Goeuriot, Lorraine and Névéol, Aurélie and Ramadier, Lionel and Robert, Aude and Kanoulas, Evangelos and Spijker, Rene and Azzopardi, Leif and Li, Dan and Jimmy and Palotti, Joao and Zuccon, Guido (2018) The 9th International Conference of the CLEF Association Overview of the CLEF eHealth Evaluation Lab 2018 [Full-Text]

Published Report

Year Publication
2020 Kelly, Liadh, van der Burg, Simone , Regan, Aine, Mooney, Peter (2020) Report on the 2019 Workshop on Smart Farming and Data Analytics (SFDAI). arXiv, .


Year Publication
2019 Yousuf B.; Kelly L. (2019) Evalumap 2019 chairs' welcome. ED
2017 Linda Cappellato, Nicola Ferro, Lorraine Goeuriot, Julio Gonzalo, Gareth J. F. Jones, Liadh Kelly, Seamus Lawless, Thomas Mandl (2017) CLEF 2017: Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction chairs' welcome. ED


Year Publication
2017 Linda Cappellato, Nicola Ferro, Lorraine Goeuriot, Julio Gonzalo, Gareth J. F. Jones, Liadh Kelly, Seamus Lawless, Thomas Mandl (2017) Report on CLEF 2017: Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction. New York, NY, USA: NEWSL [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]

Technical Publication

Year Publication
2019 Conlan, Owen, Fraser, Kieran, Kelly, Liadh and Yousuf, Bilal (2019) Proposal for a Shared Challenge in the UMAP Space. TP [Link]


Year Publication
2019 Kelly, Liadh and Yousuf, Bilal (2019) EvalUMAP2019: Towards Comparative Evaluation in the User Modelling, Adaptation and Personalization Space Workshop. WKSHOP


Year Publication
2022 Oteiza T.P.; Kelly L.; Mooney P. (2022) How good is living and working in a city for your wellbeing?. OTHER [Link]
2019 Mooney, Peter and Kelly, Liadh (2019) How do we Transition to Smart Farming in Ireland?. Ireland: OTHER [Link]
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2023) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Description Function From / To
The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Member -
The Artificial Intelligence Association of Ireland (AIAI) Member -
The British Computer Society Information Retrieval Specialist Group (BCS-IRSG) Member -
The ACM Committee on Women (ACM-W) Member -
The European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence (ECCAI) Member -
The Irish Chapter of The ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) Member -
The ACM Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval (SIGIR) Member -
The Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (CLEF) Association Member -


Committee Function From / To
The 45th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR), 2023 Doctoral Consortium Chair - 02/04/2023
The Inaugural International Digital Mental Health and Wellbeing Conference (2023) Programme Committee - 23/06/2023
TrueHealth: Workshop on Combating Health Misinformation for Social Wellbeing, at ICWSM (2023) Programme Committee - 05/06/2023
The 45th Annual ACM Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval Conference (SIGIR), 2023 Senior Programme Committee - 30/04/2023
The 45th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR), 2023 Senior Programme Committee - 30/04/2023
The 24th INTERSPEECH Conference, 2023 Grants Chair - 30/04/2023
The 44th Annual ACM Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval Conference (SIGIR), 2022 Programme Committee - 30/09/2022
The 44th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR), 2022 Senior Programme Committee - 30/09/2022
The 13th Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum Conference (CLEF), 2022 Programme Committee - 30/09/2022
The 9th CLEF eHealth Evaluation Lab, 2021 Lab Chair - 30/09/2021
The 43rd European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR), 2021 Senior Programme Committee - 30/09/2021
The 12th Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum Conference (CLEF), 2021 Programme Committee - 30/09/2021
The 42nd European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR), 2020 Senior Programme Committee - 01/04/2020
The 42nd Annual ACM Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval Conference (SIGIR), 2020 Programme Committee - 30/06/2020
The 11th Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum Conference (CLEF), 2020 Programme Committee - 01/09/2020
EvalUMAP Shared Challenge – Comparative Evaluation in the User Modelling, Adaptation and Personalisation Space, 2020 Shared Challenge Chair - 28/06/2020
The 8th CLEF eHealth Evaluation Lab, 2020 Lab Chair - 30/09/2020
The 41st Annual ACM Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval Conference (SIGIR), 2019 Programme Committee - 30/09/2019
The 1st National Data Analytics for Smart Farming Workshop Workshop Chair - 29/06/2019
The 7th CLEF eHealth Evaluation Lab, 2019 Lab Chair - 14/09/2019
The 10th Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum Conference (CLEF), 2019 Programme Committee - 10/09/2019
The 41st European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR), 2019 Senior Programme Committee - 30/04/2019
The 3rd UMAP EvalUMAP – Towards Comparative Evaluation in the User Modelling, Adaptation and Personalisation Workshop, 2019 Workshop Chair - 29/06/2019
Evaluation of Personalized Information Retrieval 2019 - Medical Search Task Task Chair - 30/09/2019
The 9th Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum Conference (CLEF), 2018 Programme Committee - 31/08/2018
The 40th Annual ACM Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval Conference (SIGIR), 2018 Programme Committee - 06/07/2018
The 6th CLEF eHealth Evaluation Lab, 2018 Lab Chair - 14/09/2018
The 40th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR), 2018 Programme Committee - 30/09/2018
The 8th International Workshop on Health Text Mining and Information Analysis (LOUHI), 2017 Programme Committee - 30/09/2017
The 5th CLEF eHealth Evaluation Lab, 2017 Lab Chair - 30/09/2017
The 2nd UMAP EvalUMAP – Towards Comparative Evaluation in the User Modelling, Adaptation and Personalisation Workshop, 2017 Workshop Chair - 30/09/2017
The 8th Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum Conference (CLEF), 2017 Programme Chair - 30/09/2017
The 39th Annual ACM Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval Conference (SIGIR), 2017 Programme Committee - 30/09/2017
The 39th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR), 2017 Programme Committee - 30/09/2017